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Palace Master Hongmeng was also curious as to what characters Chu Yuan would leave behind. Could it be Shenwu's martial character?

With his formidable combat power, he can stand up to this word for martial arts.

"Also, I will leave one word."

A blank Hongmeng monument floated in front of Chu Yuan.

Palace Master Hongmeng also handed Chu Yuan a Hongmeng pen in person.

This pen is made of a metal called Hongmeng, and the pen end is like a knife.

Chu Yuan wrote and directly engraved it, and a word appeared on the Hongmeng Tablet.


This is an emperor, the emperor's son, deeply pierced into the stele, and permanently imprinted on the Hongmeng stele.


Palace Master Hongmeng stared at this word.

An emperor character swallows mountains and rivers, like seeing a domineering emperor dominating the world, his domineering temperament is hard to conceal, as if an iron horse and a torrent of iron and blood are appearing, striving for world hegemony.

He is the strongest existence in all ages, dominating the world!

"Control one with the emperor's domineering!"

Not only this, Palace Master Hongmeng also felt the hegemony in the emperor's character. He lived forever and controlled everything with the emperor's power, whether it was fate or eternity.

The emperor itself represents a kind of control over dominance.

He is the emperor, controlling the gods, controlling demons, controlling people, controlling everything!

"What an emperor, thank God Emperor for his name!"

Palace Master Hongmeng solemnly.

"It's okay, it's just a word."

Chu Yuandao.

"Friend of Dao Shen, since you are here, you might as well leave a word."

Palace Lord Hongmeng, the sword **** of the fifth realm is absolutely qualified to stay here.

"Go, leave a word here."

With Chu Yuan's approval, the sword **** left the word.

He held the Hongmeng pen, the posture was like holding a knife, and the moment it was like a knife splitting the Hongmeng universe, he left a knife on it, which was also deeply imprinted.

His sword was cut for Shenwu, like gods surrounding the emperor character left by Chu Yuan.

"it is good!"

Palace Master Hongmeng laughed, and today there are two more words.

"I have also left. I have many affairs in the country, so I won't stay here for a long time. If Palace Master Hongmeng is free, he can come to my empire, and I will entertain him with the most solemn ceremony."

Chu Yuan didn't plan to stay in Hong Mongol territory for a long time.

"I will visit Shenwu in the coming day." Palace Master Hongmeng nodded, and he personally sent Chu Yuan out of the Hongmeng Territory.

"It's not easy."

Palace Master Hongmeng looked at the emperor character after leaving Chu Yuan.

The word is like his person, from this word, he can experience the domineering, fearless domineering of this Shenwu Divine Emperor.

"Teacher." Lu Yuan said, "This may be the so-called imperial dominance."

"This emperor's future achievements are limitless. For the emperor, no one will be kind, and his hands are covered with **** blood, but for the emperor, Jinkouyuyan, they will keep the promise they made. Divine Sword, it is worthwhile to have fate and cause and effect with him."

Palace Master Hongmeng said: "The Emperor Shenwu either dominates the heavens or completely destroys..."

"Teacher, Shenwu is indeed extraordinary, but the sword **** is also extremely powerful, where does it come from?"

Lu Yuan was also puzzled.

"I don't know, this person seems to have emerged out of thin air. There was nothing about him before, maybe it came from the eternal road, maybe it's bizarre that he willingly surrendered to Shenwu."

Palace Master Hongmeng said: "But these are not important. I don't fight for the hegemony of the universe. I am just the messenger of the Lord of Hongmeng in the multiverse, just for preaching. After a while, I personally visit Shenwu and go over immediately. not good."

Lu Yuan nodded, and she was also thankful that she had made friends with Chu Yuan because of one act, otherwise she would not return to the Hong Mongol region.

The emperor's ship, diversified navigation.

"The Great Black Demon King."

Chu Yuan summoned the Great Black Demon King.


The Great Black Sky Demon King was much more honest at this time, and he was also terrified. Although he did not appear in the Hong Mong territory, Chu Yuan let him see a scene where he was at war with the Abyss Lord.

He was afraid, and many careful thoughts were suppressed.

"You don't have to go back to the empire with me." Chu Yuan said.

"Where shall I go?"

The Great Dark Sky Demon King was also a little confused.

"If you hold my emperor's order, go directly to Taichutian, and when you see the fire ancestor, you will know what to do."

Chu Yuan was worried about the situation in Taichutian, fearing that Huo Zu alone could not stabilize the situation.

"I know."

The Great Black Sky Demon King went directly to Taichu Heaven. At this time, although he could destroy himself, he needed to fall out of Chu Yuan's control once, and the cost was too great.

"The Great Dark Sky Demon Lord is not honest." Dao Shen said coldly.

"I know that he is not honest, and he must destroy himself before he can get out of control, but the cost is too high. He will not do this now, but will look at the situation of the gods. This is fine, at least it can be used for me now."

Chu Yuan could see that the Great Black Sky Demon King had no loyalty to him, but was forced by the situation.

The Emperor of Heaven was extremely fast, and Chu Yuan returned to the Shen Dynasty after a period of time.

He was also a little pity in his heart. He heard that the Faceless Man was in the Forbidden Zone, but he did not meet him. This Faceless Man behaved very strangely.

After arriving in the Shen Dynasty, the order was as before, and all domains were operating as before.

On the opposite side of the Chu Yuan fortress, Du'ertian also established an opposing fortress with the help of the Dragon God Heaven and Yan Shentian strong, and the small-scale conflict has never stopped.

"Heaven and earth melting pot!"

Chu Yuan released the giant peak, and suddenly a raging flame burned it, refining it into molten metal and building it into an eternal palace. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Because of its special material, Chu Yuan also understood that it was difficult to build it immediately, and it would take a long time for the terrazzo to wear it.

Very troublesome.

But also because of this trouble, once the Eternal Temple succeeds, the sixth stage cannot be destroyed directly, and most importantly, it represents his glory and sacredness.

"Thousand husbands."

After Chu Yuan returned, he gathered a group of imperial ministers and said: "I have obtained many gods in the Forbidden Area this time, and I will put them in the treasury. In particular, these fruits will be distributed according to the imperial contribution. These materials must be smelted as soon as possible without any delay."

There are a lot of eternal fruits he obtained this time, all of which are rare artifacts, which will be given to the empire powerhouse for cultivation, which will give an overall increase in strength.

"The minister knows."

Although Lu Qianfu is not strong, he is very keen on the situation, saying: "According to your Majesty’s news, Fengshen Great has won the Forbidden Zone. Then there will be a tug of war for a while. The next battle, the minister speculates. , The Great Emperor Fengshen will attack the other 33 days, allowing him to gather more powerhouses at the level of God."

"It must be so."

The Book of Enlightenment also said: "Every time the world is in turmoil, every day changes hands. Some who have the strength to fight for the position of the 33 days have turned to him. Once they gather and become a big trend, the strongest will never again. It won't be an opponent of Fengshen Great Emperor."

"The burning of war will center on two centers, one is the eternal forbidden zone, and the other is the Conferred God Heaven as the center to spread out. The Conferred God Heaven is extremely far away from me. Our current opponent is the three-day alliance of Duertian."

Chu Yuandao: "In the Book of Enlightenment, you record the epic of the empire and gather infinite wisdom. It happens that this time your deity is built with eternal material and carries the epic legend of the empire.

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