Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1538: Time and Space God Breakthrough

"He ran away, he secretly calculated me, let me face Shenwu alone!"

The white clothed angrily rushed to the crown, he would not have thought that the black clothed old man would do such a thing, if he had even a little defense, he would not fall into this fate.

That was his life and death, best friend.

When they were not primitive, they joined hands to explore, and later they got the inheritance of an ancient power together, and both stepped into primitive realm.

He hates it.

In the world of martial arts, sometimes to live for oneself, that can be denied by the six relatives. Obviously the black-clothed old man believes that only abandoning the white-clothed old man is the wisest for him.

What he hates most is that the black-clothed old man counts against him. I am afraid that in the black-clothed old man's heart, he has long thought that if there is such a day, he will count him.

"Eternal Seal!"

Boom! Chu Yuan's eternal seal came from suppression.

He won't pay attention to the anger of the old man in white now.

The two of them were not his opponents when they joined forces. What's more, he was the only one left. After a long struggle, they were sealed by Chu Yuan in the sealed gate.

"The winner, the loser, I lose, and it falls into your hands, just let you knead, you kill me!"

The white-clothed old man knew that he couldn't escape, and he accepted his fate. The hatred in his eyes was not because of Chu Yuan, but because of the black-clothed old man.

"I hate to read him wrong!"

"This is the cruelty in the universe."

Chu Yuan said indifferently: "You have mistrusted others, and you are in trouble. If your partner hadn't acted on me, there would be nothing like today. I can give you a chance to survive."

"Yes, I believe in the wrong person." The white-clothed old man said: "Shenwu, you want me to surrender to you. This is impossible. If you want to kill it, kill it. There is so much nonsense. I am not afraid of death. In my life, I have experienced too many calamities of life and death, and I have seen it through. On the path of eternity, life and death are ordinary."

"You have a backbone, your bones are very hard. If you ask me to kill you, I won't kill you. If you beg me for mercy, I won't save your life."

The hard spirit of the white-clothed old man made Chu Yuan no longer want to kill him.

He reigns over the white-clothed old man: "Just in my seal, please be calm and calm. When you figure it out, it will be the day when you see the light again."

"I won't surrender!"

As soon as the white-clothed old man was sealed in a void, he suddenly saw a group of evil dark and cold power in front of him, and shouted: "What is that!"

"Let me out, you can't seal me!"

The evil demon outside the sky made this roaring sound every day and night, and his soul would collapse when he heard it, and when he saw the old man in white, he immediately swept towards him.


The old man in white can perceive that this thing can devour his eternal matter.


A thunder of scourge struck down, and the evil demon outside of the sky collapsed immediately, and then reunited to form, immortal and immortal. I don't know how to eliminate him completely.

Kuang Lei Purgatory, sealed the evil demon outside the sky.

"Immortality is immortal, this thing can't die!"

The white-clothed old man could see that the evil demon outside the heavens was defeated by the Shenwu God Emperor many times, and then condensed, and he was shocked: "The Shenwu God Emperor actually sealed such a weird thing, he is comprehending his immortal power. , I may understand why he is so strong!"

After being sealed, he also admitted his fate, knowing that with his own strength, it is impossible to break the seal.

But just let him surrender, he was not reconciled.

"My patience is not very good, maybe not a lot of time left for you, cherish the opportunity I give you."

Chu Yuan's voice came again.

And in time and space.

"I will help you."

Chu Yuan condensed infinite strength and turned into a furnace of heaven and earth, and immediately fell on the **** body. After the transformation of his great devouring technique, the raging fire turned into a continuous force and fell on the time and space god.

Let the time and space gods refining themselves, I don't know when.

But with Chu Yuan's help, this time will be shortened infinitely.

Primitive God Tribulation!

After refining all the power in this divine body, the space-time **** unexpectedly ushered in his original divine calamity. He was rewarded by the system, and both his character and talent were top-notch.

It is not surprising that he is welcoming the original divine calamity at this time.

Boom! The power of the catastrophe exploded in time, space and sea.

Chu Yuan was not in a hurry, quietly watching the breakthrough of Time and Space God.


Incorporating the last breath of divine calamity into the body, the space-time **** successfully achieved the realm of the primitive god.

His divine body has been transformed into a transparent and flawless color, but a wave of power surges, forming a brilliant color light, turning into a light wave like time and space.

He is time and space!

"His Majesty!"

Time and Space Divine Dao: "The minister refined this divine body, vaguely knowing that this time and space island is indeed left by a great existence, spanning the past and the future, the magical power is unimaginable, and this divine body has also survived many This era eventually fell into the eternal calamity, and it was the power of Time and Space Island that kept him."

"Eternal Calamity."

Chu Yuan pondered these three words. There are very few records of eternal calamity in the multiverse. He only said that the longer the primitive gods live, the more terrifying their eternal calamity will be until they are completely destroyed.

In other words, unless the real eternity is realized, one will always die in the eternal calamity.

Let your life be unlimited, but the calamity will kill you.

At this moment, his gaze seemed to cross ten thousand realms, piercing through the barriers of infinite time and space, and felt a great power, even greater than all existences he had seen.

This is the core secret of Time and Space Island.

With his strength, he can only vaguely feel this great power, but he can't understand what happened.

"The Time and Space Island is extinguished in the eternal calamity." The Time and Space God added.

"Don't pay attention to these for the time being, the big secret of Time and Space Island cannot be dealt with now."

Chu Yuan was very calm. He wasn't afraid to go deep into the deepest part of Time and Space Island, but he was afraid that it would induce some kind of restriction and let Time and Space Island leave this area early.

It’s gone, it’s almost impossible to find it when looking for it.

Just as he still held the Human Emperor Sword that opened the Human World Sky in his hand, he didn't rush to open it either.

"Your Majesty's approach is correct."

The **** of time and space nodded: "The minister has enlightened the power of time and space, knowing that that great power, even the existence of the gods, can't even think about it. The best way to deal with it now is to deal with it coldly and ignore him.

"Okay, you have become a primordial god, time and space god, adding more powerful fighting power to our gods."

Chu Yuan smiled and said: "Your task is to use your time and space power to collect the gods in the time and space, and you can create your own original artifact. This is the most suitable battlefield for you."

The Temporal God has a special power, and it is most appropriate to let him stay behind.

Chu Yuan also knew that if he wanted to continue to be strong, he couldn't stay in the empire and not go out. Even the God of Transcendence went on the path of eternity to find the sixth chance.

Of course, he did not know the whereabouts of God Du'er.

In the empire, there must be a strong force to stay behind.

"I understand." Time and Space Shinto.

"Your breakthrough will be sent to the whole country so that the people and the outside world will know about it."

Every primitive **** is a legend, and it is worthy of a grand celebration held by the empire.

Chu Yuan didn't hide this, he wanted to let people know that his martial arts were no longer without a master, but like a cloud, with a strong confidence to fight for hegemony for 33 days.

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