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"Absolutely intolerable!"

The Emperor of the Beginning took a deep breath. Once the God Tree of the Beginning was turned into a primitive god, it was all over. It would be impossible for him to descend into the Five Primitive Five Realms, and all his efforts would turn into a bubble.

Their deep realm did not belong to the sixth realm of this era.

The punishment of the deep realm is second, and he will also lose a powerful opportunity to even reach the sixth realm.

Although the sacred tree of the primordial beginning ushered in an opportunity at this time, it was also its weakest time. A slight interference may cause its previous achievements to be abandoned.

The eternal light bloomed.

The emperor from the beginning was shining, the most dazzling, the whole body was full of light.

"In the beginning, the emperor was desperate, he was going to burn eternal matter!"

Everyone was frightened. Once the eternal matter was burned, he was angered, and he had to use the strongest means, and he would never stop until he reached his goal!

"If you want to compete with the Emperor of the Beginning, Shenwu must also burn eternal matter, but the two emperors are separated by three realms, and the gap is the same. If they really fight together, does he consume the Emperor of the Beginning?"

According to the truth, the Shenwu God Emperor is absolutely impossible to fight the Emperor Taichu, but the many mysteries of this emperor made them dare not give a definite answer.

Chu Yuan was indifferent. He raised his life-threatening bow and shot it away. The arrow that hurt the Earth Dragon Emperor, the Emperor of the Beginning just lifted his hand to directly destroy it.

"Those who block me die!"

The emperor erupted in anger, the dazzling him, the eternal torrent directly hit Chu Yuan, he had never thought of killing Chu Yuan, just to drive him away, not to interfere with his plan.

Can Shenwu fight?

At this time, the prestige of the Emperor Taichu was too great. If you fight against him, it is almost impossible to accept it, and it is extremely likely to pay a huge price.

But if he retreats, the sacred tree will never stop him in the beginning.

Chu Yuan was full of spirits, and the torrent rushed in. He didn't retreat for half a step. He had the belief that he could definitely stop him. He really couldn't suppress the Emperor Taichu, but he couldn't help him.

After the Primordial God, he is truly a success.

Vacuum black hole.

Chu Yuan turned into a swallowing sky, and the vast torrent of epics burst out in an instant. In the beginning, the sacred tree had to help. In this divine realm, he was the nominal leader and could also get huge benefits.

He will never miss anything that is good for him.

The two forces fought against each other, and the moment they fought, they slammed into the world-wide impact of the fragmentation of the heavens and the earth. There were earthquakes throughout the first days, and countless earths were cracking and moving.

The end is coming.

But because of his protection, the sacred tree in the early days could still survive the catastrophe with peace of mind, and the torrent of destruction could not blow it up. Chu Yuan created a haven for it to block all wind and rain.

"Divine Emperor, it depends on you!"

In the beginning, the **** tree didn't want anything else, and only succeeded as soon as possible to repay Chu Yuan's efforts.

"Get out of here!"

The emperor was angry at the beginning, and he was erupting the eternal matter at this moment, but still did not break away from his obstacles, no matter how calm his mind was, he would have to be furious and suppressed by a more fierce force.

"With me, you can't hurt the sacred tree of the beginning."

Chu Yuan's power was also consumed frantically, and all the eternal gods obtained in the Pure Land were quickly consumed.

"He blocked the power impact of the Emperor of the Beginning, what kind of person is this, oh my god, why is his power so vast, what kind of mana is this, why does the universe have such an existence against the sky!"

"Fortunately, the original first five realms are more of the accumulation of eternal matter. With his enchantment, the first five realms are not a problem for him. When he reaches the fifth realm, wouldn't he even be able to contend with the power of the sixth realm epic? "

"so horrible!"

"If he does not die, he will be more brilliant, and the future will be unlimited!"

The vast battle of Taichu Tian attracted many powerful people's attention, and the scene of Chu Yuan fighting the Taichu Emperor with shocking power made them more shocked.

They can't imagine the future.

The world is on the rise, heroes emerge in troubled times, and there is infinite diversity. Who controls the ups and downs?

"Go away!"

At the beginning, the emperor was drinking.

Chu Yuan had no expression on his face, maintaining the power of mana. The purpose of this battle was not to defeat the Emperor Taichu, but to block him.

"The **** emperor is terrifying!"

The Great Black Sky Demon King was also watching in a daze, even wondering in his heart that if he was forced to surrender to him, maybe it would be a good thing, and he would get even greater opportunities in the future.

He put away all his careful thoughts and concentrated on dealing with his opponent.

"The Emperor of the Beginning consumes him in this way, and the other powerhouses in the deep realm will soon come, and they can definitely rush before the success of the sacred tree of the primordial beginning, when his strength will be greatly lost, that is when he is suppressed!"

The cruel man shouted.

"Not reconciled, but it can only be so!"

At the beginning of the emperor madly against Chu Yuan, this person took the initiative to launch an offensive, which really caught him off guard and failed to mobilize his power to the peak moment.

And Chu Yuan didn't know before, that behind the Emperor of the Beginning was the Abyss of the Eternal Road, otherwise he would not be given a chance.

The ignorance of the two parties on each side caused a stalemate at the moment.


At this moment, Chu Yuan once again exploded with greater power, while watching the condition of the sacred tree in the early days.

Transit within days.

"What? You said that Shenwu appeared in Taichu Heaven. He was helping the Taichu Shenshu cross the robbery against the Taichu Emperor. How did he get there!"

Zhu Qiang also received the news It is true. "

The strong man Yan Shen Tian said: "I have a strong man active there. I see him. Although I don't know the specific situation, we can know that the **** tree belongs to him in the early days. We can't care about it."

"Moreover, behind the Emperor of the Beginning is the deep realm in the Eternal Road!"

Earth Dragon Emperor added.

Long Shentian existed for a long time, and knew better than them the power division of the Eternal Path.

"The Yuan Boundary is divided into nine layers, each with a Yuan Master, who is powerful, and those who can descend into the multiverse are the creatures of this era."

The Emperor of Earth Dragon said: "I didn't expect the Emperor Taichu to have this history behind it. It's strange, why the Abyss Realm would never forget an Taichu Heaven. Is there something that attracts them?"

"It's meaningless to think about it, we have to deal with Shenwu, it is Shenwu!"

Overcoming the difficulties shouted: "If Shenwu Zhen helps the primordial sacred tree succeed, then there will be another huge force on his side, which will be more disadvantageous to us, this is not what we want to see!"

"Do you have any ideas."

"There is no other idea, to attack Shenwu, not to break his empire, but to make him unable to take care of Taichutian, forcing him to retreat, and would rather let the Yuanjie succeed than allow the Taichu Shenshu to succeed!"

He shouted.

"Even if Shenwu is not there, he has a sword **** in his dynasty, and the true dragon lord has returned to the dragon **** sky, it will be very difficult to cause tremendous oppression on them."

The Yanshentian strong frowned.

"I also have the foundation when I cross the sky. I will wake up the two gods of heaven protection, even if it consumes a huge amount of foundation, no matter how strong the sword **** is, there is only one, and it can really support the overall situation alone, without the gods, I am not afraid of anyone!

Du Di said: "I just want to force him to withdraw to the gods to see if he can bear the tragic destruction of the empire!"

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