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Although the God Tree of the Beginning had the power to fight the Emperor of the Beginning with the help of the God Realm, it was not his true strength after all.

"It's not just the primordial tree, the mountains, the primordial sea, the primordial emperor, and the emperor of the world. You don’t want you to be special creatures, it doesn’t matter. You have been in the realm of the gods for too long, and you have already absorbed too much of the aura of the beginning. , Once the primordial sacred tree is in charge of the primordial heaven, its origin is under its control, and with the help of the vast power of heaven and earth, you are also very likely to break through."

Chu Yuan looked at them sharply.

"We also want to break through the original god!"

The King of Devourers has existed for a long time, and the glory of God's dynasty was there in the beginning. Such a long time, stuck in the realm of heaven, and their inner anxiety can be imagined.

"Like today, the land has changed again. I heard that the Emperor Fengshen occupies an absolute advantage in the Eternal Forbidden Area, and a large number of treasures circulated from the Pure Land. In the years to come, more primitive gods will inevitably appear!"

The emperor's eyes are burning.

"Not bad." Chu Yuan said, "Eternal Pure Land will make more primitive gods."

"In the early days, the evolution of the divine realm stopped due to the departure of the three eternal ancestors. I want to become a primitive and evolve again for the three eternal ancestors!"

In the early days, the sacred tree had a strong will, and said: "God emperor, what do you say, we all listen to your instructions."

"Kill kill kill!"

The arrival of Chu Yuan made the morale of the gods in the early days proud.

"The first step is to allow you to break through the original gods, and truly come to the beginning of the day, and start the struggle for the origin of the heavens and the earth from the beginning of the gods. I will help you, the gods of the beginning, you go to prepare and condense the power of the gods. To the limit."

Chu Yuandao.

In the beginning, the **** tree responded.

After he ordered the matter, Zhu Qiang retreated.


Chu Yuan smiled and looked at Jiuyou. This woman had a strong temperament and stood proudly and resolutely said: "I have obtained an eternal harmony in the eternal pure land. It is extremely painful and dangerous. You are primitive."

"I'm not afraid." Jiuyou arrogantly.

"When the war in the early days of the gods is over, you will go to Hedao. I foresee that there will be a big battle in the early days."

Chu Yuan's eyes were long and he fell into the primordial dynasty.

And in the early days of God.

Inside the gods.

The Emperor Taichu sat on the highest throne, his face was extremely gloomy and cold, and his divine realm could not be taken for a long time, which made him very unhappy.

On the left and right sides of him, there are five **** seats, and those sitting are also primitive gods.

"Several people, in the previous battle, I didn't expect that Shenwu would actually send two primitive gods, otherwise we have already conquered the God Realm of the Beginning."

At the beginning of the emperor's way.

These people are not his subordinates, but his helpers, and they cannot be arrogant to them.

"Then Shenwu!"

These people are also frowning, "According to you, there are some weird and mysterious, especially their emperor, who can't know the details. They also got the remains of the heavenly alliance left by the old man Xuantian, and heard that the reincarnation also helped him."

"Don't talk about Shenwu, Emperor Taichu, let's talk about you."

A man with a cold breath said: "Converting multiple times, you have descended in the Great Beginning Heaven after the Great Ancient War. How long has it been since the Great War? You have been unable to conquer the Great Beginning God Realm and complete the mission for you, do you know? The inability to make Yuan Master very angry, if it weren’t for your lack of credit and hard work over the years, you would have been severely punished."

Listen to their tone, they are most likely from the same force.

"For these years, I have been attacking, but it was because of the divine martial arts that caused the emperor to fail."

The emperor at the beginning suppressed his anger and said: "You didn't attack with the emperor before."

"These reasons cannot be an excuse for your incompetence."

The cold man said: "Lord Yuan recites your contributions over the years, and still allows people to dominate the beginning. You also know that even though the realm of Yuan is one of the strongest forces in the path of eternity, the realm of Yuan does not belong to this era. We can only do it when we come, but we are limited in the number of masters we can enter. Fortunately, Lord Yuan has been training a long time ago."

The emperor was indifferent at the beginning.

He came from the path of eternity and came to the multiverse under the direction of the Lord Yuan.

"It's useless to occupy the primordial sky. We need the primordial gods to calculate the rules of the primordial energy, and reverse it, so that the Yuan Master can break down his defensive resistance. This is the purpose of the Yuan Master."

That cruel man said.

From their conversations, what they need is not Taichu Tian itself, but it seems that they want to study the nature of Taichu energy and who to deal with.

"The God Realm must be breached in the early days and cannot be delayed." The emperor said coldly.

"Yes, I have also asked the Yuan Realm for advice, and soon more powerhouses will come, and then I will launch the final attack on the God Realm of the Beginning, and I can no longer play with them slowly."

Cruel manly.

"Time should be fast, the appearance of the fire ancestor has given me a very bad feeling."

Although the Emperor Taichu hated these people, he also understood that it was the right thing to conquer the God Realm at the beginning.

"The Eternal Pure Land is multi-dimensional. This is an extremely weird thing in itself. Does it mean that there will be a big change this time? A stronger eternal catastrophe will come, and good fortune will depend on misfortune. This may not be a good thing."

These people are also communicating. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Alas, we can't stop, we can only passively resist. Every time the eternal catastrophe comes, a large number of strong people will fall on the path of eternity, and all we can do is enhance our own strength."

They are also sighing.

Suddenly, the cold man said: "Well, at most half a month, the strongest of the abyss will be able to reach, the Emperor of the Beginning, let's prepare for the attack, in order to completely destroy the gods of the primordial beginning, the abyss has made a very long preparation."

"You don't need to point your fingers, I know what to do, Yuanjie instructed, you are here to assist the emperor!"

The emperor was also angry at the beginning.

The anger returns, but some preparations are needed.

"I am the ruler of the primordial heaven. After the primordial **** is broken, the emperor will dominate the heaven and the earth, and his strength will increase dramatically. He will be able to contend for the 33 heavenly position in the chaos of the pluralism. The abyss requires me to be in the multiverse. work!"

At the beginning, the emperor's thinking flashed.

Don't care about these people for now.


Just as they were deploying, the entire Primordial Beginning Heaven suddenly violently turbulent, especially at the location of Primordial God Realm, suddenly an infinite Primordial aura burst out.

"What happened?"

The emperor of Taichu looked over suddenly, and the occlusion of his breath gave him a bad warning, "Could it be that the sacred tree in the beginning was going to emerge from the divine territory and seize the control of the origin of heaven and earth!"

"Go to God Realm!"

They reached the gods in an instant.

A huge sacred tree shattered the sacred realm, it appeared in the first days, and the infinite energy of heaven and earth was madly gathering towards it.

Its status is like the tree of the world in the early days, propping up the spine of the sky. If it were not for the changes of the three great ancestors, it would not have fallen to this point.

As soon as it appears, it represents the heaven and earth of the primordial heaven.

"Finally appeared in the first day again!"

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