"Invincible's strongest god-level selection system (

Chu Yuan slashed at them with the world-destroying giant axe, and the powerful damage it brought made them feel the fear from their souls.

The wound caused by the giant axe needs eternal matter to be repaired.

The importance of eternal matter to primitive gods is self-evident.

"Can't fight him hard!"

They are also anxious, they don't have the supreme primitive artifact in their hands, even if they can't fight against hard power, how can such an opponent fight him.

Only run, the farther away from him, the better.

"Darkness breaks the world!"

The black-clothed old man directly played the dark supernatural power.

But Chu Yuan directly lifted his axe forward and smashed it with one axe. The torrent of time and space swept in and continued to destroy. With one axe, he straddled the old man in black again like a holy emperor walking through time and space.

It is also the consumption of eternal material.

Can't fight him, the eternal material consumption is too great.

But Chu Yuan did not let go of his thoughts. The axe slashed continuously, opening up the world, and the black-clothed old man was tumbling in the void, and his eternal matter was about to be consumed by 10%.

"If this goes on, when the eternal matter in the body is exhausted, it is not being kneaded by him!"

The black-clothed old man was terrified, and he said in shock: "Zhang Jing, let us burn eternal matter together, explode eternal supernatural powers, fight hard and break his blockade!"

The old man in white did not hesitate.

The light and dark power of the two erupted again, as if showing a great existence of light and dark coexisting, the two also turned into two torrents, like a dragon colliding and fleeing towards the void.

The Sealed Door!

The power of the seal is coming!

But relying on this kind of seal was not enough, so Chu Yuan used two time and space portals to deepen the seal, mobilizing the majestic space and time power of this place to block them in a more all-round way.

He stepped on strongly, and the giant axe slashed again, and the old man in black and the old man in white were cut at the same time.

"All laws are one!"

Chu Yuan's magical powers are all unified, carrying the power of destruction, and descending with the door of destruction, creating a terrifying storm of destruction.

"Seal my retreat, I'm fighting with you!"

The black-clothed old man roared, his whole body exuding darkness, trying to break the blockade of Chu Yuan.

But Chu Yuan didn't move when he saw him rushing forward. He was too strong now, and he was forced back by just one palm.

"Can't help but be willing, continue, burn more eternal matter!"

The white-clothed old man shouted, "There is only one way, don't be afraid of consumption, we will make up for it when we leave here!"

He knows the choice.

Hum! At this moment, his eternal matter burned crazily, several times more than before.

The eternal light was fierce, piercing through the eternal ages, pulling away the clouds and mist to see the blue sky, actually piercing the seal of Chu Yuan.

"The burning of eternal matter."

Chu Yuan also became a primitive god, and naturally knew that the consumption of eternal matter was also the most powerful ultimate move of the primitive god.

Until important moments, eternal matter will not be consumed.

"I burn too!"

The black-clothed old man didn't hesitate either. The two burned at the same time. This burning force, the most violent real fire, immediately burned a big hole in the blockade.

In just an instant, the two of them consumed at least 10% of the eternal substance in their bodies, but the effect was very good.

"It's now!"

As soon as the two saw that the seal was broken, they were delighted to run away.

But in the next instant, an eternal divine light also shined, Chu Yuan stood in front of the big hole that broke open, the other party has eternal matter, doesn't he have it.

His eternal matter is more vast.

When he reached the Primitive God, Chu Yuan's greatest improvement was that he could also use eternal matter against the enemy.

There is no eternal matter.


The black-clothed old man trembled with anger, "Are you fighting for the consumption of eternal material, but also to deal with us? Shenwu, don't be too arrogant and domineering!"

He is also worried.

Since the battle, he has consumed at least 30% of the eternal matter, and he can no longer consume it anymore.

Chu Yuan didn't bother to tell them more. He continued to block the surrounding area. He wanted to use these two people to verify his own strength. If he could kill them, it would be better.

The black-clothed old man's heart sank, and his heart was half cold. The opponent's will was already obvious, and he would not let them go.

Big swallowing technique, infinite vacuum.

At this time, the space-time power of Time Konghai was also swallowed by Chu Yuan, that vast and turbulent divine power entered his body, compressed and condensed into eternal matter, and burst out even more dazzling divine light.

The horror of the Great Devouring Technique, it seems that there is no direct and powerful attack, but it can be inexhaustible in the battle, replenish itself, and is not afraid of consumption.

Seeing this scene, the old man in white felt more uncomfortable, his eternal divine light became more dazzling, and shouted: "Fight, quickly follow me to burn more eternal matter, smash various gods, and must break his blockade. !"

Under Chu Yuan's oppression, he also felt a great threat in the depths of his soul.

Without taking advantage of the most ferocious power, slowly consuming it with him, fighting will not work.

"it is good!"

The black-clothed old man also nodded, and his whole body burned more vigorously at the same time, and attacked Chu Yuan together with the white-clothed old man, trying to knock him away.

But in the next instant, when the eternal matter burned into the vacuum, he saw that there was a huge ship outside the seal!

The mighty horror transmitted by this big ship is also the supreme primitive artifact, and the Shenwu Divine Emperor actually ambush a supreme primitive warship outside.

There are so many artifacts.

The means are extremely strong.

He didn't know how to fight Chu Yuan.

He also regretted in his heart, why he had to fight Chu Yuan in time and space, if he was outside ~ www.ltnovel.com~, even if this person blocked him with power, it would not be possible to force him to this point.

And the most important thing is.

He had a foreboding that even if he and the white-clothed old man burned again this time, they would not be able to escape his blockade.

"There is no way, you can only use this trick, you can't blame me!"

The black-clothed old man suddenly became fierce. When he and the white-clothed old man were about to reach Chu Yuan, he suddenly slapped the white-clothed old man in the darkness.

"The power of light and darkness!"

With his slap, the white-clothed old man seemed to add fuel to the fire. The originally controllable consumption suddenly became uncontrollable. The force rushed into the body, and a stronger burning broke out.

His whole person is like a torch, with a feathered light.

The old man in black is too familiar with his power and knows how to plot against him.

"What are you doing!" roared the old man in white, without expecting that he would be tricked by his companion.

"Don't blame me, neither of us can run out if we don't try our best. I don't want to work hard, so I can only go desperately. Don't worry, you will open an escape route for me. I will inherit Tianzun and wait until I become stronger. Yes, I will avenge you in the future, for sure, for sure!"

The black-clothed old man is cruel, and for his own sake, he doesn't care about sacrificing the white-clothed old man.

Only his sacrifice can make him burn less eternal matter and avoid desperate efforts.

He himself is the most important!

The white-clothed old man was unprepared. The moment he hit the seal, that blazing power, like a meteorite hitting the stars, impacted like the world, and opened a passage for life.

The old man in black also seized this opportunity, his power exploded and escaped.

"I consider you a friend of life and death. I didn't expect that in the end I would be betrayed by you!"

The angry voice of the white-clothed old man resounded through the world.

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