"What kind of spiritual artifact is that? It seems to be a round of the sun, but it is definitely not. It seems that the shape of the artifact was changed?"

Zhu Fengfeng stared at the sun in the flames, because of the strong light, it was difficult for her to guess what it was.

"No matter what artifact it is, you will know everything after killing it."

While speaking, Chu Yuan had already strode towards the sun.

His body flashed with swallowing light, and all the fire light fell on him, and it was swallowed up by a terrifying force. With a violent movement, the powerful force was tearing the infinite obstacles.

The magical sun seemed to move violently.

The fire light that enveloped thousands of miles swept across in an instant. In that fire light, every heat wave pierced the skin like countless fine needles, and hundreds of thousands of firebirds the size of a few meters appeared.

Although each of these firebirds only had the strength of supernatural powers, hundreds of thousands of them were killed together, and even the strong of the gods could not resist them, and they were instantly wiped out.

Spirit artifacts originally possessed spirituality, giving birth to materials like the spirit.

And there is a long river of spiritual energy here, so around this spiritual artifact, it will match the attributes of the spiritual tool, and nurture a compatible spirit monster.

I am afraid that this long river of spiritual energy also came because of these two spiritual artifacts.

"Humph! Divine Phoenix is ​​terrifying!"

Zhu Fengfeng's expression was cold, and he suddenly turned into an immortal Divine Phoenix.

Without Chu Yuan's hands, the flame of immortality sprayed out and immediately collided with these hundreds of thousands of firebirds, and then they saw the firebirds falling like raindrops, assimilated by her flames.

"Spiritual artifact, still pretend to be a ghost here, show me your true face!"

Chu Yuan stepped in the sky, swallowing force with both hands!


The overwhelming power shrouded the sky, and after these firebirds, five mighty fire dragons rushed out, all of which were made of flame elements, and the power of each fire dragon was comparable to Xu Tai's five levels of aura.

"The spirit demon guarding the spirit artifact is contaminated with the origin of the spirit artifact. It is more violent than the previous flood dragon. Well, I need such energy!"

When Chu Yuan saw the five fire dragons, he was not surprised and rejoiced. He strode forward, majestic and majestic. With a single blow, a fire dragon roared towards him, but in an instant, he was twisted his neck and disappeared. Exhausted.


The remaining four fire dragons only appeared for a few breaths, and they were directly torn apart by Chu Yuan.

A large thunder and lightning technique fell from the sky, smashing directly on the sun, tearing the endless divine light, and it was only then that Chu Yuan could see the appearance of the spiritual artifact.

This is a light wheel that resembles the sun, with a melting color, that rotates all the time. The rays of light are extremely sharp jagged edges at the edges, and the flames are lasing, and there seems to be a powerful idea in it.

"Spirit artifact, surrender to me!"

Chu Yuan grabbed this light wheel with big hands.

In an instant, his gloved hand and the light mixed with sparks that burst into the sky, like a meteor, with countless fire rain splashing, extremely bright and dazzling.

"Your Majesty, the minister will help you!" Zhu Fengfeng shouted.

"No, I personally surrender this spiritual artifact!"

Chu Yuandao.

The spirit artifact already had some wisdom of his own. Knowing that Chu Yuan was going to surrender him, he burst out with angry thoughts. It spun quickly, and the sharp blade was about to tear everything.

Even Chu Yuan could not bear the grip of the God of War.

The light wheel runs autonomously, and the strength is almost comparable to that of Yunshen Six or Seven. This is still no one controls. If the power of the gods controls it, it can simply smash all directions.

"Spirit artifact, I know that you already have some wisdom and surrender to me. If you don't surrender, I can only obliterate your spiritual wisdom! It doesn't matter if you get a light wheel."

Chu Yuan directly drew the Emperor's Sword, and the supreme humane coercion exploded. This is the belief of hundreds of millions of people!

The unsuperior Human Emperor Sword was much stronger than the light wheel, there was a gap between a small dust and a big world.

"Your Majesty's sword is stronger than that spiritual artifact!"

Zhu Fengfeng was shocked.

Although she had seen Chu Yuan split the city gate with a sword before in the battle to destroy the great potential, her cultivation base was still low at that time.

The supreme humane coercion was instantly suppressed above the light wheel, and it was actually shivering with humanity, as if seeing the most supreme existence, it was necessary to worship.

Although it is a spiritual artifact, how can it be compared with the superior, it is like a commoner who has to salute the emperor, and dare not breathe.

"Yong Sun Wheel."

Guanglun surrendered, Chu Yuan touched his hand and immediately got a lot of information.

Eternal Sunlight Wheel: Spiritual artifact.

Powerful people in the psychic realm absorb the essence of the sun and use the crystals of stars to sacrifice the spiritual artifacts refined for three thousand years.

Artifact Skill: Eternal Light.

This turned out to be a spiritual artifact refined in the God Realm!

Although the gods can barely refine the spirit artifacts, they are just the most **** kind of refinement, and there is no power that can be refined by the existence of Tongshen.

There was not a single god-passing realm in the entire suspended space.

"Congratulations to your majesty for harvesting the spiritual artifact, your strength has greatly increased." Zhu Fengfeng said.

"I have obtained a lot of information from this Eternal Sunlight Wheel. It turns out that this another spiritual artifact in Changhani is called the Eternal Moonlight Wheel. The two are originally a set. There is no way to refine the king's spiritual tool with the strength of the gods. After making a set, the two wheels are combined, and it can explode the power of some king artifacts."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

"What is your Majesty going to do?" Zhu Fengfeng said.

"Only by combining the sun and the moon can this artifact be the most powerful. I have the eternal sun wheel in my hand, so naturally I have to collect the eternal moon light wheel to form a set!"

While Chu Yuan spoke, he suddenly threw the eternal sun wheel, and the light wheel suddenly turned into the sun again.

Within the core of the spirit weapon, it seemed that a fire dragon appeared, sending out a summoning message to let the Eternal Moonlight Wheel meet the new owner.

The Eternal Moon Light Wheel is at the other end of the aura.

Suddenly called by the Eternal Sunwheel, at the other end ~www.ltnovel.com~ there was a moon that seemed to be the rising sea and the bright moon. With the ultimate retreat, it quickly flew towards Chu Yuan, and there were five Only the ice phoenix followed.

"The sun and the moon are united!"

With the suppression of the Supreme Master's Sword, the Sun Moon Light Wheel did not send out a rebellious mood, but turned into a sun and moon-like divine light to submit to Chu Yuan.

Just as low-level monsters must submit to high-level monsters, these two spiritual artifacts must also submit to the superior majesty of the Human Emperor Sword.

"The power of the sun and the moon, bless my body!"

The ice phoenix carried by the Eternal Moonlight Wheel was also swallowed by Chu Yuan.

Above the river of spiritual energy, Chu Yuan was like a whale swallowing water. After devouring the fire dragon and the ice phoenix, the energy needed to break through the five levels of the gods finally reached a critical point and completely broke through!

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