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Chu Yuan appeared in front of them.

"Hongmeng universe, the origin of everything!"

Seeing Chu Yuan, Palace Master Hongmeng knew that he had gained a great experience in God's realm, and said, "God Emperor, what do you think?"

"I have benefited a lot, and I am very insightful. I seem to have experienced the birth and destruction of a universe, the origin of creation of countless creatures, but in fact it is like a dream."

Chu Yuan's eyes were long.

When he looked back, he seemed to have an eternal charm.

The Hongmeng Divine Realm was so mysterious and extraordinary. No wonder the four masters wanted to **** this divine realm into hell. With that sentiment, Chu Yuan felt that he had gone further on the path of eternity.

The Lord of Hongmeng showed his eternal way, and perhaps hoped that someone could make up for his shortcomings.

"The **** emperor has great wisdom."

Palace Master Hongmeng praised him, and when he heard what he said, he knew that Chu Yuan had really benefited from it, and not everyone could appreciate this mystery.

"The rise of the **** emperor, the sixth stage is very difficult for everyone, like me, trapped in the fifth stage, unable to comprehend the epic power of the sixth stage, even if many gods are trapped in this stage, but with The wisdom of the **** emperor is very likely to be achieved."

Palace Master Hongmeng seemed to see the future, the emperor Shenwu ruled the world, a scene that shocked the world.

"The sixth state."

Chu Yuan said lightly: "It's also a big step on the road to eternity, the difference between immortal and common."

He is full of infinite confidence in himself all the time.

"Sword God, the mysterious realm of God, you also go in for some enlightenment." Chu Yuan said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Blade God entered.

"Divine Emperor, I heard that there is an imperial academy in your Majesty’s empire. Anyone can enter and practice, and I also created the Hongmeng Academy. All the talents of the heavens can come here to ask. I have a suggestion. communicate with."

The Lord Hongmeng suggested.

He is very smart, not to mention having ties to the strong empire, but only talking about the exchanges between universities,

"The exchanges between universities can make up for the shortcomings of all parties, and some inheritance can be exchanged."

Chu Yuan understood that Palace Master Hongmeng was the messenger of the Lord Hongmeng, and he controlled many big secrets. Since the other party was willing to be friendly with him, he was happy to do so.

"When I return to the Shen Dynasty, I will organize an exchange group and come to Hongmeng Academy."

Chu Yuan intends to let the book of enlightenment come, he is the epic book of the empire, records legendary history, unique, let him record the inheritance that Hongmeng Academy can reveal.

You can also learn from the experience of Hongmeng Academy.

And of course, Hongmeng Academy is not without benefits.

Returning to the empire, he wanted to turn the body of the book of enlightenment into eternal matter.

"That's great."

Palace Master Hongmeng smiled.

He knew that the purpose of Shenwu was nothing more than to take a fancy to his inheritance here, but he was the envoy of Hongmeng, and many inheritances were open, and he was happy for others to come.

And this empire...

There is a big mystery that he can't see through...

This is to his advantage and harmless.


The sword **** came out soon.

"How?" Chu Yuan asked.

"The minister has a big harvest."

Dao Shendao: "The minister saw a knife in the realm of the gods. It was a knife performed by the Lord of Hongmeng. It opened up the world and separated the Hongmeng. It will take me a long time to understand the mystery of this knife."

Everyone sees different pictures in the territory of Hongmeng God.

Hongmeng interprets ten thousand ways.

"it is good."

Chu Yuan nodded. The sword **** in the **** realm has gained a lot. After returning, he can study it slowly, saying: "Palace Master Hongmeng, nowadays in a diverse situation, I can't stay in the ancient realm for a long time.

"God emperor wait."

Palace Master Hongmeng said, "Before I leave, I would like to ask the **** emperor to write down and stay in the academy for the admiration of younger generations."

"Oh? Leave a word, sign?"

Chu Yuan smiled.

This Palace Master Hongmeng wanted to let himself leave a signature here, it was not a big deal.

"Yes." Chu Yuan agreed.

"The **** emperor, please follow me."

