After arranging some things, all Chu Yuan could do was wait.

He believes that when the recruitment order continues, a large number of strong people will come to him.

"Time and Space Island..."

Chu Yuan didn't wait in the empire. After he settled things down, he crossed directly into the space-time island.

In the ocean of time and space, there was a man covered in crystals, who was cultivating. After seeing Chu Yuan, he quickly said, "I have seen your Majesty!"

This is the God of Time and Space, he draws the breath of time and space in the Island of Time and Space, and makes himself break into the original God Realm.

"Go, go to a place with me, maybe it is the treasure of time and space."

Chu Yuan felt the majesty of mana in the space and sea that day, but he didn't collect his mana because he didn't have enough mana at that time. Now it is the time to collect it.

The chaotic time force, in some places, tens of thousands of years have passed in an instant, but in some places it seems calm.

In the depths of the sea of ​​time and space, the power of time and space is too strong, such as real ocean liquid, reflecting the scene of colorful aurora, just grab a handful, all are solidified, rolling like a pearl.

"Time Space Island is extremely mysterious."

With Chu Yuan's primitive god's mana at this time, he could feel the vast and mysterious power. Even he, facing the sea of ​​time, seemed to be looking at the boundless sea, unable to know the details.

He urged a power of supreme origin to lock in one direction.

In time and space, you cannot accurately judge the time.

"It should be in this direction."

Chu Yuan felt that time and space were extremely unstable, and the surrounding aurora flickered wildly, seeming to step into the past and the future, unable to return to the real space.

"The gate of time and space."

Chu Yuan suddenly condensed a punch with the gate of time and space, smashing through the space in front of him, crashing, like the sound of a mirror being broken, a terrifying time and space force roared out.

In his eyes, he saw an incredible scene.

A body of one million feet long floating on the ocean, looks like a human.

But he is not a body of flesh and blood, emitting the light of time and space, but a body that is as flawless as a crystal.

"This is a creature?"

Chu Yuan really saw the appearance of his body, and also made a startled voice.

The luster is crystal clear, and his body is like a very small crystal particle, forming a huge divine body.

It is the power of time and space, as if every cell contains a world.

"The existence in the space-time sea may be a creature, but it has no life."

Chu Yuan observed for a moment and made a sound of admiration: "What a **** body that contains the power of time and space, it is simply the most perfect work of art. He represents time. In the endless years, he absorbs the power of time, space and sea, and becomes stronger and stronger. "

"Your Majesty, there is still an artifact there!"

Time and Space God points forward.

Looking in the past, it was a **** like Tissot, pure and transparent color.

"Time flies like an arrow, time flies like an arrow, this is the shuttle of time."

Chu Yuan said: "The God of Time and Space, this is simply tailor-made for you. Don’t hurry to refine his power. You are also a crystal of time and space power. If you refine him, you can become a primitive god, and you On the island of time and space, it is more like a fish in the water to seek greater benefits for the gods."

Although this divine body also contained eternal matter, Chu Yuan had no refining ideas.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Time and Space God is also excited.

Although he is a powerful person rewarded by the system to Chu Yuan, he does not seem to belong to pluralism, but he also has his own wisdom and his own emotions.

With a wave of Chu Yuan's hands, the power that enveloped the divine body was immediately swept away, rumbling, and an endless bright divine light impacted immediately.

Time and Space God passed immediately.

There is no obstacle to his refining the power of the divine body, everything is very easy, just like an instinct.

"If he really is a real creature, how did he fall?"

Chu Yuan knew that at this time, the time, space, and the world might come from the eternal road.

The Eternal Road is the most dangerous place. Although he has never been to it, he understands that there are strong people from the ancient era, and the multiverse is the cradle of nurturing strong people.

"You don't need to think about it, you will know when you should."

Chu Yuan suddenly looked in one direction and said coldly and sternly: "Don't hide, you two, I have seen it, especially you. Back then, I slapped me in time and space. I remember you."

He grabbed his palm fiercely, and a large space of time was torn apart, and two people appeared immediately.

The two men, one dressed in white and the other in black, are full of light and dark power.

The black-clothed old man once bombarded Chu Yuan while taking a photo in time and space.

"Oh? It's you, Shenwu."

The black-clothed old man saw Chu Yuan faintly said: "You have come to the time and space sea again, this time you also found the time and space divine body, okay, we have been looking for this time and space divine body for a long time, but you did not expect to find it first ."

Before the two of them were attracted by the fluctuations of the temporal and spatial divine body, they were a little surprised when they met Chu Yuan.

And his two's impression of Chu Yuan still stayed at the top of heaven.

They have always been in time and space. Although the outside world is full of noise, their news is blocked. UU reading www.uukā does not know how sensation Chu Yuan has done.


The white-clothed old man was keenly aware, and shouted: "He is no longer a heavenly god, but a primitive god. I feel his breath, tyrannical and terrifying!"

"He broke through the original?"

The black-clothed old man was also surprised, and said unbelievably: "How fast? It shouldn't have been long since we came to Time and Space. Could it be that time and space are chaotic here. In fact, the outside world has been a long time ago?"

"Do you also want this time and space body?"

Chu Yuan looked at them with a faint expression on his face.

It seems that I don't know anything about the outside world.

"Naturally, we have been looking for this divine body for a long time."

Although the black-clothed old man saw that Chu Yuan had become a primitive, he was not afraid, "Shenwu, although you have broken through the primitive, you can't be your opponent. The primitive is only the first realm. Today, you can find it for us. You can go. , I am not embarrassing you."

He also saw that if he really fought against Chu Yuan, he couldn't help him.

And the light in the white clothing's eyes continued to revolve, extremely cautious, and the sound transmission said: "Be wary of this person, and try not to fight if you can. He is unfathomable and I can't see him."

"Baihai needn't be afraid of him. Even if it is difficult for one person to suppress him, let us join hands? Will we still be afraid of him? Haha, as long as this divine body is in hand, we will refine the power in time, space and sea, and here, we will be more like a fish !"

The black-clothed old man is not worried, he is also a masterful existence. He has never seen any scenes, even the tragic ancient war.

"You, I didn't ask you to settle the matter when I acted against me that day. If you want to seize the treasure in front of me, you must have that power."

Chu Yuan's aura enveloped the ages, and the figure facing them was domineering.

He has already seen that the black-clothed old man and the white-clothed old man are both the original third realm cultivation base.

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