"Invincible's strongest god-level selection system (

"You are too arrogant and presumptuous. Don't think that you can be ignorant if you are primitive. No matter what, I will let you know how powerful this seat is and how to write the word awe!"

The black-clothed old man's eyes moved, and he suddenly took the initiative to attack Chu Yuan, wanting to teach this person a lesson and make him sober.

And if he knew what was happening outside, he would never think so.

His palm covered the sky, and endless darkness struck. Between the sky and the earth, there was no light, it was total darkness, and fell into dead silence.

He condenses supernatural powers and contains extremely deadly murderous intent.

If Chu Yuan's realm was higher than him, he would never make a move, but it was only in the first state, and he had no reason to be afraid.

A joke, he would still be afraid of people whose realm is not as good as him.

His palm is the torrent of darkness.

boom! But Chu Yuan just lifted a palm, and the original mana that dominated the world directly confronted the black-clothed old man.

"Somewhat capable."

The black-clothed old man didn't care, and said: "The sun and the moon are without light, and the darkness is forever!"

His power whizzed out, swallowing the light, the black-clothed old man was the strongest existence in the darkness, and his power bombarded people with no sight of his existence.

"I said there must be light in this world."

Chu Yuanyan followed the law, and suddenly burst out the brightest divine light, a monstrous light that pierced the darkness, brilliant and brilliant.

The figure of the old man in black was instantly captured by him.


With the momentum of thunder, he shook his palm, which was endless thunder, directly slapped on the old man's body, and he attacked and killed, but in an instant, it was an explosion of hundreds of moves.

The black-clothed old man was caught off guard, he was also a little dazed, how could his dark magical powers be broken so easily.

Being attacked so fiercely, he was also forced to retreat again and again, and his body was shaking like a river.

"Dark palm print!"

The old man in black would never think that he was not Chu Yuan's opponent. The darkness was like a tide. This scene was like the end of the day, and he was the Lord of Darkness.

The mighty, surging divine power impacted from Chu Yuan.

He carried the power to destroy the dead, locked the dark old man, and condensed the emperor's dominance with one punch. The time and space around him was frozen, and the monstrous power made the black old man unable to dodge.

With just this punch, the black-clothed old man spit out blood, he was actually no opponent.

"How can it be so powerful!"

The black-clothed old man was also deeply puzzled and shouted: "Zhang Jing, you and I work together to suppress him, I don't believe it, we can't deal with him if we shoot together!"

The white-clothed old man Zhang Jing didn't want to make a move, but his companion has already fought the Shenwu God Emperor, and he can't watch the show like that.

The power of light.

The old man in white controls the power of light.

Darkness and light.

The power of these two people were originally mutually opposed attributes, but they were perfectly integrated together, bursting out a stronger power, allowing them to fight even when facing the fourth stage.

Dark as the sea.

Bright as the sea.

The two opposing forces are horrifying and raging, and this combination turns into a heavenly wheel that coexists with light and dark.

At this moment, it shocked Chu Yuan, if the ordinary first state, they might not be able to escape their power.

Of course, Chu Yuan just stood in place.

"Huh! I dare to be big, you and I merge light and dark, and the strength is fierce, well, I see how you can stand it!"

The black-clothed old man suffered a big loss in front of Chu Yuan, and his heart was angry.

In an instant, the power of darkness and light hit Chu Yuan's front.

But a scene that made the two people unbelievable appeared. In front of Chu Yuan, two portals of darkness and light also appeared, and at the same time, they swept the opposing power of light and darkness.

"He will also have the power of darkness and light!"

The old man in black said in disbelief.

Their most powerful method is the fusion of light and darkness. Now that Chu Yuan controls these two portals, it has broken their tricks and greatly weakened their strength.

With mighty power, Chu Yuan's palm shook.

The invincible divine might, his multiple portals appeared, and they were condensed into a wheel of magical powers. His wheel of magical powers was suppressed downwards, and the two were enveloped in.

"Break his power!"

The two roared.

The development of the situation has exceeded the imagination of the two of them. I thought that Shenwu was only the first stage. Even if it was powerful, they had absolute strength to resist.

But the situation.

Not as they thought.

The force that the wheel of magical powers pressed down, the continuous blast of power made them retreat in a row.

The power of the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword was revealed, and the power of the Heaven-Zhuking exploded in Chu Yuan's hands, and he walked on the waves, killing everything with a single sword, leaving a deep sword mark directly on the black-clothed old man.

"Emperor Zhutian's divine sword!" The black-clothed old man endured the pain.

"Unexpectedly, this person is so terrible, and neither of me will benefit from joining hands."

The white-clothed old man Zhang Jing was also shocked. His wisdom worked, thinking about how to end today’s affairs, "Retire, we can hardly be his opponents, give up the time and space body, after all, the time and space island is close to his empire. benefit!"

"Retreat?" The black-clothed old man gritted his teeth, "but I'm not reconciled."

"No one can leave without my consent."

Chu Yuan's mighty voice hit the world.

Humanity is supreme, brilliant and splendid, the majesty that shocks the soul, makes endless light gather on his body, the light suddenly shines, making him the only true god, the strongest holy emperor.


When he arrived at the Primordial God, he was no longer what he used to be, and his magical powers were not the same, and the two men could not be his opponents.

"Interfering with my soul!"

The black-clothed old man was also shocked and reacted in an instant: "He can also master soul skills. This person has a lot of supernatural powers and has many powerful artifacts. It seems that he has only retreated!"


Chu Yuan's invincible divine power burst out. With a move of his hands, a huge oven of heaven and earth condenses, and the blazing flame is a divine fire that destroys the world.

The two resisted.

But in this world, all their mana has disappeared, and UU Read www.uukahnshu.com was forced to retreat again and again, under tremendous pressure.

"Huh! If we want to go, you absolutely can't stop us!"

The black-clothed old man, the white-clothed old man turned into black light and white light.

"The Great Axe of World Destruction."

Hum! As soon as the world-destroying giant axe appeared, the surrounding time, space and sea were shattered. Once the world-destroying power was cut out, even the eternal matter of the original **** could be destroyed.

"The supreme primitive artifact, the main killer!"

When they saw this axe, they both shook fiercely.

The power of this great axe was too strong, and they realized the strong danger.

Chu Yuan swung the world-destroying axe, but with a single split, both the black light and the white light were cut off, and the world was split in half.

He straddled his majestic steps and reached the black-clothed old man in an instant, slashing on his body.

Flesh and blood splattered, the black-clothed old man was almost torn apart.

With the terrible wound on his body, the black-clothed old man endured the pain without screaming, with a shining light flashing, this is the eternal substance he cultivated, repairing his injury.

"At this moment, I consumed one percent of the eternal matter before I resisted his offensive!"

The old man in black also trembles.

Primitive God, who is constantly cultivating eternal matter in his body, as the Primitive Third Realm, his patience to withstand blows is much stronger than others, otherwise, this axe could not bear it.

But every bit of eternal matter is tempered with great effort and effort, and every loss is a loss.

For this one percent of the consumption, if the old man does not have a divine object that replenishes the eternal matter, he can only make up for it by slowly practicing himself and it will take hundreds of thousands of years.

It's not that he is not strong, but the Great Axe of Destroying the World, the damage caused by this supreme primitive artifact is too strong.

Where did he teach him a lesson, but he taught himself a profound lesson!

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