Following Palace Master Hongmeng, Chu Yuan soon came to a Hongmeng time and space filled with ancient monuments, and the fonts flashed on them, all left by an extremely great existence.

"God emperor, these are Hongmeng monuments. Since the establishment of Hongmeng Academy, there are many powerful beings here to leave words."

Palace Master Hongmeng introduced.

"This is a fate word I left."

Lu Yuan pointed to a Hongmeng stele, where there was a word for Yuan.

This is not a simple engraving of a name, but a strong person instills his own spirit, leaving his will on it, and can deduce the strong person's Taoism.

Suddenly I saw the word “fate”, just like the world’s dust fate, the cycle of cause and effect, everything has a fate, fortune fate, good fate, evil fate, and so on.

Such as land margin.

She had practiced in the academy when she was weak, and only when she was strong can she help Palace Master Hongmeng fight the **** master this time.

His gaze has been seen on the Hongmeng monuments, and each of them reveals extremely powerful names. Everyone has a different temperament, and the power displayed by the name is different.

"Too early."

Chu Yuan saw the word Taichu.

"That was left by the God Emperor of the Early God Dynasty."

Palace Master Hongmeng said: "A stronger man earlier than the Emperor of Humanity."

"The Emperor of Heaven in the early days has disappeared." Chu Yuan said.

"In the early days, the emperor should have fallen, falling on the path of eternity. Of course, I don't know the specific situation. It is a bit of information passed by the Lord of Hongmeng."

Palace Master Hongmeng said: "In the early days, the Emperor of Heaven encountered a taboo in the path of eternity."

"It's stronger than the emperor in the early days, and he must also drink hatred on the path of eternity. It's sad." Chu Yuan said: "I heard that Taiyi Tianzun had appeared in the Great Ancient War, and he didn't seem to have fallen."

"I'm not very clear about this. I saw Taiyi Tianzun in the Great Ancient War, and then there was no news. At that time, he was about to become the sixth stage."

Palace Master Hongmeng said: "There is a name left by Taiyi Tianzun."

Chu Yuan saw that Taiyi Tianzun and Taihong Tianjun had both.

Some of the names on these Hongmeng monuments have become masterpieces, some have fallen and become history.

Through this method of leaving names, Chu Yuan saw the power of many ancient existences and left their names. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com is an epic record, so that future generations can still know their existence.

"Yi Tianjun's Yi."

Chu Yuan saw the word Yi, and the whole word revealed a sharp stern, like a bow and an arrow, shooting through the sky, always breaking.

"Yi Tianjun has also been here, leaving this word." Palace Master Hongmeng said.

Pieces of Hongmeng monuments revolve like stars in the universe.


Divine light, infinitely brilliant.

Chu Yuan saw the existence of the word of God on a Hongmeng stele, the glory of the gods, the glory of the gods, surrounded by the gods, creating a temple of the gods and opening up the existence of the gods.

He is God, God is Him!

He represents the glory of God!

"Leave by the founder of the God Realm!" Palace Master Hongmeng said: "The founder of the God Realm left this monument for the sake of the Lord of Hongmeng. He is very powerful, unimaginable, and very great."

"Founder of the God Realm."

Chu Yuan nodded, knowing that his strength was the ancestor of ten thousand demons, and they were not as good as the founders of the gods.

"The Hongmeng stele is the herringbone left by the emperor."

A human character is extremely simple, only two strokes, but Chu Yuan vaguely saw a benevolent and generous existence, the emperor of all living beings, the leader of humanity, and the supreme of heaven and earth.

"Mr. Ren, it's a pity for him. I have also talked to him for a long time."

Palace Master Hongmeng has a very good relationship with Human Sovereign, and he sighed: "I also persuaded him, just like the creators of the gods, but he believes that this cannot be eternal. In the end, he is willing to use his own way of transformation. Make up for humanity."

"Human Emperor, he is great."

Chu Yuan had an emperor sword, and he could appreciate this power.

"Yes, there must be sacrifices on the road to eternity, and the emperor is willing to sacrifice."

Palace Master Hongmeng looked at Chu Yuan again, "What words does the emperor intend to leave?"

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