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Although the Conferred God Emperor did not succeed in beheading the prison this time, it was a pity, but he alone fought against multiple powerhouses and gained absolute advantage, which was enough to shock the powerhouses in the universe.

He used his strength to show that the universe is strong, and his strength is unstoppable.

The general situation of the world belongs to him.

I believe that after this battle, more powerhouses will join the Conferred God, and his power will also skyrocket like a snowball. In the end, all the heavenly powerhouses can only praise the name of the Conferred God.

The Eternal Pure Land was occupied by the Fengshen Tian. With this place as the center, their power would spread to the entire eternal forbidden area and eventually control it.


Chu Yuan also felt that it was a pity that the second **** master and other strong men did not stop the Conferred God, otherwise, if a confrontation situation is formed, he can get the most benefit.

Groups of strong men are withdrawing, and they will not retreat with the second divine lord at this time. They will stay here, but they will be liquidated by Fengshentian.

The power of the Conferred God is expanding, and they have temporarily controlled a corner of this eternal pure land. Although many powerful people have swept through it before, there are more that have not been taken away.

Outside the Eternal Forbidden Zone.

The second **** master and other strong people are gloomy.

The second divine master said: "This time the Conferred God Emperor won, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the sixth stage. Even if we are teaming up, we are not his opponents, but this time with the great prosperity, the situation is already facing him. tilt."


The most angry is the prison, "We can't let him succeed. If we let him really dominate, then we can only hide in our own world and avoid his edge. Unless Ming takes action, we can really suppress him!"

"Don't think about it, no matter it is Ming or the founder of the gods, they will not make a move."

The Dugu God said: "The era that belongs to them has passed. They are pursuing eternity in the path of eternity. Here they will no longer intervene. They have bigger plans, unless they are like the emperor, to provoke the involuntary. Taboo, if you want to stop the Conferred God Emperor, you can only rely on us."

"An era has the brilliance of an era. The founders of the gods paid too much for their actions. In the ancient war, they have already paid too much for the Emperor."

The second divine main way.

"The Emperor..."

Prison Road: "Human Sovereign exists in the world, although he is an opponent, but I respect him, he finally sees through, he can't resist the eternal taboo, if he does not deconstruct, the price I can't imagine."

"Killing God, what do you think?" The Second God said.


Killing God only responded with two words and left.

"You can't expect too much to kill God, this person is not profitable and cannot be early."

Dugu God said: "If there is no chance, he will not be shooting. Now, the Fengshen Great Emperor is occupying the pure land, and his side can enter. The benefits of the eternal pure land are known to all powers in the world. Use this as an article to plan right. The next battle of Fengshen Great Emperor."

"Around the eternal forbidden zone, continue to attack Fengshen Great. It is still unknown who will die!"

The second divine lord also looked cold, also for his own benefit: "I seem to see that the Fengshen Great Emperor was like this in the past. Many powerful men were defeated by him. The limelight was so strong that no one could reach it. When he thought he would succeed, he lost to the Emperor."

"But there is no second emperor in this world."

Yitian Jundao, he was also the one who was defeated by the Fengshen Great Emperor, and said: "Until the last moment, I will never know who will be the final winner. There is no compromise or concession on the road of eternity."

This time Fengshen Great had gained an advantage, but as Yi Tianjun said, the ending was known at the last moment.

How many strong presences fell at the last moment.

The Second God Lord and they also have a backing, even if they can't win the Fengshen Great Emperor, they are not afraid of revenge, can they ruin their world?

"It will be messier."

And this time.

Chu Yuan had left the eternal forbidden zone.

A large-scale battle is about to begin, and the thirty-three days will no longer be able to calm down, especially in the weak sky, and we must be prepared to prevent him from being knocked down in the world in the wind and cloud.

"Alright." Chu Yuan saw Lu Yuan leave with him: "Hall of Heavenly Yuan, do you have any advice?"

"God Emperor, the wind and clouds have risen and the world has collapsed. Although Fengshen Great has repelled the powerful this time, it does not mean that he can really succeed. What do you think about this."

Lu Yuandao.

"Can you have any ideas? The chaos of heaven and earth cannot be stopped. To survive the turbulent times, begging for others is useless. Only if you are strong can you seek hegemony."

Chu Yuan looked at Lu Yuan and knew that this woman must have a purpose.

"What a conspiracy to dominate!"

Lu Yuan appreciated that, in her opinion, the attempt to dominate this place should be to promote her own world for 33 days.

She could see that although it was only the Primitive Second Realm, his strength could not be determined by the realm.

"Hall Master Tianyuan, you didn't come to ask me these few words." Chu Yuan's eyes were sharp, and he said, "It should be for Wuji Tian's business."

"The God Emperor Wisdom, the God Emperor should also know about my Wuji Tian. The chaos is coming. My Wuji Tian does not have a God. It is very likely that I will fall to the position of 33 days in this chaos.

She didn't hide it, after all, this is something the world knows.

"Indeed." Chu Yuan replied.

Wuji Tian was originally really strong, a sixth-level god, and five primitive five-level hall masters, very ambitious.

But now there is no sixth state, let alone God, even God.

Such thirty-three days, once there is a great chaos in the pluralism, it is bound to be the first goal that many powerful people must deal with~www.ltnovel.com~ In Promise Days, many palace masters fight, but there can only be one person in the seat of God. Going down, we are in danger, so a new God must sit down within Promise Day. "

Lu Yuandao.

Although she was awe-inspiring, Chu Yuan didn't know that it was precisely because these five hall masters all wanted to become gods and did not suppress the strength of the other party, the situation has been maintained until now.

Lu Yuan was also keen to seize the opportunity, and the chaos came, it was a good opportunity to seize the position of God.

Everyone of those five hall masters wanted to achieve.

"You want to seek my help." Chu Yuan said slowly: "But our empire is also facing serious problems now, I am afraid it will be difficult to help you."

"I know the crisis facing the **** emperor."

Lu Yuan said: "I don't want the **** emperor to help me now. If he waits for the **** emperor to settle the chaos in the future, it will be enough to be my aid as far as possible."

She didn't think that Chu Yuan could help her now.

Shenwu strength is strong, but it also has its own serious problems.

She appeared this time to forge a good relationship.

Tianyuan Tianyuan, she knows that sometimes her kind deeds will bring big rewards for herself.

This diversified situation will not end soon. What she values ​​is the future and the future.

"If I become God, I will be an alliance with the **** emperor and fight the great chaos together."

Lu Yuandao.

"If you can do it, I will help."

Chu Yuan didn't reject Lu Yuan's fate, and indeed it would be no harm to him to give Lu Yuan a good will whether it could be useful.

"I heard that the **** emperor is in control of multiple swords, although I don't have it in my hand, but I know that there is a place, and the **** emperor may get it."

Lu Yuan said: "In the multiverse, there is a place called Hongmengyu, and there is a Hongmeng Academy. There are a few of their Supreme Palace Masters."

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