Rumbling, shattering all fluctuations, endless storms, swept across the territory of the primitive gods, and even the first layer of the multiverse was greatly affected. The cemetery of the era is already real and visible, even one day it can’t match its size.

"You guys shoot!"

Relying on the power of the gods and Tianyi, it is still impossible to fully pull this era graveyard into the multiverse, so it is necessary to invite such a strong person.

Now, the entire gods and heavens are like a huge formation, but the temples where they are located are the core of the formation.

Only by gathering the strength together can we play the strongest.

Otherwise, a **** and a primitive **** are in their own heaven and earth, and their power bombards the cemetery of the era, and they will lose most of the space because of the distance.

Moreover, in their respective worlds, the strength will not be united, pulling around, it is difficult to gather a little.

Now the gods have gathered a lot of power, even if there are gods and many primitive gods, they have gathered the strongest power.

This is exactly the purpose of this feast of the gods.

One god, and one primitive **** all input power into the temples.

When Chu Yuan's expression moved, his vast divine power turned into a torrent and swept out, no matter what level of strife might be caused after the cemetery of Era falls into pluralism.

The most important thing is to pull it into your home court first.

"hand of God!"

With the instillation of a large number of powerful mana, the brilliance is infinite, radiating the entire multiverse, a huge hand of God flies directly out of the multiverse, and grabs it against the graveyard of Era.

The power of this god's power is too strong, and the sixth state will even collapse in front of it.

In the path of eternity, there are also terrifying mana shaking.

And in the multiverse, all the strong are also taking in the arrival of the Era Graveyard. After a while, the hand of God grabbed the cemetery, and a huge pulling force shook wildly.

"Come in!"

The second **** shouted.

They have already seen that the edge of the cemetery of Era has reached the multiverse, sinking bit by bit, but at this time the power of the hand of God is also rapidly consuming, breaking the obstacles of the eternal road, and the cost is very high.

"This is the joint action of the creators of the gods, Ming, Dao ancestors, Demon ancestors, and Demon ancestors. They did not want to monopolize the cemetery of the era for five days, but it is really difficult to do it with the power of five days. It has really come to the multiverse. The strong will not sit idly by."

When Palace Master Hongmeng was instilling mana, he was also transmitting to Chu Yuan: "If this is the case, it is better to gather the power of the entire multiverse than the strong one who is cheaper than the eternal path."

"Yes." Chu Yuan replied, "Moreover, there is a great danger in the cemetery of Epoch, and there is no way to hide it."

No one is truly selfless. The so-called united power is just to use their power.

"I want more power!"

The second divine lord yelled sharply, his divine power was like a tsunami, and he shouted: "Don't be reluctant to bear your power, don't you want to get the treasures of ancient civilization buried in the cemetery of the era? Only by pulling into the multiverse, is the safest!"

"it is good!"

The strong of every day would rather compete with the strong of the multiverse than to collide with the strong of the Eternal Path prematurely.

At the same time, on the 33rd day, the strong who had never come due to various reasons, at this moment, also felt this wave of fluctuations, and bombarded the cemetery of the era.

The beams of light one after another, forming a huge pulling force.

The gods and heavens are the mainstay, and the other heavens and earth are supplemented.

But in spite of this, a half of the cemetery of the era fell into the territory of the primitive gods, and it was difficult to break through more.

"The founder of the God Realm, since you have broken the Era Graveyard into the multiverse, this emperor will also come to help you!"

The Fengshen Great Emperor will naturally not miss it. The Jiyuan Cemetery has really fallen, and with his strength, he can certainly capture more.

At the gate of the Conferred God, a huge hand of Conferred God was grabbed out, and the strong man who belonged to his side also instilled the power into the Great Emperor of Conferred God.

The hand of the gods smashed in the sky.

The hand of the Conferred God in the Gate of Conferred God.

This is the joint action of the multiverse.

The Era Graveyard sank again, and finally half of it descended in the multiverse, but the other half, like an unbreakable suction force, was firmly absorbed and stopped.

The current situation is as if half of a sunken giant ship has plunged into the multiverse.

Click, click!

There is surging power in the Eternal Road, and the Hand of God and the Hand of Conferred God collapse at the same time.

"Second God Lord, can't it be possible to pull in all the cemeteries of the era?"

The immeasurable God drinks.

"It has reached the limit. It is the resistance of the tomb of that era and the obstacle of the eternal road, but half of it is fixed in the territory of the primitive god."

There is no way for the second god.

"The feast of the gods, haha, it is indeed a feast of the gods, this is a feast for the gods!"

A demon was laughing.

This banquet of the gods is not for you to come to the gods to eat and drink, but the cemetery of the era, the many treasures in the dust.

"Since our task has been completed, we will leave first!"

The masters of the Hell Heavens immediately left the Gods and Heavens, and they did not stay long. Their purpose was also obvious, that is, to join hands to enter the cemetery of the era ~ After the gods who came to the Gods and Heavens put away their power, they quickly left. Have your own plan.

Most gods are at the pinnacle of the fifth realm and are very eager to enter the sixth realm.

If the Era Cemetery has to enter the Eternal Road before it can be reached, they will consider it, but now that half of it is in the multiverse, there is not much hesitation.

The multiverse is their home field.

With the blessing of the thirty-three weather transport force, it also has the power to fight against the sixth state.

"Heaven and earth will change, and we will usher in the most glorious moment of an era, like sailing against the current. If I don't advance, I will retreat. Even if I, as the Lord, cannot make progress, I will fall into the altar."

Emperor Yushen Ang hid in Yue, his eyes were extremely bright, he looked at the tomb of Jiyuan, and instantly stepped into the territory of the primitive god.

Many more powerful people are communicating quickly, such as the weaker primitive gods, who also know that the graveyard is dangerous, and there are many unimaginable and predictable dangers.

So it is more of a joint action.

"Era cemetery, buried ancient eras."

Chu Yuan crossed time and space, looking dimly, brewing boundless death, a place representing death, the next moment, he left the gods and entered the primitive gods.

Swish Swish!

Many masters also came here one after another, flying in from everywhere in the cemetery of the era.

"The place where the multiplicity breeds powerful people, and the cemetery of the era represents the place of death and the destruction of life."

Chu Yuan showed a greater insight. It seemed that he already knew how to truly achieve the realm of life and death. The light flashed, and he entered the cemetery of Jiyuan directly like an emperor.

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