Putting the Imperial God Ring and Spirit Slayer Sword into those two holes, the treasure hidden in dust for thousands of years was slowly opened, and a wave of historical dust and rich spiritual energy spread over it.

Without these two artifacts, it would be useless to accidentally discover the palace.

Forcibly attacking will only make the palace self-destruct, and the sensation that erupts will be difficult to resist even if the gods exist, and it will also spread to the original illusory space.

The light is bright and dazzling, like the day!

Chu Yuan suddenly suspended thirty-six spirit pills emitting fiery rays above the treasure house, which seemed to contain spirituality. The medicinal power was a hundred times that of Absolute God Pill, and the most precious thing was that seductive aura.

"This is?" Zhu Fengfeng was shocked, and said in shock: "Spirit pills, the real spirit **** pills! There are seventy-two spirit pills that are most needed by the strong gods for cultivation!"

The higher the cultivation base, the more advanced the pill they need to use. The Absolute God Pill has been unable to satisfy the existence of the gods. What they need most is the Spirit God Pill.

However, it was too difficult to refine the spirit pill, not only because the materials were hard to find, but also because of the poor success rate.

"Spirit pills are not the most precious here, Commander Feng, look there!"

Chu Yuan suddenly pointed to a place with strong spiritual energy.

The place with strong spiritual energy quickly turned into an ocean with extremely violent fluctuations.

The two suddenly saw that within the vast ocean, there seemed to be a strong spirituality, as if there was a dragon flying around and roaring.

"This is?" Zhu Fengfeng asked in shock.

"This is the national line of the Gushang country, where countless people's beliefs are gathered together. The predecessor is a spiritual line, but the ancient country has been destroyed for too long, and there are no more people to continue to provide faith!"

Chu Yuan practised the Emperor Jing, knowing the national vein.

The so-called national line is the convergence of national aspirations. Gu Shangguo extracted all the aura from a spiritual line and used it to nurture the national line. It was originally kept here and hoped to be used in the country one day.

Boom boom boom!

There was a more explosive bombardment from the palace.

Chu Yuan and Zhu Fengfeng hadn't appeared for a long time, and the palace group seemed extremely terrifying. No matter how the dozens of people attacked, they couldn't break the restriction, and it made their hearts more irritable, and they wanted to rush in immediately.

"Emperor Wu! Do you think hiding in it is useful? You still can't eat so many things with your appetite. It's better to distribute the things to all of us. Do you want to hide in it for the rest of your life?"

Seeing that they couldn't break the palace, the group roared.

"Yes, although we can't get in, we can lock you down here and make you inseparable from the suspended forbidden land. When the forbidden land is closed, you are prepared to be trapped here forever, and your great military, tens of billions of people All will be attacked by the dynasty of my Great Shock, and the nation will be destroyed!"

This group of people yelled again and again, thinking that Chu Yuan did not show up because they were afraid of them, so they wanted to seal Chu Yuan's retreat.

"Da Zhen Dynasty!" Chu Yuan sneered again and again: "They are looking for death, this national line is enough for me to break through to the gods!"

Illuminate the path of the divine realm, and understand your own mind.

Chu Yuan’s road is the road to hegemony, the road of the emperor, continuous expansion and conquest, to build the strongest empire, and make Dawu the most powerful country in the hanging space and even the eternal world!

"Big Devouring Technique, swallow everything, Guo Mai come over to me!"

Chu Yuan snapped at Guo Mai.

Although this national line is not a living being, it is after all a gathering of beliefs and has its own instincts.

Feeling that Chu Yuan was about to grab it, he immediately delivered a rumbling voice, radiant and radiant, like the light of the sky.

"Dare to resist?"

Chu Yuan suddenly released the majesty of the supreme humanity.

He is the emperor of the human race, the emperor of the contemporary, and this national line is also a gathering of beliefs. He was shocked by this power, and he was shivering and fell obediently in front of Chu Yuan.

Big swallowing technique swallows quickly!

Originally, if the previous Great Swallowing technique had swallowed it so fast, Chu Yuan had advanced this supernatural power and became the King of Swallowing. He immediately saw that this national vein was rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The seventy-two Spirit God Pills couldn't stand the traction of Chu Yuan's strength, and one by one fell down.

"Leader Feng, draw on the power that I have transmitted, and break through the realm!"

Chu Yuan reminded.

"it is good!"

Such a strong energy also made Zhu Fengfeng feel that her realm was about to break through. She had the blood of an immortal divine phoenix and was even more advanced than Gu Feng.

When this national vein was swallowed up, and all the seventy-two spirit **** pills were dissolved, the national fortune gathered by the ancient Shang country seemed to have been swallowed up by him, and all traces were wiped out from this world.

Chu Yuan's realm also broke through to the Zhaoshen realm.

Originally, even with a large amount of spiritual energy and spirit pills, it would be difficult for Chu Yuan to break through this great realm, but this dragon vein also contains the power of faith, which happens to be the power that Chu Yuan needs most, and it will break through the bottleneck of the gods.

"Yun Shen Duo!"

After absorbing a large amount of vitality from the spirit pills and dragon veins, Zhu Fengfeng also broke through the first realm, and looked at Chu Yuan, "Your Majesty's realm has also broken through, no, this breath does not look like it just broke through!"

"Zhao Shen Duo!"

"Threefold according to God!"

Chu Yuan's realm reached the triple level of Illuminating God in a short time.

Yes, after spending 1,000 points to buy two bottles of Intermediate Healing Potion in the Hanging Imperial City, he still had a fate point of 14,450 points, and he directly spent 10,000 points to raise his two realms.

When you reach the realm of the gods, you need five thousand fate points for every level of improvement.

With the attributes of the human emperor sword, Chu Yuan's own realm is comparable to the triple level of the gods, not to mention the various methods on his body.

The spiritual energy was swept away, and the spiritual mist blooming in the palace disappeared. Chu Yuan looked forward and placed several ancient books on them, all of which were all kinds of rare martial arts and martial arts controlled by Gu Shangguo.

Ancient shangguozhen national unique learning, the law of the world.

The universe is endless!

Taking away the Law of the Universe, Chu Yuan saw that there was an altar in front of it that was the same as the imperial ring and spirit sword, the difference was that it was a mirror.

This mirror is dark blue, and the mirror surface seems to be a deep sea, which seems to have sealed a sea inside, with waves of raging waves!

Hanhai Mirror: Spiritual artifact!

This mirror is the sea mirror, the most important artifact of the ancient country!

Spirit artifacts are beyond the existence of Absolute Artifacts, and there are not a few in the entire hanging space. The biggest difference from Absolute Artifacts is that the Spirit Artifacts have been born with some spirituality, and they are not like dead objects in use.

"This thing is a spiritual artifact!"

Zhu Fengfeng got the Phoenix Blood Sword from their ancestors ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and is no stranger to the fluctuation of spiritual artifacts.

"The rays of light billowing under the exposure of this vast sea mirror, as if being in the ocean, is indeed much stronger than an absolute artifact."

Chu Yuan nodded, just as he was about to put away the Han Hai Jing and go to find the dozen people to settle the accounts, the system prompt sound suddenly came.

"It has been detected that the host has the conditions to repair the Taiyi Pill Furnace. Will it be repaired?"

[Option 1: Sacrifice two absolute artifacts and one spiritual artifact, restore the Taiyi Pill furnace to the spirit, and then refine the spiritual pill to gain 300 fate points. 】

【Option 2: Don't sacrifice for the time being to repair the Taiyi Pill Furnace and get 300 Fate Points. 】

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