Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1585: Dove occupying magpie's nest

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The ruthless man was arrogant and domineering before and looked down on Chu Yuan, but now, his face was extremely shocked, the **** clothes he wore were broken, and the eternal matter in his body was severely damaged.

He couldn't believe that his realm was higher than him.

How could this happen.

His combat power is not an opponent at all.

"You really are only the original second world!"

He uttered a sharp shout, and that kind of perception of the way of heaven did not fit his realm at all.

Chu Yuan ignored him, just looked at him indifferently, he could be equal to the master of the abyss, let alone this person.

In the realm of Hongmeng God, he realized the Hongmeng, and the art of great destruction has been more advanced, containing a kind of charm of the beginning of heaven and earth, the beginning of Hongmeng, not only complete destruction, but also creation.

And what he was a little strange was why the Nine-Level Abyss Realm would never forget a Primordial Heaven.

"I have said that he is not easy to deal with."

At the beginning, the emperor said coldly.

"Stop talking cold words!"

The ruthless man was also embarrassed, letting out such domineering words, but it was this kind of end. He found himself a step down, and he shouted: "It's all for the plan of Lord Yuan. Together, I suppressed him and brought him to the abyss!"


The stronger world has changed, and the sacred tree has become more and more dazzling in the beginning, and there is an eternal light shining, and the breath is infinitely elevated.

The current situation is centered on the Divine Tree of the Beginning, which is a source of cohesion, and the original energy of heaven and earth is converging toward it, and the part that belongs to the control of the Emperor of the Beginning is deprived.

"No! Can't delay time!"

The Emperor Taichu obviously felt this way. He was an outsider. It was like the prince of a dynasty as the sacred tree at the beginning. When the three ancestors were not present, he was the next emperor appointed by the imperial king to inherit the emperor's throne.

And he dove in the magpie's nest, is a foreign prince.

"If you want to stop the sacred tree in the early days, you must first deal with Shenwu!"

He deeply understands.

"Shoot together!" the cold man shouted.

"You want to besiege the **** emperor, have you asked us?"

Fire Ancestor shouted violently.

The Great Black Demon King, the Grip of the God of War, Jiuyou, and the powerhouses of the entire primordial alliance all appeared, surrounding the primordial sacred tree, and launched a guardian war.

"Help the God Tree of the Beginning to resist the power, once it gets a big position, the Emperor of the Beginning will be defeated!"

Huo Ancestor stared at the cold man, "Leave him to me!"

The realm of the two was only a gap. The Fire Ancestor had Sky Wings on his body, although he was not an opponent, but he could stop him.

"I can deal with one, too." The Great Black Sky Demon King Cancan smiled strangely.

"I can also resist a primitive god!" Jiuyou's fighting spirit was strong.

It was only in an instant that the entire primordial day was madly fighting, and the radiant rainbows all over the sky, playing immortal brilliance.

Chu Yuan didn't move. It was not him who was anxious, but the Emperor Taichu.

"The emperor won't let you succeed!"

The burly body of the emperor at the beginning brings immortal oppression, unparalleled oppression, when people feel suffocated.

However, although his aura was strong, Chu Yuan could feel the decline of his aura. This was because the sacred tree was already depriving him of control of the world.

He locked his eyes to Chu Yuan, a divine light shot up into the sky, and the endless sharpness in his eyes, the powerful force shook the world, he strode forward, and the world exploded into chaos, no one could stop him.

Although the fighting on other battlefields is fierce, everyone knows that Chu Yuan and Taichu Huang are the ones who really determine the battlefield.

In an instant, their domineering forces finally collided together, and the confrontation between the two emperors shocked people's hearts and played the emperor's unique dominance.

Chu Yuan liked this kind of battle instead. His sweeping power exploded, and his power boiled. A look in his eyes could evaporate the universe, his palms turned into the universe, and he fought in the most direct way.


The Emperor Taichu and Chu Yuan made a blow.


The battlefield where the two battled is the most eye-catching.

Chu Yuan blasted out two palms.



His cosmic power was released. Although the Emperor Taichu launched a strong offensive, but when he fought against Chu Yuan, his heart sank, and he was like a blast on a giant mountain, unable to break his barrier.

In the early days, the emperor's light was shining again, his palm evaporated and turned into a vacuum, one hand straddling time and space, slapped down.

Chu Yuan didn't care. Only by fighting against the stronger existence could he sharpen his truly invincible mana.

He is like God, mobilizing the hand of God.


In the beginning, the emperor's palm also bloomed endlessly, sacred and magnificent, traversing the ancients.

And Chu Yuan was also fighting against his power, without the slightest fancy, just a match of pure power.

"Emperor Taichu, what are you trying to do? If you delay, once you really make the tree of Taichu a primitive god, you can't bear this responsibility!"

The ruthless man has suffered and wants to get back the scene.

Hearing his shout, the Emperor Taichu's heart became more and more irritable, how could he not know why he needed to remind him, but he had launched a fierce attack on Chu Yuan, but he was blocked by him.

"The emperor knows!"

He said.

"Life Swordsman!"

In an instant, a strong mana sword came across the sky, and it was shattered just in the condensing room. When it was cut, it seemed that a person's past and present life would be cut through.

"You actually realized the Sword of Life!"

The cruel man was surprised. UU reading

This is the unique knowledge in the nine-layer abyss, and there are very few people who will meet.

"No one can cut my life!"

The power around Chu Yuan was boiling, the iron and blood power turned into an epic torrent, time and space turned into a spiral strangulation.

This Life Zhan Tiandao was tyrannical, but it also shattered directly in the battle of strength.

"This can help him!"

At the beginning, the emperor became more and more gloomy.

This person seemed to be perfect, with offensive and defensive assistance, all kinds of strengths gathered together, there was no weakness, or he could not find his weakness.

If you talk about weakness, it is that the realm is not as advanced as he is, but this is not enough for him to defeat this person. If the two continue to fight like this, it will be a stalemate.


At this moment, the sacred tree blasted out an extremely bright divine light, a ray of light, across the universe, a strong storm swept into the early days.

Above it, is the primitive divine calamity that covers it.

Finally, in the beginning, the sacred tree was about to cross the catastrophe.

It has existed for too long, and in terms of the perception of the way of heaven, it is very deep, and it should have broken through long ago.

Now, it has gathered the power of the Supreme Beginning Heaven, and it must first break through to the primitive god, and then it is equivalent to inheriting the throne, and then it can launch the king's soldiers to conquer the princes who occupy the throne.

The vast divine calamity slashed on it.

Its branches and leaves trembled, causing huge damage to its body, but it trembled, gathering the power of heaven and earth to resolve the damage from the divine calamity.

"Divine Emperor, the next time will be my most important moment. The Primal Divine Tribulation will last for a long time. I can't be disturbed. I have to gather the energy of the primordial heaven to succeed. This is a crucial step. Please refer to the Divine Emperor!"

It said to Chu Yuan.

Unable to care about external affairs, it has to go through the catastrophe wholeheartedly!

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