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"Hongmeng Territory, Hongmeng Academy."

Chu Yuan had some understanding of the Hong Mongol domain.

In fact, in his realm, not only must he be strong, but he must also understand the distribution of the forces of the multiverse, and the information and intelligence of various powerful people.

The Nahum Mongolian region is said to have been left by an ancient strong man called the Lord of the Harmony.

However, the Lord of Hongmeng is not in the multiverse, but has left his own orthodoxy, and Hongmeng Academy is a force located in the territory of Hongmeng.

As its name suggests, Hongmeng Academy is just an institution with many traditions and many people go to study.

Their strength is not weak, the Palace Master of the Academy is also a tyrannical existence in the primitive five realms, and in the Human Emperor era, he had a good relationship with the Human Emperor.

"Oh? Do you think that palace lord will give me the Heaven-Player Divine Sword?" Chu Yuan said.

"It's also possible that there are a few Zhutian Divine Swords that are not very useful, unless there are more gatherings, and the palace owner is merciful, and the divine emperor will pay some price, perhaps it will cede love to the divine emperor."

Lu Yuan smiled.

"Hall Master Tianyuan, you have a good understanding of the situation in the Hongmeng Territory."

Chu Yuan looked at him, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

"Because I used to be a student of Hongmeng Academy. Before I became a god, I studied in the academy. The lord is also my teacher. With me around, I believe that the teacher will give the God Sword to the Emperor."

Lu Yuandao.

A school is a very loose place, used to impart knowledge, not a sect, and will not restrict the freedom of life.

After Lu Yuan got it, she came to Wuji Tian, ​​but she had a close relationship with the palace owner.

"Also, this time I will go to visit the palace lord in Hong Monggu territory."

Even if Chu Yuan wasn't the God Slayer Sword this time, he could still visit Hongmeng Academy.

"It shouldn't be too late, I will go with the **** emperor!"

Lu Yuanyouxin forged a good bond with Chu Yuan, and he naturally had to do a good job with such small things.

As a result, they quickly moved around in the universe.

Along the way, the auras of heaven and earth are obviously different, undercurrents are surging, and a wave of murderous intent is brewing, and everyone is in danger in the face of the Conferred God battle set off by Emperor Fengshen.

"The teacher is kind, and makes friends widely. I believe he will be very friendly to the **** emperor. He doesn't have to be exchanged in kind, it may be something else."

Lu Yuan was reminding.

"Really? I am also very interested in Hongmeng Academy." Chu Yuan said.

From the Wangu Forbidden Zone to the Hongmeng Territory, it takes about half a month at the speed of Chu Yuan.

On this road, Lu Yuan was also very shocked. With the power of her five realms, she was not as good as Chu Yuan in the shuttle of time and space, and his breath was like the sea, endless.

She was also thinking secretly, this time if the exchange of the God Slayer could be promoted, the friendship would be forged.

In fact, within the days of Wuji, not only she was looking for foreign aid, but the other palace masters also made very generous conditions for the foreign aid they sought.

Lord, Lord of the Day, the temptation is too great.

"Fire of war..."

Chu Yuan universe shuttled and saw that some places had been lit up in flames and flames, and the hegemony of heaven and earth had already begun.

"Hong Mongol Territory is coming soon. The teacher's name is Zishan. No one knows the origin of the teacher. When the Ancient Territory was there, the teacher was there. He opened up a school and taught many powerful people. Before, I also came to Hongmeng to ask and talked to the teacher for a long time. I wonder if the Emperor has ever seen a greater Lord of Hongmeng."

Lu Yuan smiled, "I haven't returned to school for a long time."

"I asked with the emperor."

Chu Yuan's expression was moved.

Human Emperor gathers the strengths of hundreds of families to open up his own Human Emperor era, and the ability to discuss the Tao with the Human Emperor with Palace Master Hongmeng is enough to see his profound wisdom and extraordinary extraordinary.

Looking far away to Hong Mongol territory.

The noble Hongmeng Ziqi enveloped the entire world, rich in resources and sufficient spiritual power, and it was a rare treasure.

It is rumored that the ancient Lord of Hongmeng left the secret realm of Hongmeng in the Hongmeng area, which has the original mystery.

Palace Lord Hongmeng does not fight for hegemony. His hobby is to study various Taoisms and spread the Taoism of Hongmeng to the heavens.

"What's going on? Why are the fluctuations in the Hong Mongol region so violent, something is wrong, and it shouldn't be very calm? Could it be that the flames of war have already burned here? With the strength of the teacher, ordinary strong people can't help him!"

Lu Yuan frowned, and she noticed something wrong.

In the past, the Hong Mongol domain was quiet and peaceful, and no mathematicians all practiced the Taoism in the academy, but now, the purple energy fluctuates fiercely, and the world is also frantically turbulent.

"I'm afraid there will be a big change."

Chu Yuandao, they quickly approached the Hong Mongol region.

The heaven and the earth were cracked open one by one, and the **** fight was being staged. Countless armies from outside the sky lit up the flames of war and rushed around in this ancient domain.

"It's the Hell Legion!"

Lu Yuan exclaimed: "They are attacking and looting the Hong Mongol region!"

The Hell Legion is notorious. They are like locusts crossing the border, often attacking him. There is almost nothing they dare not provoke. This time they actually arrived in the Hong Mongol region.

"After the First World War of the Eternal Pure Land, the Conferred God Emperor had the advantage, and the eyes of many powerhouses were concentrated there. Perhaps at this time, the **** master seized the opportunity to attack the Hong Mongol region."

Chu Yuandao.

This is not surprising at all, the **** army often does these things~www.ltnovel.com~ They have also attacked for 33 days. Although the Hong Monggu domain is strong, it is not as good as 33 days.

It is also somewhat different from Wanmotian.

The masters of Hell Heaven will be more united, often acting together, not to mention internal struggles, once they launch a war against the outer world, they will definitely join forces, like a ruthless war machine pushed by.

"Damn, these **** powerhouses must be coveting the wealth of the ancient realm, and they are coming to looting!"

Lu Yuan hated him and said, "But the teacher is strong, so nothing will happen."

"Maybe it's hard to tell."

Flurry of demons!

Chu Yuan saw countless **** powerhouses looting the Hongmeng Territory and cruelly killing, he knew that Palace Master Hongmeng must also be very uncomfortable.

"Knowing the strength of Palace Master Hongmeng, and daring to launch a looting, it shows that they have already had a plan to deal with Palace Master Hongmeng."

Sword God Road.

"No, I can't watch the teacher fight the enemy alone. I don't know which **** masters took the shot this time. After I have practiced in a school, I want to help the teacher."

Lu Yuan is anxious.

"Crack to death!"

Her power swept past, countless army of **** was still looting, suddenly her mana was overwhelmed, and immediately countless army was turned into dust.

The situation is really bad. Some prosperous cities have been destroyed. Many people who have not had time to move are fighting hard and suffering cruel killings.

"Divine Emperor, I will help the teacher first!"

Lu Yuan didn't ask Chu Yuan to help Palace Master Hongmeng, and she also knew that such things could not be forced.

If the Emperor Shenwu wants to help, she will do it without saying more.

She quickly moved towards the position of the central university.

"This is the tragic situation of the **** army, a piece of scorched earth, no grass grows, and no life exists in the land it passes."

Chu Yuan also came to Hongmeng Academy.

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