Even united.

The founder of the God Realm, Ming, the ancestor of all demons, Dao ancestors, and the ancestor of all demons have not returned for a long time in the eternal road. Even the ancient wars and the battle against the emperor were not conducted in the multiverse.

Once they reached their state, it seemed to be restricted by an iron law.

"The will of the founder of the God Realm has been issued!"

The second **** master fiercely sensed the extraordinary fluctuations: "Before the founder of the gods was difficult to come to more, but now I have also made it clear that the founder is indeed with Ming, Demon Ancestor, Dao Ancestor, and Demon Ancestor. , Joint action!"

"Second God Lord, just say what happened."

Yi Tianjun is also here.

"This is a big action. The founder of the God Realm found an Era Graveyard in the Eternal Path!"

The second **** master said with an extremely strong tone!

"What, Epoch Cemetery!"

Palace Master Hongmeng made a shocked voice.

He is the messenger of the Lord of Hongmeng, knowing more things, he was shocked: "Era Cemetery is also called the Tomb of Gods, burial land, because too many gods are buried, and Epoch Cemetery is buried in Epoch!"

"Era Cemetery!"

Chu Yuan was also thinking quickly.

"Yes, it is the cemetery of the era, and the founder of the God Realm has sent out invitations widely, hoping that everyone will go to the gods, and he needs your help."

The second divine main way.

"The second god, what do we need to do?"

Emperor U God also frowned.

The cemetery of the era represents a kind of death.

"This epoch cemetery is no small thing. It seems to be a land of destruction of ancient civilizations, and it contains more than one ancient era. Now the founders of the gods are also ready, they will directly penetrate the epoch cemetery into the multiverse. , In the Primitive God Realm!"

The second divine main way!

"Go directly into the Primitive God Realm!"

Many people were surprised.

This handwriting is too big, and directly penetrates the cemetery of an era from the path of eternity into the multiverse.

"I understand the intention of the founder of the God Realm." Palace Master Hongmeng said.

"I also understand." Chu Yuan said.

"Each epoch cemetery is buried with the wealth of one epoch, not to mention that there are multiple epochs? It's a big deal, and there are too many strong people on the path of eternity. The powerhouses who belong to this era, stay here and watch, no matter how jealous they are."

Lord Hongmeng Road.

Multiverse, one epoch, only the people of Shijiyuan can be here to nurture the cradle of life

And each epoch is like a cycle of rising and sunset. When the sun belongs to them, it will usher in a new sun. Then the strong of the previous epoch can only survive on the path of eternity.

This is the cycle of epochs.

And Chu Yuan and the rest of the cycle era passed, they could no longer stay in the multiverse, everything would turn into chaos, and they could only go to the eternal path.

"And the tomb of Era must be extremely weird, and the founder of the God Realm also wants to use eternal rules to kill these weirdness."

Chu Yuandao.

"After the founders of the God Realm take action, we will also take action. The purpose of inviting everyone to gather the gods and heavens is to let you pour your strength into the gods and heavens, and with the power of the gods and heavens, to pull the cemetery of that era into multiple In the universe!"

The second divine main way!

This is the true purpose of the Gods Banquet.

The founders of the gods will display their boundless divine power above the cemetery of the era, oppress the cemetery of the era, and approach the multiverse, and all they have to do is to completely break the barriers.

"Okay, no problem, if the Era Graveyard appears in my multiverse, it will be our chance!"

An ancient **** stood up. It was the **** of mountains, seas and sky.

"When the time comes, I need to wait for how to instill strength, the second god, just give your instructions!"

Another strong man spoke.

This is a chance for everyone.

Chu Yuan suddenly thought that in the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm, the treasures that the spirit ancestors will get appear in the form of scattered treasures, but the founder of the God Realm is obviously more domineering, and it is directly an era graveyard.

"There are still some powerful people in their own world, not in the gods, but it doesn't matter. When the cemetery of the era is close to the multiverse, they can also be transmitted through the air, and they can contribute more or less."

The second **** knows.

When the founder of the God Realm descended on his will, he only said to gather the strong to the gods.

At that time, they were probably dealing with the cemetery of the era, the power of will was wiped out by some forces too much, intermittently, and now, it is the most critical moment that it is complete.

Also because the news is incomplete, not all the strong have gathered in the gods.

But also because the legend of the founder of the gods still gathers many god-level existences.

At this moment, there is another powerful person who is constantly gathering, and he gets news as soon as he enters the heavens of the gods.

"Now there is only waiting."

The second divine main way.

Chu Yuan sat quietly on his **** seat, closing his eyes to rest his mind.

Time is passing bit by bit, and all the strong are waiting.

I don't know how long it has been. Suddenly, the entire multivariate shook violently. In the realm of the primitive gods, the primitive energy swept wildly, like the most violent storm on the ocean.

The founder of God Realm started.

Chu Yuan's gods crossed the infinite time and space ~www.ltnovel.com~ to see the incredible, at the apex of the primitive **** realm, dark shadows descended, covering the heaven and the earth, infinitely huge.

This shadow is also the cemetery of the era!

Countless voids collapsed one after another, and the terrifying explosion sounded.

"Everyone, gather your strongest strength!"

The second **** is also very nervous at the moment.

He has been to the Eternal Road.

The Eternal Road is mysterious, but it is actually a void of time and space, and all the heaven, earth and cities in it are constructed by the power of the strong.

He also knew that to break the Era Graveyard into the multiverse, it was rare not to break into it, but to hinder the strong.

"Second God Lord, I am uniting Ming, Dao Ancestor, Demon Ancestor, and Demon Ancestor to make the most critical step. There are already many powerful people working on the path of eternity. When I order, the multiverse powers will immediately take action. The power gathers a point and launches a heaven-shaking blow."

The great will of the founder of the God Realm directly conveys the Second God Lord.

"Yes, I understand!"

The second divine master did not dare to be careless.

"Does the founder of the God Realm hope that this era will be stronger?"

Chu Yuan's eyes, through infinite obstacles, seemed to see the silhouettes of many powerful men. The power was unimaginable, and he waved the immortal power to blast the Era Graveyard.

"The founder of the God Realm is making the most critical step!" Palace Master Hongmeng said.


The Era Cemetery appeared more real. In the eyes of Chu Yuan and the others, the Era Cemetery was breaking through infinite obstacles to come down.


The second **** master screamed.

The infinite power gathered into the gathering array of the gods, and the heavenly divine light shook directly to the sky!

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