Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1551: Conditions for promotion of Taiyi Pill Furnace

Facing the desperate efforts of Qihan Demon God, the sword **** slashed away directly. As the supreme being of the fifth realm, his mana completely surpassed Qihan Demon God.

With this knife, he drew a sky mark, and seemed to be able to cut into the ten thousand realms of time and space, instantly breaking his power, but he did not despise the Qi Han Demon God.

Goshawk fights the rabbit with all his strength.

The sword **** came with an extremely powerful killer move, and with one slash, the world turned into a vast white light, stabbing people's eyes.

The Qi Han Demon God was slashed sharply by him, and his body was almost cut in half.

Qi Han Demon God is sad and indignant.

He didn't chase down the Lord of Greedy Demon, and didn't know that he had a backing behind him, how could he be in such a situation, the Shenwu God Emperor was too unreasonable, and he was going to kill him directly.

And he also knew that even if he was kneeling down and begging for mercy, the other party would not let him go, otherwise, he would really kneel down because of his character.

"Kill kill kill!"

Qi Han Demon God went crazy.

"Heaven Sword destroys the world!"

The sword **** has indifferent eyes. He holds the sword in both hands, and the cold light shines through the sky, making it seem that he exists alone between the sky and the earth.

Qi Han Demon God tried his best to resist, but the end was miserable, his body was chopped to blood and blood, and the eternal matter madly repaired his injury, but it only delayed death.

His gaze suddenly looked at the Shenwu God Emperor, and his heart was even more shocked.

"I'm going to die, do I really have to die here!"


The death knell seemed to be heard in the ears of Demon Qi Han, which was sounded specifically for him, announcing the arrival of his death.


The sword **** is very cold.


His sword was pressed down again, forming a huge formation of Heavenly Swords, which enveloped the Qihan Demon God, countless knives slashed and killed him, every one of them was scraping his flesh, cutting him thousands of times.

This scene is too cruel.

"Ah!" Qi Han Demon God uttered the harshest scream.

If Chu Yuan hadn't been stunned by the side, perhaps he might have desperately escaped from the hands of the sword god.

But this world is impossible. Chu Yuan's existence is like an insurmountable mountain blocking him, leaving him hopeless.


The **** of swordsman and the sword were unified, and he himself was a sword. This sword split out a world of panic swords, and instantly divided the demon **** Qihan into two halves.

In the light of the sword, Qi Han Demon God's entire body was exploded, and the blood was raining.

He also wanted to reorganize his demon body with eternal matter, but the sword **** would not give him a chance, he stepped out one step, a big hand was enveloped, and a **** ball appeared.

This is all the matter of Qihan Demon God.

The sword **** grasped him with a strong palm, walked in front of Chu Yuan, and said, "Your Majesty, Qi Han Demon God has been cut. This is his primitive energy, and the original soul is in it."

He gave it to Chu Yuan.

"You did very well."

Chu Yuan admired it, and after taking the blood ball, he could still hear the scream of Qi Han Demon God.

"Ah! Even if you kill me this time, I will be resurrected. This is my first death. The cost of resurrection is not high. The great ancestor of demons will resurrect me!"

He growled.

Indeed, he is very hopeful that he will be resurrected. Even in the days of ten thousand demons, there are not many primitive gods. The ancestor of ten thousand demons will order the resurrection of fallen primitive gods every once in a while.

Of course, this is limited to the first fall.

The more falls, the greater the cost.

On the basis of one time, the first time is double the price, and the second time is ten times the price, one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times.

The judge of the gods and gods had fallen many times before they could be kept in the tombs of the gods for a long time.

And once he is resurrected by the ancestor of all demons, his soul and life will be handed over to the ancestor of all demons.

"I believe."

Chu Yuan believed that he had a chance to be resurrected, but he didn't know when it would come. The ancestor of ten thousand demons was pursuing an eternal opportunity on the road to eternity.

Just when he was about to completely kill the Qihan Demon God, the opportunity he was waiting for finally appeared.

"Ding! Whether to sacrifice Qihan Demon God, the current progress (0/5)."

This is an advanced reminder for Taiyi Pill Furnace.

It turned out that if the Taiyi Pill Furnace wanted to be promoted to the Heavenly Dao Divine Tool, it needed the lives of five primitive gods to meet its needs. This was too terrifying.

The lives of the five primordial gods only promoted a Half-Heavenly Dao artifact to a Heavenly Dao artifact.

Chu Yuan couldn't help thinking, if he wanted to be promoted to a primitive artifact, what price would he have to pay?

I am afraid that the sacrifice of a few primitive gods cannot be done.

Fortunately, there are no strict requirements for this sacrifice. The realm of the primitive god, even the first realm is fine.

Chu Yuan knew that even though the Taiyi Pill Furnace was refined by Taiyi Tianzun, his sacrifices and the systematic power of blessings and transformations had long since become unrecognizable.

It's just that the name hasn't changed much, but in fact, the inside has changed drastically a long time ago, as if it has changed a person's bones and souls.

Refining the Heavenly Dao Divine Pill was an essential improvement. Chu Yuan had accumulated a lot of materials long ago, but he couldn't turn them into the pill he needed.

"Well, with the life of five primitive gods, Taiyi Pill Furnace can be promoted. Although it is difficult, it is better than aimless."

Without hesitation, Chu Yuan directly sacrificed Qihan Demon God.

This is a heavy weapon of the empire. If he has a large number of Heavenly Dao Divine Pills distributed, it can give a large number of great lords greater hope to break through the Heavenly Dao God.

A large number of Heavenly Dao Gods accumulate to the peak of the Heavenly Dao Realm faster, accumulating the power to break through the original.

This is too important.

After the sacrifice of Qihan Demon God, the number jumped from zero to one, and the lives of four primitive gods were still missing.

Chu Yuan looked inside the pill furnace.

Although a primitive **** couldn't make it completely promoted, it also changed. There was eternal light radiating, and everywhere was nourished by boundless power.

"Opened with eternal matter and original soul, it is the reappearance of Taiyi Tianzun. It is impossible to know the way ~ This is transformed by the mysterious system power and transcends everything."

Chu Yuan secretly said.

At the beginning, the dynasty collapsed, and the Emperor of the Early Heaven and the Emperor of Taihong seemed to have fallen, and the Emperor of Taiyi didn't seem to have died, and he had appeared in the Great Ancient War.

But after the battle of the Great Ancient War, Taiyi Tianzun completely disappeared.

This is also very weird. If Taiyi Tianzun is not dead, why hasn't it been seen again for a long time.

It stands to reason that Taichu Tian still exists. As the three highest masters at the time, he did not ignore Taichu Tian.

In fact, the sacred tree of the early days also called the Taiyi Tianzun again and again, praying for the return of Tianzun, could it be said that he fell after the ancient times, and still encountered big troubles and could not show up.

"If Taiyi Tianzun really does not die, then he should be on the path of eternity, where it is too dangerous and complicated, and Taiyi Tianzun's original cultivation base was also the peak of the fifth stage, extremely close to the sixth stage, and the epic is immeasurable."

Chu Yuan made a lot of speculations.

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