Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1533: Cross-border bombardment

Difficult to break through the way of heaven.

Although Luo Yueying, Shangguan Immortal, and Blood Rose are Chu Yuan women, they don't lack resources, and they have massive inheritance to allow them to practice, but it is not so easy to become heavenly.

"Only the primitive can live longer, embark on the eternal road, and face the eternal catastrophe again and again. You have a good understanding of my practice, the imitation of the eternal path of Yuanshi, and walk out of your own way of heaven."

Chu Yuan was cultivating himself, and his primitive power was also affecting the three women.

Weird and strange, when he was cultivating, he had an incredible sight.

The realm of primitive gods is complicated to say, but in fact, the essence is a way of constant pursuit to make oneself stronger, like a mortal against the sky, leaving a weak body in immortality.

While cultivating, he evolved the Gate of Swallowing by himself, and he was like the strongest swallowing sky.

His power penetrated into the infinite time and space, the energy gate was opened, and the monstrous primitive energy rolled into the realm of Shenwu.

With the gate of chaos and the great chaos technique, Chu Yuan is the greatest creator of the world.

Inside the gods, strangely opened up everywhere, endless shining vitality, stars and universes are all wrapped in the richest aura.

In his creation, the empire has to evolve into a small multi-universe prototype, with its own laws and will.

He looked at the Tomb of Yin Ling.

The tomb of the yin spirit is already evolving towards the world of life and death, and there is a light of sky flickering in it, and the vague appearance of the Lord of the sky can be seen vaguely.

He has reached the primitive and mastered incredible means, and can already gradually upgrade the Tomb of the Yin Ling.

He let the lord of the sky into the Lord, is to continuously instill strength, and save for his true resurrection.

His resurrection is not as simple as the fire ancestor.

First of all, he is the pinnacle of the Primitive Fifth Realm. During the Great Ancient War, his destiny fragments were also shattered, which made his resurrection hundreds of times more difficult than the flame ancestor.

"The world of life and death cannot be achieved immediately."

Chu Yuan knew that such a great thing could not be accomplished overnight, so be patient.

"I'm not in a hurry, as long as you continue to grow stronger, I will be resurrected sooner or later..."

The Lord of the Sky sent his thoughts.

"I know."

Chu Yuan responded with his thoughts.

At this moment, his three beloved concubines were all cultivating beside him, and the light was flying everywhere. Each of them was plunged into deep cultivation, and they saw different things in their eyes.

Suddenly, in the sky above Luo Yueying, a heavenly path and divine calamity condensed, and it came down naturally.

"Huh? Moon Shadow is going to become a god."

Chu Yuandao.

He watched Luo Yueying greet the catastrophe of Heaven.

In fact, his female resources are not lacking, what is lacking is the perception of the way of heaven and the understanding of his primitive way, which made Luo Yueying take the most crucial step.

The sky is rolling, and the power is vast.

Luo Yueying was very calm within the tribulation. Twenty days later, the tribulation dissipated and she smoothly became the **** of the heavenly path.

"Congratulations, Yueying, you have also become a **** of heaven."

Shangguanxian and Blood Rose immediately congratulated them, and they were also very envious. Now your majesty's concubine, they are still trapped in the realm of the great exalted, and it is difficult to get out.

Who doesn't envy you to become a god?

"Yueying has become a way of heaven, you don't have to worry, you can achieve it with me."

Chu Yuan said with a smile.

Luo Yueying's personality is very calm, as calm as water, she is somewhat similar to Yao Ling'er, and she spends her days thinking and practicing in her palace.

As for Shangguanxian and Blood Rose, their personalities are going to be much publicized.

"We will work hard!"

Your Majesty has given them the best resources, and it's up to them.

Time and space outside Shenwu.

"Since he became a primitive, he has gained momentum, just stepping on our heads. Look at his sacred dynasty, the fortune of the country is rising frantically every moment!"

A group of powerful people like the Lord of Difficulties are watching Shenwu's luck with hundreds of millions of time and space.

"Immortal and glorious luck, does Shenwu want to make his own heaven and earth into an existence similar to the gods and heaven, and ultimately into the eternal **** realm?"

Looking at the Earth Dragon Emperor, he could realize the extraordinary place of Shenwu Shenchao.

Outside Shenwu, there are many created stars that surround the entire Shenwu world, with terrifying power on them. They are all military fortresses, the first line of defense of the empire.

And then, in the constantly turbulent ocean of time and space.

In the innermost part, is the dazzling Shenwutian.

They can feel the tight and powerful power in Shenwu Tian, ​​and they can no longer conquer casually.

"This is a hidden danger to the enemy!"

Duhai said with a stern face: "Now I have gone to the eternal road for three days, looking for the path of the sixth realm, but before that, we can't see the martial arts. Such unscrupulous development must be restrained! "

Although the previous war had not really fought, because of Shenwu, the three-day powerhouse did not withdraw.

"You must find a way."

They all nodded, Shenwu's expansion was too frightening.

"You dare to spy on our gods at will!"

In the boundless world, Chu Yuan stood tall in the heavens. When his power shook, there was a loud noise resounding through the heavens and the earth, and endless time and space exploded and collapsed. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

His gaze spanned time and space, and he saw people spying on him.

"Chaos destroys the world."

Chu Yuan suddenly held an extremely huge axe in his hand. He was the Lord of the World Destruction, with a tall and burly body. His axe made the sun and the moon dark, and the sky paled.

A force that crossed time and space, with his power shocked, was transmitted beyond the ten thousand realms.


They were obviously still far away from the area of ​​Shenwu in the disaster, but suddenly they heard a scream of scream and hot blood splashed on them.

"Cross the sea!"

When the light regained in front of him, he was shocked by the disaster. It was Duhai's body that was slashed, and his body was ravaged by the power of destruction, all with broken scars.

In particular, an axe-shaped wound on his body was the worst, almost splitting him in half.

"His power!"

Crossing the sea made a cry of incomparable pain, and his face was distorted and hideous, especially his soul, which was also cut by Chu Yuan, hurting his roots.

This is a cross-border bombardment.

Separated by hundreds of millions of time and space, infinitely far away, with a single axe, he severely injured the crossing of the sea in the Primitive First Realm.

This is simply incredible.

"His axe!"

The Earth Dragon Sovereign also has fear in his heart, and his power is too infinite. This is the divine power that can be exploded by the supreme primitive artifact. How many artifacts does Shenwu possess?

He couldn't imagine it anymore.

"He is shocking us."

The face of the Lord of Difficulties is extremely ugly: "He is telling us that after he reaches the Primordial God, we can't deal with it, but I have to admit that he is indeed outrageously strong. I am afraid that only a strong man at the level of God can deal with it. he!"

The power of this axe really shocked them!

With their strength, facing Shenwu alone, anyone could be beheaded by him.

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