This was an epic blow, struck across the air and frightened these primitive gods.

They couldn't predict Chu Yuan's terrifying fighting ability, and they learned his invincible power.

Chu Yuan slashed out an axe and returned to calm again.

"The **** emperor cut out an axe and wounded the lord of the sea crossing hundreds of millions of time and space."

The Book of Enlightenment appeared in front of Chu Yuan. He had an unusual aura, holding a pen in his hand, and carrying a note of the empire's epic poems forever for the people to read.

Chu Yuan looked at him.

The Book of Spirit Enlightenment can no longer simply measure his strength by realm.

His cultivation method is different.

He is the epic book of the empire, recording the big and small things of the empire, and has become the history of the empire.

An empire has his epic, which records various legends.

From the emperor to the common people, they are all part of the empire, the builders of the epic, and no one can be regarded as a complete epic.

"Book of Enlightenment."

Chu Yuan said: "Very well, the epics of you and the empire have been perfectly integrated. The empire needs the compilation of epics. Not only I, but also other existences of the empire can be edited and included. The history of the empire cannot be forgotten. This is one This is a huge project."

"The minister has been doing these things."

The Book of Enlightenment nodded.

He wrote the epic of the empire, and became the epic book of the empire as his book spirit. He obviously felt the benefits. He did not need to practice in the ordinary way of heaven, but became stronger with the development of the gods.

With his current strength, even weak primitive gods can hardly kill him.

He can burst out the epic of the empire, a brilliant legendary power.

"Your spirit is vast. If your body can condense into a book with eternal matter, you can have the power of a primitive god."

Chu Yuan saw through his flaws, "But I will help you on this point. You don't need to worry about it. You not only need to record history, but also build the largest library of the empire. These are the tasks that I entrusted to you."

The Book of Enlightenment, like Lu Qianfu, belonged to the civil servants of the empire and did not directly participate in the battle.

However, the operation of an empire requires not only military commanders, but also a large number of civil servants. Otherwise, the entire country will be messed up and cause great chaos.

"The minister understands."

The Book of Enlightenment nodded, "Your Majesty, Yi Tianzun has released a new ranking of Heavenly Dao, but this time it is a bit strange. The first position of Heavenly Dao is vacant, and the other rankings have not changed much."

The No. 1 vacancy of the Way of Heaven is clearly the No. 1 that Yi Tianzun believes that no one at this stage deserves.

"Yi Tianzun's list is still a great reference."

Chu Yuandao.

"Since no one can be the number one, let me be the number one."

Suddenly, the Wangchuan River converged.

Fenghua peerless, there is a domineering arrogance.

Jiu You Meiyu was cold and stern, and she walked to Chu Yuan's face with strong self-confidence.

"Heaven is the fifth stage." Chu Yuan smiled.

Jiuyou has already broken through the fifth stage. Although she has the resources of the empire, she can become the fifth stage in a short time, which is also extremely powerful.

She has a strong personality, which is different from the other concubines in his imperial palace, and she has a strong heart.

"it is good."

Chu Yuan smiled and said: "Jiuyou, I am waiting for you to become No. 1 in the heavenly path, and then it's time to go out of your original path."

"I also have some insights on the way of the original gods." Jiuyou Dao,

"Original is a way to constantly pursue eternity, eternal realm."

Chu Yuan reminded: "Now you go to the map of the sky to understand it, which is of great benefit to your cultivation. Now the situation is turbulent, and the fortune of the heavens and all walks of life has changed greatly. It will be a time when the heroes will rise together and the strong from all walks of life will fight for hegemony. "

Jiuyou nodded without comment.

Chu Yuan looked at her, and hoped that she could become primitive as soon as possible and help herself.

"Your Majesty, now our country is prospering, and the morale of the strong from all walks of life is strong. This is the prosperity of the empire, and the ministers are recording these legends."

The Book of Enlightenment is the greatest book of wisdom. With powerful wisdom, like a light brain, he calculates all kinds of trivial things in the empire.

"This is very good. I will pass on my orders and issue edicts from all walks of life in the empire. We are going to hold an empire competition, spread all over the country, divided into realms and different cultivation bases. We will give out extremely rich rewards to reward those People who have achieved excellent results in the Grand Competition will mobilize their enthusiasm."

Although the empire always holds various competitions.

But this time, the meaning was different. It was a big comparison between Chu Yuan becoming a primitive **** and a peak power.

"Also, I planned to issue a recruitment order before, issue, and continue to issue recruitment orders, saying that I am thirsty for talents, and come to God's dynasty to be my people, and then write this great comparison on it, not only for our people. You can participate, and even the strong from other forces can participate. I welcome them. An empire is strong and cannot be closed and closed. It must always contact the outside world and have fresh blood circulation. Otherwise, the empire will be solidified over time. There is the impact of external blood."

Chu Yuandao, the way to govern the country is always the most complicated.

"The minister understands what to do."

The Book of Enlightenment is very clever. He has learned too much knowledge of the country’s governance: “Before the recruitment order was issued, there were not too many people who dared to come to UU reading, but now it’s different. The strong from all walks of life know that, and now, the multiverse will be facing a huge change for hundreds of millions of years. Undercurrents are surging, and the minister guesses that more people will join."

he knows.

Your Majesty’s convening of Da Bi is only a purpose, and the deeper purpose is to use Da Bi to let those strong who rely on Shenwu quickly integrate into the empire.

However, it does have a lot of appeal now.

All this needs to be built on the strong foundation of the empire.

"I leave these things to you, and I believe you can do them well."

It is impossible for Chu Yuan to make everything up to him. He only controls the general direction, just like a giant wheel. What he needs to do is the direction of the giant wheel.

"Jiuyou, after you go to the Heaven Map for enlightenment, you can go to the Taichu Heaven. I have asked the Fire Ancestor to help the Taichu Divine Tree. There I predict that a great battle will erupt because of me. Primordial Road cannot be achieved by retreat."

Although it is safe in the empire, it is difficult to achieve primitiveness in the empire.

Jiuyou's personality is really different from Yao Ling'er, she needs more tempering to achieve it.

Jiu You nodded slightly, "I know what to do."

Chu Yuan will also issue orders one by one, and the temporary calm will be a greater crisis. The empire still needs to train its troops to create a stronger corps.

The thirty-three days of war is really different from before, and it needs more powerful men.

"The development of an empire requires countless resources, and no matter how much resources are exhausted, our empire is developing, and so is the development of the empire, and they are also rapidly becoming stronger."

Chu Yuan's gaze was able to cross the universe of time and space, vaguely seeing Du'ertian.

In order to deal with Shenwu, they are also accumulating strength.

An empire's major training and martial arts competition is also beginning.

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