After all, Tai Chutian has a deep connection with him, and Chu Yuan must be concerned about their situation. Of course, these things are not the most important right now.

"Greed, the Eternal Forbidden Zone is dangerous, so many primitive gods enter, you should not explore alone, enter my Sealed Gate, and after you leave the Eternal Forbidden Zone, you are returning to the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven."

Chu Yuan put the Lord of Greed in the Sealed Gate.

At this moment.

He continued to explore in the Wangu restricted area.

The eternal forbidden area is huge, and the ruins everywhere are like nodes, containing a lot of treasures.

After another half month passed, Chu Yuan was fortunate to get another Heaven-Slaying Divine Sword, which counted as eight, but he continued to sense it, and he couldn't notice it anymore.

"The war has begun."

Chu Yuan saw wars erupting everywhere in the Wangu Forbidden Zone.

Most of the powerhouses of the heavens are mainly besieging the powerhouses of Fengshentian, so as not to let them get too many treasures.

"The Conferred God Emperor is so powerful that many powerful people have already taken refuge in them, and even the ministers speculate that there are Gods who secretly loyal to the Conferred God Emperor."

Sword God Road.

"It's not impossible."

Chu Yuan thought: "Every time the world is in chaos, the days change and fall. Although the thirty-three gods are strong, there are also strong and weak points. Some weak heavenly gods want to contend for the world, but they have no strength, even If he is unwilling, he can only try his best to preserve his position, and if the Fengshen Great Emperor succeeds this time, there will be more people relying on them."

The thirty-three worlds are magnificent, but they are not eternal.

"But there is one thing the minister can't understand."

The sword **** said strangely: "For a long time there have been many powerful beings, like the founder of the gods. If he appears and rules the gods, he can stop the Great Emperor, not only the founder of the gods, then The ancestor of ten thousand ways, the ancestor of ten thousand demons, Ming, and the ancestor of ten thousand demons, seem to be beyond the world, without the slightest reaction, it seems that the things here have nothing to do with them."

"This is where I am puzzled."

Chu Yuan was also strange.

Regardless of the fierce battle between the heavens and all circles, the gods and heavens also have many gods participating in the battle, but the founder of the gods has nothing to do with them, and it has nothing to do with them.

"Perhaps for the eternal way."

Chu Yuan also slightly understood that the eras have changed one by one, and not all existences have fallen. The era of gods, the era of demons, and after some eras have ended, those pioneers will not intervene in the affairs of the multiverse.

When they destroyed the human emperor, the human emperor also touched the taboo area.

"They seem to have reached some kind of contract."

Chu Yuan guessed like this, like a rule.

At this moment, the entire Eternal Forbidden Zone suddenly undergoes drastic changes, and time and space are shaking, like a thundering earthquake, and a loud sound of shattering the sky broke an obstacle.

"It's the change there."

Chu Yuan looked up at the sky.

A behemoth occupied the world and landed from the whirlpool. This scene was like a huge sunken ship rushing into the eye of the sea, showing its shape.

The pressure is too great.

Because of its appearance, countless relics in the Eternal Forbidden Area were broken and crushed into dust.

"The Great Change in the Eternal Forbidden Zone!"

At this moment, many strong men have seen it, exclaimed, and made an incredible voice: "It is a world, a huge world, ancient and mysterious!"

Yes, this is exactly what appeared.

The ancient chaotic air current enveloped it, and it did not appear completely. One corner was shrouded in a haze that was difficult to dissipate, making it impossible to know what was behind that corner.

Vaguely through the chaotic air current, Chu Yuan vaguely saw that there was a continuous city in it.

"The ancient world, with cities inside and emergence from the Eternal Road, shows that there was a very powerful cultivation civilization. There is nothing weak in the Eternal Road, because the weak have been destroyed!"

This is the consensus of all the strong.

A piece of heaven and earth suddenly appeared from the path of eternity, which made many powerful people watch.

"What is the mystery behind that corner?"

And the mystery of the corner of the day and the earth made many powerful people even more concerned, even if it was the Primitive Five Realms, their thoughts shot in, but they couldn't convey any sense.

"After that corner, there is no way to know for the time being, but it is definitely more precious than this world!"

There is a strong way.

"Huh? This world."

This piece of heaven and earth is like a fan, with a very large radiation area, and at the end is a mysterious corner of heaven and earth, which disperses many powerful people and makes it impossible to land from one place.

"True Dragon Lord, do you see anything?"

The three-day powerhouses gathered together in the Dragon God Heaven, Crossing the Evil Heaven, Yan Shen Heaven.

"I really can see it. If my guess is correct, this world is before the ancient era, an invincible existence called Panshen the Great!"

The true dragon master said: "But what makes me wonder is what is behind that corner? This time the abnormal change in the eternal forbidden area is extraordinary, I don't know if it is a curse or a blessing."

"Panshentian, Panshen Great!"

Other strong men also shook suddenly.

Yanshentian powerhouse said: "I have heard of the power of Panshen Great, sweeping the path of eternity, no one is invincible. He took his heaven and earth to trespass the path of eternity. In the end, he died and the heaven and earth collapsed. ending!"

Do not say: "Well, everyone, don't guess about this, the mysterious corner is covered by a force, and it will appear sooner or later. What we should do is to enter the Panshentian immediately. This time it will be more dangerous than before."

"In the past, the eternal forbidden area was vast and the strong were scattered. Now that the gods appear, many strong will be confined to fight in a range. If you want to gain something, you must unite."

The Lord of True Dragon has a demeanor of dominating the world, saying: "Go in!"

Swish Swish!

A strong person is like a hurricane rushing directly into the Panshen days.

"Get into the world first, explore what's hidden in that corner!"

I don't know how many people are interested in that mysterious corner. This is their consensus.

"The eternal warrior reacts violently, as if being called to enter the heaven and earth."

At this time Yuan sealed the eternal warrior inside the seal gate, but the appearance of heaven and earth still caused the eternal warrior to throb extremely strongly.

If it wasn't for his seal to be too strong, he would break away.

"That piece of heaven and earth!"

Chu Yuan’s divine eyes pierced through the obstacles, seeing the scene in the day and the earth, a force of force calculated, and he was surprised: "The ancient Panshen Tian, ​​opened up by the Panshen Great, and Panshen Great’s era, pushing the eternity horizontally. On the road, no one is an opponent. His Panshentian is even more prosperous and brighter than the gods and heavens of the creators of the world. What appears in front of him is only part of the broken Panshentian. Unexpectedly, this time in the eternal forbidden area. Bring this thing."

Panshen the Great entered the deepest part of the path of eternity that year, and still did not see eternity.

His Panshentian subject is still in the eternal path.

"How can I miss a feast."

Chu Yuan and Dao Shen entered the broken Pan Shen Tian.

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