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"how come?"

The Great Dark Sky Demon King is shocked!

Originally, he had special talents, transforming the virtual and real, transcending the entity, turning himself into an illusion, as if he did not exist, and could escape from the hands of many powerful beings.

However, as the emperor's palm slowly rotated, his entire group of illusions was drawing towards this person.

His power penetrated through time and space and trapped him.


The Great Black Sky Demon shouted, trying his best to counter this power.

It was impossible for Chu Yuan to give him a chance. The Great Swallowing technique swallowed the universe, matter and illusion. After he ran a force to the peak, a huge hole was formed.

"I can't get out."

The Great Black Sky Demon King was trembling, he was tightly absorbed in this huge hole, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free and imposed a terrifying seal.

"What do you want to do!"

The Great Black Sky Demon shouted in terror.

His strongest life-saving magical power just lost its effect in front of Chu Yuan, trembling with panic, his life and death would be under his control.

Chu Yuan ignored it, the flame gate appeared in the cavity, and the endless law formed a heaven and earth oven, violently descending on the flame, and burning all over the body of the Great Black Demon King.


A terrible cry came out.

This is not an ordinary fire. The soul burning attribute is applied by the great soul technique. The double burning and melting of all things are enough to make this **** devil want to die.

"Take it, I take it, don't torture me, I will listen to you whatever you say, well, I belonged to the Tianzong Wangchuan, I am willing to follow the orders of the new master!"

The Great Black Sky Demon King couldn't stand it anymore, and his **** demon didn't have such hard bones. Just for a while, he couldn't bear such a bone pain and made a begging for mercy.

Seeing that he was subdued, Chu Yuan immediately imposed a seal on him, unless the Great Black Sky Demon struggled to die once, otherwise he could not escape his control.

"The Great Dark Sky Demon King can temporarily control him, but he can only be regarded as a coolie thug."

Chu Yuan knew that even if he imposes a soul imprisonment on him, it is not completely safe. He can give up his life and look for the resurrection of other masters.

However, if he dares to do this, his destiny consciousness will be completely shattered, and the situation is like the lord of the sky, and the cost of resurrecting him will be very high.

"I have seen the emperor."

Appearing from within the seal, the Great Dark Sky Demon King has lingering fears. The pain just now was too unforgettable, but as a strong man in hell, he would not feel any shame.

In order to survive, you can do anything and take refuge in the strong, which is even more common in hell.

He turned from a devilish state into a middle-aged man.

"Which master of the **** will attack the Hongmeng Territory?"

Chu Yuan looked into his eyes and went deep into his heart, as if he could see through all the thoughts in the heart of the Great Black Sky Demon King.

The Great Dark Sky Demon King has many ideas, but he dare not lie to Chu Yuan about this kind of thing: "It is the master of **** sinking, the master of decay, the master of the abyss, the master of Shura."

"Huh? They don't seem to appear in the Eternal Pure Land." Chu Yuan frowned slightly.

"The Four Lords did not go to the Eternal Forbidden Zone. After they appeared in the Eternal Pure Land, they immediately sent troops to attack the Hong Mongol Territory."

The **** devil said honestly.

"That's it."

Chu Yuan also understood, "The four masters do not go to the Eternal Pure Land. They took advantage of the opportunity when many powerful men gathered in the Pure Land. They seized the opportunity to attack the Hong Mongol region. Indeed, all eyes are now concentrated in the Pure Land. The best time!"

"Your Majesty, what should we do?"

The sword **** asks for instructions.

[Choice 1: Help Palace Master Hongmeng, get 1 million fate points, random original **** pill x1. 】

[Choose two, don't help Palace Master Hongmeng, get 1 million fate points, random primitive artifact x1. 】

"The Hongmeng Territory is facing a major crisis, and the four masters will come prepared. If we take action, we can get the friendship of Palace Master Hongmeng, and there are many ancient inheritances in Hongmeng Academy, and we may also benefit."

Chu Yuan instantly analyzed the pros and cons.


Help this time!

Helped Hongmeng Territory, got the friendship and benefits of Hongmeng Academy, and the Lord of Heavenly Fate.

"Go, go to Hongmeng Academy with me!" Chu Yuan said.

In the Hongmeng area, there is a huge sacred mountain with brilliant light. This is the sacred mountain of Hongmeng, which contains the beginning of heaven and earth and the eternal fluctuation of the beginning of all things.

This sacred mountain of Hongmeng was left by the Lord of Hongmeng, the treasure of Zhentian.

Surrounding this sacred mountain of Hongmeng, many **** creatures are urging vast mana, one by one artifacts and magic weapons to smash the waves of destruction.

The four masters of hell, this time they joined forces, brought their own heritage, and surrounded the Hongmeng Mountain.

The real fire from **** is already burning on it.

The Lord of Hell is not only a simple noble title, can become the Lord of Hell, although everyone can not be as powerful as the Lord of the Day, but it is also a very strong one among the primitive gods.

They can bless the origin of **** and heaven on their body, which makes their general same realm more powerful.

At this moment, the four masters are standing in all directions, the vitality of the whole body is boiling, and the four **** powers are like four heavens and earth fiercely pressing on the Hongmeng Mountain.

However, on this sacred mountain of Hongmeng, it was also extraordinary. Facing the oppression of hell, the spirit of Hongmeng appeared and he just resisted.

"Hongmeng God Mountain~www.ltnovel.com~ descended from the path of eternity for the ancient Lord of Hongmeng, an eternal fetish!"

A master of hell, standing in the air, his strength is derived, his appearance is just like an ordinary person, and he is the famous sinking master of hell.

He has the power to perish forever.

Chu Yuan had already seen the master of the abyss.

And the declining ruler is like a woman, dressed in a blue dress, her most terrifying magical power is the five decay of heaven and man, the decay of heaven and earth, the primitive gods will also wipe out eternal matter.

Shura dominates the majestic and tall, he is very burly and strong, his skin shows the luster of dark gold, wearing a dark gold armor, extremely powerful.

"Palace lord, this time the four masters took advantage of the eternal change in the restricted area and suddenly attacked me in the Hongmeng Territory. They have already attacked and killed us, and they have to attack our Hongmeng Mountain!"

"It's extremely hateful, they are too despicable. If it weren't for a large number of masters in the eternal forbidden zone, otherwise, we can gather many powerful men who have practiced in my school to help us!"

"The situation is critical. I can't count on others. I can only overcome the catastrophe by myself. The situation is different. The strong people stand in line. I have gone through many dangers in the Mongolian region. This time I can definitely get through it!"

On the Hongmeng Mountain, there are many continuous ancient temples, which are the area of ​​academies.

They are all surrounding an old man wearing a purple robe, his temperament is kind and gentle, just like the wisest old man in the world, half-footed into the sixth realm, the peak of the original five realms.

He is Palace Master Hongmeng, and it is said that he descended in the multiverse together with the God Mountain Hongmeng.

"Don't panic!"

Palace Master Hongmeng was very calm, looking at the four murderous masters of hell, and said: "I will not let the God Mountain of Hongmeng fall into hell, and teach the way of Hongmeng in the pluralism. This is the task the Lord of Hongmeng has given me! "

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