The suspended forbidden land is extremely dangerous and the space is very unstable.

You are flying, and it is very possible that a collapsed space will suddenly appear in front of you, swallowing you directly.

Chu Yuan saw a group of dynasty powerful men. Suddenly, he encountered a black hole in space, swallowed in the corpse and disappeared. He couldn't even struggle and disappeared alive.

Every time the suspended forbidden land is opened, most of them die in this kind of spatial black hole.

However, Chu Yuan possesses a large cutting technique, and he is most sensitive to subtle fluctuations in space. He can quickly dodge the past wherever the space is unstable. It is necessary to know that the large cutting technique is used to the extreme, enough to cut a big world.

"According to the instructions of the Imperial God Ring and Spirit Slasher, you can find this final treasure house in a few hours."

Chu Yuan constantly felt the changes in the instructions of the two artifacts.

"The treasure house for storing spiritual artifacts must be extraordinary. There are ancient sacred artifacts."

Zhu Fengfeng followed closely behind Chu Yuan. Although the road seemed dangerous, he did not encounter any trouble.

"Zhen Guo’s artifact is only one of them. What I need is all kinds of war materials in the treasure house. After all, although I have obtained a lot of relying on the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, I still need to rely on myself to obtain some of the things that are truly treasured. What Dawu lacks today is the foundation. , Can’t rely entirely on others.”

Chu Yuan flew in this alien space.

"Leader Feng, we are here!"

After a few hours, Chu Yuan suddenly stayed on a huge and stable continent. It was empty and there was nothing. Obviously, the things on it had already been searched.

"Is there a treasure house here?"

Zhu Fengfeng couldn't see it with his eyes, nor could he use the power of the soul, as if this place was originally empty.

"If Gu Shangguo's treasure house is so easy to find, it has been taken away by others for tens of thousands of years, is it our turn?"

Chu Yuan waved his hand, and the Royal God Ring and Spirit Slashing Sword flew out at the same time.

The two forces blasted and sublimated, and an unbelievable change suddenly appeared. The void seemed to be pulled open by a transparent curtain, and torn apart by the two forces, a huge palace group appeared.

This palace complex is very large, emitting a ray of spiritual energy, and in the dimly suspended forbidden area, this ray of light is as dazzling as a light.

"This palace is actually made of spirit stones?" Zhu Fengfeng was slightly surprised: "If it is divided, it is almost equivalent to tens of billions of spirit stones. Even the palace is built so luxuriously, you can imagine how many treasures there will be in the treasure house. ."

"The space formation is set outside, and the palace aura is used to provide energy. This place is so dangerous that strong gods will hardly appear, and the things of Gu Shangguo are indeed hidden deep enough."

Chu Yuan looked at the treasure house palace and said lightly: "Let's go in. Although this treasure house has many formations, there is a ring of imperial gods, and the spirit sword will not hinder us."

Shrouded in the divine light of the Imperial God Ring and Spirit Slayer Sword, Chu Yuan and Zhu Fengfeng approached the treasure house, and the closed door opened on their own initiative, allowing the two of them to enter.

"What? A treasure house has appeared here!"

Just as Chu Yuan and Zhu Fengfeng just entered, more than a dozen people descended on this continent, their eyes were staring tightly, and suddenly someone shouted: "As rumored, the ancient Shang country will be the town before the country is destroyed. The country’s artifacts are sealed, and one of them seems to be within a forbidden area, it seems this is it!

"We came here after chasing and killing Emperor Wu, and the palace just appeared, obviously he opened it!"

These more than a dozen people are all peerless powerhouses in the Yun Shen realm. The highest cultivation level has reached the Yun Shen five levels. They come from various forces and are looking for Chu Yuan once they enter the suspended forbidden ground.

The fluctuations emanating here also attracted them.

They knew that Chu Yuan had a lot of secrets, why the Dawu Dynasty was promoted from a small one-star to a top three-star because of Chu Yuan.

"Given the opportunity, everyone blasted the palace and let Emperor Wu hand over everything!"

The strongest of these people roared, the palm prints rumbling up, and suddenly fell on the palace, making the palace group buzzing and shaking, but there was a ripple of aura that gave this power to Resolved.

"The Emperor Wu Chu Yuan, leave the palace, hand over the treasure, and spare you not to die!"

These dozen people made threatening sounds while attacking the palace.

At this moment, inside the palace, the bright light inside was all the light reflected by the spirit stone.

Although this is not what the underground ancient city looked like before, the palaces have access to each other, and each palace is filled with a large amount of war materials such as armor pill, which is much better than the previous two.

After a casual glance, Chu Yuan understood that the old underground city was equipped with ordinary elites, but this group of palaces was equipped with elites.

"Your Majesty, someone from the outside world is here?"

Zhu Fengfeng frowned when he heard the sound of attack and sharp drink.

"Don't worry about them."

Chu Yuan continued to walk towards the depths of the palace complex. The deeper the treasure, the more precious the treasures. The materials stored in each room were dazzling and dizzying.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the Hanging Dynasty in this palace must be heart-warming.

"The treasure inside is the meteorite spirit gold!"

Zhu Fengfeng followed Chu Yuan to push a palace away, and she couldn't help marveling at the dazzling light when she saw what was inside.

The dense metal piled up in this huge palace is dazzling and shining, and looks a bit like meteorite fine gold, but it reflects a more indestructible brilliance than meteorite fine gold.

Meteorite Spirit Gold!

This is also the meteorite spirit gold purified from the meteorite fine gold. To propose this metal requires a very high level of craftsmanship, and a god-level craftsman, and only one pound of the meteorite fine gold can be purified.

Lingjin is a hundred times stronger and sharper than normal, and can be used directly to create artifacts.

"Meteor Star Spirit Gold!"

Chu Yuan's eyes brightened: "Ordinary meteorite fine gold is easy to work with, but spiritual gold is much more difficult, especially so much, and it is even rarer. If the Shenwu Army is equipped with a god-destroying crossbow made of spiritual gold, it will reflect the magic power of the gods. I can't resist it, I have to shoot to death!"

Meteorite fine gold is difficult to break through the magic power of the gods, but spiritual gold can!

It's just this full of palace spirits that Chu Yuan made a worthwhile trip, but you know, he has only reached half of the palace, and there are more treasures waiting for him in the deeper.

Sure enough, As Chu Yuan walked toward the depths, he received several palace meteorite spirit gold, a large number of pill weapons, and spirit stones even more, countless.

Bringing all of these back, Dawu Treasury's deposits will immediately become one of the wealthiest dynasties in the hanging space, and the domestic people will also benefit from the distribution of more supplies.

Good stuff.

Chu Yuan was more pleased than getting the spiritual artifact directly.

"We are in the deepest part of the palace."

Chu Yuan came to a huge portal at this time, and on the portal was the gravure of the imperial **** ring and the spirit sword.

Only by putting two artifacts in as keys, can you open the most important place in the palace!

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