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The flames of war burned across the entire Hong Mongol region, and the bustling world was severely damaged in a short period of time.

All kinds of dazzling and peaceful prosperity have disappeared, the earth is shattering piece by piece, and countless people are dead and cruelly lying on the street.

There are still many people fighting with the Hell Legion.

The world was red with blood.

The Hong Mongol Territory is very miserable. Although there are various defensive restrictions, the army of **** came too suddenly and directly killed a large number of creatures.

This is cruelty.

Every time the world is turbulent, the **** army will go out, and many weaker worlds will be destroyed by them, which is a feast of **** harvest.

"Your Majesty, Palace Master Yuan has gone to help Palace Master Hongmeng that day."

Sword God Road.

"We should also do something."

Chu Yuan was expressionless, Hong Monggu Territory was miserable, but the death of hundreds of millions of creatures in front of him could not make his xinxing even the slightest alarm.

No one who becomes an emperor is kind.


Chu Yuan suddenly saw a demon shadow.

"Kill, kill, think you can hide by hiding here? It just happens that this seat lacks a lot of slaves, and if I have some strength, I will be my slave!"


A prosperous big city exploded, revealing a lot of panicking creatures. The strongest of them was the God of Heaven. How could this be the opponent of this primitive god.

"Your **** army will get revenge for plundering my Hong Mongol region, and the palace lord will not spare you!"

These creatures are sad and angry.

"Hahaha, your palace lord has been surrounded by many **** masters. He is hard to protect himself. There will be no time to take care of you. I am happy today. It is your lucky not to kill you and only accept slaves."

The boundless devilish energy swept across, a huge black demon face, making a frantic laughter, turned out to be the **** demon king.

He went out with the **** army this time and entered the Hung Mongolian region, looting everywhere in the ancient region. This is also the master of the hell.

His demonic energy shook, swept all these creatures into it.

He was also very cool this time. There are too many treasures in the Hong Mongol Territory. Following the master of hell, no one can stop him. This is his world.

The weak eat the strong, the law of the jungle, you will be beaten if you are weak, this is an eternal law.

When the boundless devilish energy swept over, a bright heavenly sword suddenly slashed, tearing apart his devilish energy, and the huge devilish face was split in half.


The Great Black Sky Demon King was also shocked. With his original third-level cultivation base, he was directly torn apart, and his devilish energy was immediately reorganized. He looked at the man and said in surprise.

"Primitive Fifth Realm!"

"Someone is here to save us!"

The group of creatures exclaimed hopeful joy, "Palace lord has a wide range of friends, it must be a friend of the lord."

"My **** army is conquering, do you want to stop it?"

The Great Dark Sky Demon King was afraid of the sword god, and carried it out of the **** sky.

"The Great Black Demon King."

Chu Yuan appeared in front of him.

"you are?"

The Great Black Sky Demon King stared at Chu Yuan and suddenly exclaimed: "You are the Divine Martial Emperor, and you have also arrived in the Hongmeng Territory. Are you going to help Hongmeng Academy?"

He naturally knew something about the famous Shenwu God Emperor.

I didn't expect this person to come.

This person is extremely strong, making him feel tricky.

"You and I have met a long time ago."

Chu Yuandao.

"Have seen?"

The Great Black Sky Demon King was a little stunned. He didn't even think of seeing him before, and said suspiciously, "Is it in the eternal forbidden zone or the eternal pure land?"

"Forget Chuanhe." Chu Yuan said three words.

These three characters roared like thunder, and a figure overlapped, shocking the Great Black Demon King.

"You, you, you, you are the one who stole Wangchuanhe in **** that day!"

He couldn't believe that the Emperor Shenwu was the one who took Wang Chuanhe, and he was not to blame. After all, he would not have thought that that person would be Chu Yuan.

"Oh? I finally remembered." Chu Yuan said lightly.

"It turns out Wangchuan River is in the hands of the God Emperor."

The Great Black Sky Demon King was polite, facing a stronger existence, he had to be softened, and said, "God Emperor, what can I advise?"

"The Great Black Demon King, you once belonged to the ruler of Wangchuan. Those who have to forget the river is the sect master of the Tianzong of Wangchuan. In my hands, it is orthodox, and you should be loyal to me.

Chu Yuandao.

"It's true."

The Great Black Sky Demon King didn't dare to be careless, "But the **** emperor is not a strong man in hell, so naturally he can't become the master of Wangchuan, this refuge is meaningless, and the current Wangchuan Tianzong is dead in name."

"My woman will take over Wangchuan Tianzong and become your sovereign."

Chu Yuandao.

Suddenly meeting the Great Black Sky Demon today, Chu Yuan naturally couldn't let him go easily.

When Jiuyou got to Wangchuanhe, Chu Yuan originally intended to wait for her to come to the Primordial God, and then take charge of the Tianzong of Wangchuan, in order to open up the resources left by Wangchuan's ruler.

Wangchuan dominates a resource, which can only be opened through the Wangchuan River, which is also the dream of the boundless wind.

This great black demon king originally belonged to Wangchuan Tianzong, if he surrendered him and obeyed Jiuyou's order, he could help Jiuyou go to **** and clear some obstacles.

"Your Majesty joked."

Not to mention fighting against Chu Yuan~www.ltnovel.com~ Even the sword god, he is not an opponent.

"I never laugh."

Chu Yuan's tone was very direct, oppressing the Great Dark Sky Demon with his strength, and dealing with such a strong man in hell, good words and words did not have any effect.

"That's me laughing!"

As soon as the Great Black Sky Demon King's voice fell, he rushed away in an instant, he was going to the Lord of Hell in order to get their shelter.

"Can't go!"

The power of the sword **** shook, and the overwhelming fluctuations swept away, a palm swept across, and the surrounding time and space were enveloped in it.


The Great Black Sky Demon King is also angry, he is also a primitive god, this emperor actually wants to enslave him, it is something he cannot tolerate.

His demon body shook, like the disintegration of the heavenly demon, it turned into a puff of black smoke, and every one was him.

His body is a bit special, it is a kind of demon body, but it is mixed with the **** power of hell, and two shadows coexist, making him stronger.

He also knew that he was not the opponent of Shenwu God Emperor, so the purpose was to escape.

The Blade God immediately blocked the Great Black Sky Demon King, his strength was fierce, and the divine light continuously bombarded the black smoke.

"Turn the truth into nothing!"

But facing the strong attack of the sword god, the Great Black Sky Demon King was not in a hurry. He turned into an illusory substance, and no matter how strong he was, he could not hurt him.

This is his special talent, which can make himself illusory.

"Hahaha, Shenwu God Emperor, goodbye!"

Da Hei Tian Devil laughed presumptuously, and it was with this special talent that he could escape even if he encountered a strong existence.


Chu Yuan's five fingers, slowly rotating, time and space collapsed, this great black demon king turned into an illusion, no matter the tangible or intangible existence, he was attracted by him, unable to escape.

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