The founders of the God Realm assembled the multiverse, and the power of many powerful men pulled half of this epoch cemetery into the multiverse. Faced with the temptation of the tomb of the era, all the strong are going in.

But not all the strong have gone.

The internal situation is unknown, and there may be fatal killings.

They were also worried that they would not know the dangers they would encounter if they rushed in. They wanted to wait for the first group of strong people to get in and find out the situation, but at the same time they might lose many of the results of being taken away by others.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and you must pay first if you want to get it.

"This is in the cemetery of Jiyuan..."

Chu Yuan was full of absolute confidence in his own strength. He entered the cemetery of Jiyuan, and his eyes were swept away. The vast world, dark and gloomy, without any vitality, as if he had come to a place of death.

And the entire epoch cemetery was shrouded in thick dark clouds.

Death is everywhere, and when you breathe the vitality here, you will feel suffocated.

This is not just a cemetery of a certain strong man, but the entire era, and even multiple eras are buried here.

In his eyes, all vitality is taken away, death is occupied, and there is a law of extinction in time and space.

No matter how strong you are, you will die if you don't get eternity, even in the seventh state.

Each epoch passes, and the next eternal calamity will come. The more you experience, the stronger the next eruption will be. The cycle will continue until you can't bear it. The moment of falling will stop.

Chu Yuan's eyes were cold, he stepped into the cemetery of Jiyuan.

All the death energy gathered on him, plunged directly into an endless abyss and turned into invisible.

He also didn't have the idea of ​​letting the strong empire in. It was too mysterious here, and only the sword **** could fight with him, but it couldn't help much.

Uuuuu...the wind whistling.

On the black ground, like the underworld, a huge storm suddenly slammed into him, and he actually vaguely saw a huge monster directly attacking him.

This demon **** has the strength comparable to the original god!

"Falling existence, but strong unwillingness, turned him into unwilling resentment in the cemetery of Epoch Times."

Chu Yuan's palm rotated, and the demon's body was directly stained with a layer of soul, burning raging.

Then he continued on.

About half an hour passed.

On the scarlet ground, he actually saw a bone hand, gray bones. One part of this bone hand was buried in the ground, but there was a fierce part with the palm facing the sky. The bone fingers were bent and hooked, as if to grasp. what.

"Huh?" Chu Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

This place that has not been explored in depth is mysterious and unknown, and everything that appears cannot be underestimated.

At this time, there was also a strong man who came here, as if he was a strong man in hell. He glanced at Chu Yuan and saw the magic hand.

"The things here are weird, you can't touch them randomly."

This **** powerhouse is also cautious. He speculated that the bone hand was extremely powerful before his death, and the bone is also the most precious material, but he did not dare to touch it randomly, stay away from the bone hand, and go around it.

A terrifying force erupted, as if anger had caused it.

Before his death, the bone hand traversed the world, it actually rose from the bottom of the earth, with only one arm, and the other body was gone, bursting out grievances of death, shooting through like lightning, and directly grabbing the **** powerhouse.

"not good!"

The **** powerhouse was shocked.

He was also only the Primitive First Stage, the power of this bone hand completely suppressed him, and that fatal force made him frightened and did not dare to fight hard.

However, the speed of the bone hand was so fast that the strong man in **** couldn't escape, so he grabbed his body in one shot.


He roared and struggled with pain.

However, the bone hand pierced his body directly, crushing his body, the flesh and soul absorbed, and penetrated into the bone hand, but it did not stain a trace of blood.

All this was very fast, but Chu Yuan blinked in the middle of lightning.

A Primitive Realm is placed in the multiverse, not to mention the world, but it is also a very important existence, but the bone hand killed him in the blink of an eye.

Oh oh...

The bone hand seemed to have discovered the existence of Chu Yuan. The arrogant pressure, like a prison, squeezed towards Chu Yuan, it also caught him directly as it did with the **** powerhouse before.


Chu Yuan shouted sternly, with only one arm, even the flesh and blood no longer existed, so he even came to provoke him.

And he is not that strong in hell, he can be caught to death.

Suddenly, the destructive power burst out, and the bone hand exploded repeatedly, but what was shocking was that its power was not reduced, and destruction could not destroy its bones.

This power is too strong!


Chu Yuan was indifferent and towering as the **** of the heavens. He controlled the heaven and the earth, and was killed by him with the palm of the world.

Rumble...The wave of the heavens and the strength of the bone hand are contending, click, click, and cracks appeared on the bone hand in this fierce fight.

There is evil blood flowing out.

The evil bone hand suffered this kind of attack and was also shaken back.


Chu Yuan's palm was like a knife, and the fateful blow hit the bone hand, but the bone hand actually retreated in an instant, exploded into the ground, and disappeared.

"It's gone."

Chu Yuan saw nothing but did not pursue it.

He deeply knew that the bone hand was just one of the many evils and weirdness, and there were not many such weirdnesses in the entire epoch cemetery.

"It's weird."

Chu Yuan said coldly: "With only one hand left, I killed a primitive god, and even my destructive power was unable to completely destroy it. Its cultivation base must have reached the sixth state, and even approached infinitely. Seven realms, otherwise it won’t have this kind of power. Its remnants are likely to exist everywhere in the cemetery. If it can be reunited completely, the power is even unimaginable."

He was speculating.

You know, he has just entered the cemetery of the era, and the entire cemetery is vast and vast, and many places are even more enveloped by a deep twilight. I don't know how many such things are still there.

The founder of the God Realm actually allowed this thing to enter the pluralism.

However, the iron of the multiverse is actually a talisman. Even if there is a horrible existence in it, as long as you live and enter the multiverse, there is only one death.

He also knew that a batch of primitive gods would have fallen from the cemetery of this era.

There is probably a big treasure here. If you don’t go, others will be stronger if they get the chance, and you can only stay where you are afraid of danger.

"I haven't seen any ruins yet."

Chu Yuan walked on this vast ruin, and with his cultivation strength, he had to concentrate on it, and he couldn't be careless.

Now, many powerful men are looking for the relics. It is too unknown here. They are anxious to know which cemetery it is, and to match the records.

Otherwise, the loss will be too great if you rush around like a headless fly.

Epochs in the multiverse have passed, and no one knows how many reincarnations have occurred.

"Every epoch is just a cycle for the multiverse itself, an endless cycle."

Chu Yuan suddenly realized this kind of sentiment.

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