The unknown represents terror and unpredictable benefits.


When Chu Yuan was exploring, he saw a huge lake. There was still lake water in it, but the water was pitch-black, with the mist of death floating, and the whole body would be corroded even if it touched it.

"Poisonous water."

Chu Yuan said deeply: "This lake is originally a spiritual lake, which can nourish all things, but things will be reversed. Now it has become a dead lake. Whatever you cultivate, you will die."

Although it became a dead lake, Chu Yuan didn't care and took it away.

This is a highly toxic material that can be used for refining.

Oh oh oh!

Chu Yuan was not far away from the lake at this time, and suddenly there was a chilly breath swept over him. He looked at him suddenly, and there was a gray-black mist in the distance.

Within this mist, there are still a series of magical shadows, all of which are unwilling to resent, dancing.

"They are all fallen powerhouses. The era is destroyed. There are too many powerful people who have died. No one can resist it. There is still one person in there who has suffered a ghost attack!"

The realm of death has turned into an ancient underworld.

The dead wind swept through, the resentful spirit roared.

In the realm, a ghost passing through is extremely evil. They will continue to strike around the creatures, absorbing the essence, until they fall completely and become bones.

"Damn, these ghosts have absorbed too much death energy, it is difficult to kill!"

At this moment, in the ghost, there is a woman wearing purple clothes, her brows are tightly furrowed, and every divine light is swayed to repel the ghost's attack, but they can't completely destroy them.

"No, you can't get entangled with them, their attacks are too weird, they are consuming my strength!"

The woman wants to quit.

However, this group of ghosts persisted, and no matter how the woman retreated, they were all following.

A wave of evil spirits pierced her mind, and her soul was exploding, and she was about to collapse.


The women were all yelling, "Since I can't get rid of it, this is to force me to burn eternal matter. What's more, the more I entangled, the greater the trouble, I will use you to smash you!

Her eternal matter burned, and the purple light became brighter and brighter, and purple rain fell from the sky, crashing.

"Fight against the soul by the means of the soul!"

The woman was fierce and broke up the rushing ghosts, but strangely, they seemed to be immortal and reunited after they had dispersed.

The ghost wandered, and the shocks hit her, if it were not burning the eternal matter, it would directly penetrate her body and cause strong damage.

The soul attack that pierced the soul directly caused the woman to endure intense pain.

The ghost can't pass around her, every time she rushes over, it will weaken her vitality.

"How to do!"

The woman also became anxious, she couldn't get rid of the ghost, and now she could burn the eternal substance to support it, but after a long time, it was the unfortunate thing.

"The unwilling thoughts that existed in the tomb of the era turned into a ghost, and existed in another form, life and death."

But at this moment, a strong ray of light came, and a world-wide existence was trapped. With a wave of his palm, thunder and purgatory were filled with endless thunder.

The wind and clouds changed color, and the darkness expelled.

The ghosts suffered from this kind of bombardment, but they had not completely shattered. They possessed a special power, and a series of cold and cold whistles pierced the soul, and then bombarded Chu Yuan.

"Be careful!"

The woman's soul reminded.

But this person was unmoved, and let the ghost strike over. These thunders were fierce and domineering, containing soul attack and killing. In an instant, all the ghosts turned into a cloud of black energy, and completely disappeared.


Seeing this person's invincible power, the ghost that forced her to burn eternal matter was easily obliterated by him. She looked at her face and said in shock: "Your Majesty Shenwu!"

This person's name is like Lei Guaner, and it cannot be treated with common sense!

"Thank you God Emperor for your help. My name is Ziyu, and I am the Sect Master of Ziyu Sect. If there is no God Emperor to take action today, I will be in trouble."

Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sect Master Purple Rain."

Chu Yuan nodded slightly, the woman in the three primitive realms in front of him was not weak, and he wanted to study the nature of the ghost and prepare for the world of life and death, and saving her was just a handy move.

"Divine Emperor, this place is too dangerous and terrifying, there are weird things everywhere, and this should be considered the periphery, it is hard to imagine that there will be something incredible in the deep."

Zi Yu was also trembling, with her cultivation base always facing the possibility of fall here.

"Now the tomb of Era is full of unknowns, ghosts are everywhere, and there are corpses of gods. It is best not to stay here for a long time without special means. It is best to wait for the strongest to figure out the situation here, otherwise it is not a treasure hunter, but Death."

Chu Yuan reminded her.

"The God Emperor is right, it is indeed too dangerous."

Zi Yu nodded.

The appearance of the tomb of the era shocked the diversity, and many powerful people poured in, but they still underestimated the danger here, and the degree of danger far exceeded their expectations.

For example, Chu Yuan had already seen one primitive **** be blown up this time, and one fell under the siege of Yin God.

If he hadn't seen it, Sect Master Ziyu would most likely also fall.

"The **** emperor!"

Zi Yu still had to speak, and Chu Yuan had disappeared in front of her.

"This **** emperor is amazing. I'm far inferior to him. He is right. I can't stay. Now that I have not seen the treasure, I face several crises. If I continue, I may fall. Who will resurrect me? My sect will also be shattered."

Ziyu decides to withdraw from the grave of the era.

She has to wait for the stronger ones to search for detailed information.

But at this time, Chu Yuan didn't have these scruples, he had a variety of methods, and all kinds of hole cards appeared endlessly.


A tall corpse of God appeared in front of Chu Yuan. Although he was dead, he absorbed too much the breath of death, and was hardened and indestructible. When his hands were torn, he could break the sky.

Chu Yuan watched coldly, and stepped on his head, shattering the power of Kyushu and directly crushing his bones.

How dangerous is the cemetery buried for several epochs? Although Chu Yuan had encountered many fallen existences along the way, he knew that the real Xeon had not yet appeared.

In the graveyard of this era, there are even threats to the lives of the sixth realm.

"Is it true that there is no mark that identifies the era?"

Chu Yuan was walking on the vast **** land The storm of death rolled up the storm and was crushed by darkness.

As if in the Gobi Desert, he actually saw countless ruins and broken arms at this time. This was once the place where creatures lived, but now they have been wiped out by time.

He saw a stone stele, like a street sign, made of an eternal sacred stone, with vague words appearing on it, but it was too vague.

"This is the place name of the ruins here, no matter how prosperous civilization is, no matter how strong it is, it is not eternal, but will eventually turn into loess."

Chu Yuan could feel this loneliness.

Yes, the essential purpose of a strong person is for eternity.


As he stopped in his footsteps, the earth suddenly shook, and the dust was rolled up, as if a tens of thousands of horses were galloping on the earth, and there was a black torrent rushing over in that extremely remote place!

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