Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1582: The origin of the Emperor Taichu

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"Huo Zu's request for help?"

Chu Yuan asked for help from the fire ancestor, his face was solemn and he didn't dare to be careless.

"Although the God Tree of the Beginning is not a primitive god, it is equivalent to the will of the God Realm of the Beginning, can adjust the origin of the heaven and the earth, and is more than enough to defend the attack of the Emperor of the Beginning."

Chu Yuan thought: "And this time I have let the Fire Ancestor and the God of War hold away, and I have sent the help of the Great Dark Sky Demon King, the three Primitive Gods, and the God Tree of the Beginning to make the Fire Ancestor feel that it is difficult to be alone and seek the empire. Help, it seems that there will be a big change in the early days."

The war should not have occurred yet, but the fire ancestors already have a great threat.

He thought about it, and it was hard to know where this threat came from.

Perhaps it comes from other forces.

No matter what it is, he can't be careless

But after all, he is nominally the leader of the Supreme Beginning League and is related to Taiyi Tianzun. In his heart, he hopes that the primordial sacred tree can occupy the Taichu Heaven, unify, and drive away the forces there.

Like the unification of the heavens in the early days, with his help to the **** tree in the early days and the identity of the leader, he can also be mobilized and become a vassal force of the empire.

He can't ignore all kinds of reasons.

"Yihuozu's character will not be unreasonable. Is it true that I foresee the big trouble I can't deal with and let the sword **** go? It's wrong."

Chu Yuan wanted to let the sword **** pass, but immediately felt wrong.

"It's better for me to go there personally, and the matter of Taichutian should be completely resolved."

Chu Yuan decided to go over by himself. This time he went to not only help the Taichu Sacred Tree against the Taichu Emperor, but also to completely solve the problem so that the Taichu Sacred Tree could gain control of the Taichu Tian.

"The **** of swords, Zhang Jing, the monument to the **** of prison."

Chu Yuandao.

"I have seen your Majesty."

The three powerhouses arrived.

"In the early days there was a fear of changes, and I decided to go personally, but in the empire, you have to guard, then once the early days fight, it is likely to be learned in three days, I will leave the worm enclosure and the Wanbao River, you We need to adapt to changes in order to communicate with us through national destiny."

Chu Yuan made arrangements.

His vast river of treasures, more and more treasures, burst out, and can besieged a primitive god.


The sword **** takes his command.

"It shouldn't be too late, I will go to Taichu Tian immediately."

It is not impossible to let the sword **** go, but although his strength is strong, his various magical powers are not as good as Chu Yuan, and some things still need him to do.

The Emperor of Heaven crossed time and space.

He used to spend decades on his way to Taichu Tian, ​​but what realm he was at that time was only the first realm of Heaven, and now it is the second realm of Primordial God.

He was very fast in the early days.

He looked at the Heaven of the Beginning, the old place is coming back, the momentum is tense and dignified, and the storm is about to come. In the primordial gods, a large army is mobilizing and continuously oppressing the gods.

Indeed, the breath revealed is very unusual.

"First enter the Divine Realm of the Beginning."

In order to prevent this, Chu Yuan put away the warships and operated the supreme mysterious arts to prevent him from being guarded by the primordial divine dynasty, and directly entered the primordial divine realm, no one could find him.

"Sacred tree in the early days, your majesty!"

Fire ancestor shocked.

He didn't know at first, it would be His Majesty God Emperor who came to the rescue!

The powerhouse of the God Realm in the early days was waiting for Chu Yuan's arrival, and they were all shocked.


Seeing Chu Yuan's arrival, the primordial sacred tree supporting the gods made violent fluctuations and sensed Chu Yuan's aura. The primal divine power that was like a mountain like a sea, terrifying and terrifying, made it shocked.

When Chu Yuan came for the first time, he should have been in the Heavenly Dao Realm, but now he is a Heavenly Dao God.

And it is still standing still.

Its decision to request Chu Yuan's help back then was correct.

The other powerhouses of the Primordial League were shocked when they saw Chu Yuan, and they were overwhelmed by Godlessness. At this time, Chu Yuan wanted to kill them as simple as squeezing an ant.

"Our leader, he is stronger!"

The emperor's eyes flowed.

"Yes, fortunately we agreed to let the **** emperor be our leader."

In the early days of the alliance, the mountain giants and the early days of the sea were all fortunate.

"Your Majesty will not be afraid of the threat of the Emperor Taichu."

Fire Ancestor Road.

"Huo Ancestor, talk about the situation."

Chu Yuan swept away his eyes and sat down on the throne of the leader.

"Yes, Your Majesty, not long ago, the Emperor of the Supreme Beginning personally conquered the Divine Realm of the Supreme Beginning, and there were a few more strange primitive gods."

Fire Ancestor said in detail.

"On that day, if there is no **** emperor sent in advance to support the fire ancestor, the gods will be broken in the beginning."

The primordial **** tree said: "I wonder where those primitive gods came from. It shouldn’t belong to the primordial emperor, otherwise he would have used it a long time ago, so why bother?"

"Since I have all come to send people to help you, the Emperor of the Beginning may also find a helping hand."

Chu Yuan said: "Before I arrived, I had already seen the mysterious aura, and a great battle was brewing."

"What your majesty said is extremely true. The minister also noticed that the aura was unusual. In the early days, the emperor was going to launch a greater war. He already knew that the minister was here. Then the counterattack would be more fierce, so the minister asked for his majesty's help."

Huo Ancestor solemnly said: "There will definitely be strong people who do not belong to the Emperor of the Beginning!"

"The Emperor of the Beginning is indeed a bit weird. I remember that he suddenly appeared in the Heaven of the Beginning of the Beginning. His origins were completely blank before. I couldn't guess before, but now I may know. He may have come from the eternal path.

Chu Yuandao

"The Eternal Way!"

In the beginning, the **** tree was I also made this guess, and it seems that it may be great now, and it is also possible that those who helped him are also on the eternal road. "

"Doesn't it mean that the strong in the path of eternity can't appear in the multiverse casually?" The King of Devourers doubted.

"It can't appear. I saw a primitive five-fold behemoth falling into the multiverse in the Eternal Forbidden Zone, and its soul collapsed directly."

Chu Yuan said, "But what if they belong to this era? It's like a strong man in the multiverse can return after he goes, but he may not have gained the Tao in the multiverse."

"Your Majesty, they value Taichutian very much. It is likely that there is a conspiracy, but this conspiracy is still unknown!"

Fire Ancestor Road.

"It's impossible to know that people are all for their own interests. If there is no benefit, they won't work hard here, but now is not the time to think about it."

Chu Yuandao.

"Yes, what we have to consider now is how to frustrate their conspiracy and repel the attack!"

Taichu Haidao.

"With the arrival of the **** emperor, even if they make a move, they will not be able to break the God Realm of the Beginning."

At the beginning, the sacred tree was also relieved.

"This is far from enough. We have many affairs in our country, and we don't have time to waste with them. Do we want to prevent them from attacking again and again, too passive, and when time is delayed, variables will become numerous.

Chu Yuan said sharply: "The best way to break the game is always to take the initiative to attack and firmly control the initiative in his own hands!"

"The **** emperor means, do it in advance!"

God tree road in the beginning!

"Yes, take the initiative. I came here this time with only one purpose, so that you can completely control the Primordial Heaven. This sky is vast and strong. If you achieve primitiveness and control the heaven and earth, within the Primordial Fifth Realm, the Primordial Fifth Realm cannot do anything to you. ."

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