"Even if you use your own divine body as a divine weapon material, and integrate your own flesh and blood into the ominous blade, the unwilling grievances of the strong will last forever and turn into an unknown. The ominous blade was probably a sacred soldier at first. , But the sacred extreme is evil!" Chu Yuan came to this terrifying conclusion: "Extreme power is the most terrifying!"

He seemed to see that when a certain era was at the end and could no longer bear the eternal catastrophe, a powerful man looked at a burning oven, plunged into the furnace, and melted into the ominous in the most painful time. Inside the blade.

That painful despair, eternal unwillingness, casts unknown.

"Sacrificing the sword in the most painful way, taking oneself as a sacrifice, practicing into the sword body, such an extreme way, that's why I have this terrifying unknown.

Chu Yuan couldn't help sighing, eternally driving how many strong people crazy.

This powerful person is likely to be in the sixth or even seventh state in front of him, otherwise he will definitely not have this kind of power.

"But no matter how ominous, we must suppress it."

Chu Yuan suppressed the Ominous Blade into the door of the curse with boundless means.

The power of this ominous blade wants to burst out, even with Chu Yuan's strength to use it is extremely difficult, but he is not in a hurry.

The power of Ominous Blade is so great, and his strength is still growing infinitely.

After he took away the Ominous Blade, someone who was strong wanted to come and find it, but the unknown seemed to disappear. No one knew that it fell into Chu Yuan's hands.

Inside the tomb of the vast era, the dead gray color is extremely heavy, wispy, pressing on everyone's divine body.

The storm of death in the era is getting more and more fierce, and it can directly blow away the flesh and blood.

Chu Yuan locked in one direction and had already reached the depths of Ji Yuan's grave.

"Several graves."

Chu Yuan saw that above the earth, grave mounds rose up and spread over the dark earth. It was really a terrifying place for the burial of the gods, bringing terror and burying the strong of an era.

With his arrival, a grave mound actually exploded, and a vermilion coffin appeared. The vermilion color seemed to be dripping blood at any time. It was strange and mysterious.

"These graves."

Chu Yuan saw the endless vicissitudes of the graves. At the end of the era, these tombs were buried by the strong of that era.

However, the graves on the ground are placed like a big formation, with the power of reversing life and death. It seems that there is still a glimmer of life, and they will be resurrected at some time in the future.

Fifty avenues, four or nine evolutions, and one that disappeared.


But suddenly.

The scarlet coffin was pushed aside, and there was a man sleeping inside. He was so lifelike that he could be lifeless. Suddenly, his eyes opened violently, and it broke out, a dead gray hand, with a dim aura, killing towards Chu Yuan.

This supernatural power carries the decadence of the era's death.

Chu Yuan's eyes were cold, and he slammed at the corpse of the gods, and the rushing power directly shook him back. Compared with the previous necromantic knights, he was more powerful, with flesh and blood, nourished by Era's death energy, and higher realm.

It's not just this grave mound.

In the closer area, several tombs were exploded again and again, and a strong man came out of them!

They all came towards Chu Yuan.

"Not only here, more tombs have exploded!"

Chu Yuan glanced across time and space, and he vaguely saw that in the core of the burial land, in the deadly cold wind and endless dead gray air currents, there was an incomparably huge ancient tomb standing here, and around it, there was also a huge tomb around it. A grave mound rises.

The essence of this era, the greatest treasure, must be buried in that ancient tomb, but if you want to pass it, you need to break the outer tomb.

one place.

The divine light was magnificent, and an existence in control of the universe was besieged by a dozen powerful men who crawled out of the grave.

"Damn, how can there be so many!"

This person is the God Lord of Universe, his cultivation is very strong, and a single corpse is not his opponent, but four or five statues surrounded him.

Of course he could see that these corpses were primitive gods, but some of them were not very high.

However, the lifelessness of Jiyuan's tomb has nourished them for countless tens of thousands of years, and their bodies are extremely hard. He can't destroy them with a single stroke, but will be eroded by the boundless lifelessness.

"If it weren't for the weird power here, this **** would endure the death of Jiyuan, and you can trap me!"

The God Lord Qiankun was angry, and they were all dead corpses, and they were still so difficult, secretly and ruthlessly, to tear them all apart.

"A blow from the universe!"

His mighty power, the universe condensed, turned into a tearing blow, shattering half of a **** corpse, and black blood flowed out.

This blood must not be contaminated at will, it has a very strong corrosive power.

"All to be torn apart!"

The power of Qiankun Divine Lord is extremely strong and domineering.

But the next moment.

Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

His face changed drastically.

Bang bang bang!

More tombs were exploded. There were men and women, old men, middle-aged, young people, and there were forty to fifty graves, all crawling out, and the power of death emerged from him like a tide.

The black crowd gathered together.

"No, how can there be so many!"

No matter how strong the Qiankun Divine Lord is, it is impossible to be so many opponents, scared to hear the wind, will be besieged if he does not run, and then torn apart by them alive.

But he underestimated the speed of the **** corpse.

Even though these **** corpses are all fallen powerhouses, but their speed is too fast, like lightning, and some of the most powerful ones have already arrived in front of him.

An old man's palm was like a hook, scratching his sacred garment, and severely tore him, suddenly there were several bright blood stains.

Divine blood is flowing, corroding the eternal substance of the divine master.

He resisted the pain and fought against the corpses, but there were too many corpses, and the tombs of the gods continued to explode, and more corpses gathered.

These corpses are killers, cold and merciless.

If it weren't for the tyrannical master of Qiankun God, he would have been beheaded long ago.


A divine corpse grabbed a broken bronze sword and slashed on him, half of his body was torn apart.

"Do I really want to fall here today!"

The God Lord Qiankun roared, looking at the corpses that kept pouring over, he was desperate.

"How dare I besieged and killed my gods, gods and lords, to find and destroy!"

At the most desperate moment, a huge swath of light came!

The divine light swept across the eyes of the second divine lord, and it first came to the side of the universe divine lord, his world-wide magnificent divine power spread in a concentric circle, bursting the divine corpse to the side.

The strength of the second **** is also extremely strong in the sixth stage!

"Second God Lord!" Qiankun God Lord was pleasantly surprised.

This is the existence of the sixth realm, even if it is placed on the eternal path of the strong, it is also a great power.

"The God is here."

The second **** said: "Qiankun~www.ltnovel.com~ You are seriously injured, and your body is occupied by dead energy, which will madly corrode your eternal matter. Now that you take good care of your injury, you don't need to participate in this battle."

"The land of the gods buried the strong man of an era."

Trial, verdict, and order came at the same time, and as soon as they shot, they smashed several corpses.

"Second God Lord, there is the essence of this era in that big tomb!" Judgment God Lord said.

"Yes, I saw it!"

The second **** locked the main tomb.

The God of Order said: "But there are too many corpses here. After the demise of an ancient civilization, after the accumulation of multiple epochs, almost all the strong are buried in it, and inside, it is very likely that this era is buried. Master of the era!"

"Kill directly, the gods of all heavens will also have the strong come, and they want to enter, so let the original **** come to the front and set an example for the multiverse!"

The second **** is overbearing.

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