"Five according to God, happy!"

Feeling the powerful force flooding his body, Chu Yuan looked happy.

This time I came to the Hanging Forbidden Land and it was a huge profit. Not only did he break through to the five levels of Illuminating God, he also got the Sun Moon Light Wheel, two top spiritual artifacts.

"No, the spiritual artifact broke through the sky and went there! The sun and the moon, are these two spiritual artifacts integrated!"

At the same time, a large number of masters gathered here in the battle for the land of the Eternal Moon Light Wheel.

It was originally besieging the Eternal Moonlight Wheel, but suddenly, this artifact took the initiative to break through the air without warning, making the faces of these masters change drastically.

"Spiritual artifacts must be obtained, so as to suppress my vacant national transport!"

Hundreds of masters looked gloomy, sigh, and at the same time chased the Yongyueguang Wheel.

"Let's go, let's follow up and see!"

At the moment there are also a large number of masters following, although there are a lot of powerhouses in the Hanging Dynasty, but anyone who doesn't want to see the excitement may still get some cheap.

"The two spiritual artifacts are there!"

After the master of Hang Kong Dynasty rushed in quickly, he looked at the sun and moon light wheel and saw a radiant and infinitely majestic figure in the middle of the light wheel, and shouted: "There are people there. Could it be that the artifact has been acquired by others!"

"Spiritual artifacts can only belong to my Hanging Dynasty. Whoever dares to take it away is the enemy of my Hanging Dynasty, chasing him to eternal life!"

As if realizing that the spiritual artifact might have been captured by others, the powerhouse of the Hang Kong Dynasty burst out with a roar.

"Oh? Someone is here?" Chu Yuan said lightly: "The spiritual artifact has belonged to me. You can go. There are other opportunities in the suspended forbidden land. You can go to other places."

"What, I got it by others!"

"Who is it? Who is this person!"

"Be sure to let him hand it over or kill him!"

If it is a gem stolen by others, they may feel it a pity, but they will not burst into such a soaring anger.

But the spiritual artifact, the weapon of the country, how can you tolerate others to get it.

"I, Emperor Wu."

Chu Yuan's eyes seemed to turn the sun in his left eye and the moon in his right eye, shooting away at the group of people.

"Emperor Wu? Could it be the master of the great martial arts, that three-star dynasty, how could it be him? He actually robbed me of the artifact that the dynasty should have, **** it, **** it!"

The people of Xuankong Dynasty are no strangers to Chu Yuan, Lingyuanmi belongs to him, and one of the prince's worship was also cut by his subordinates.

"Emperor Wu! I am the Dongning King of the Hanging Dynasty. Now I will give you a chance to hand over the spiritual artifact, and you can leave safely!"

Suddenly a middle-aged man wearing a robe with a majestic face suddenly walked out.

His tyrannical majesty was released from his body, and his cultivation reached the Ninth Level of Yunshen, and he was a prince of the Hanging Dynasty.

"King Dongning, it turned out to be King Dongning! This King Dongning has only cultivated for three hundred years, and he has broken through to the Ninth Level of Yunshen. In the future, it is very likely that he will become another god-level giant in the Hanging Dynasty!"

"It is said that this time, the Xuankong Dynasty came to five masters, all of whom are powerful men above the sixth level of Yunshen."


Seeing King Dongning, the faces of all the people who were onlookers changed.

The Hanging Dynasty was established for more than 9,000 years, nearly 10,000 years, and the number of princes canonized was no more than a few hundred people. On average, only one prince was canonized in eight to ninety years, and the remaining princes were no more than twenty or thirty princes.

Every prince has endured a lot of the Mandarin of the Hanging Dynasty, and all of them are terrifying, and stomping can make the Hanging Space shake.

This time even the Lord Hou had the strength of the sixth level of Yun Shen and the blessing of national power. When encountering other powers of the same realm in the dynasty, it is impossible to be their opponent.

A senior official can crush a person, and a one-star national power can also crush a person.

"Huh! The treasure belongs to whoever gets it first. Does the entire Hanging Forbidden Land belong to your Hanging Dynasty!"

Chu Yuan didn't speak, Zhu Fengfeng spoke sharply.

"Other treasures, you can take away, but as long as the spiritual artifacts that appear all belong to My Hanging Dynasty, this is the rule for thousands of years!"

King Dongning stared at the spiritual artifact that turned into the sun and the moon.

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Although I know that the Hanging Dynasty is overbearing, it still makes everyone feel very uncomfortable to say it directly. After all, who does not want to get a spiritual artifact, it can directly strengthen the national fortune.

"Emperor Wu, I don't care what you are thinking, but the spiritual artifact must be handed over. Otherwise, no matter how powerful you are, it will definitely not be my opponent in the dangling dynasty. The choice of life and death. If you hand over the treasure, the dangling dynasty can give you grace. , Becoming a subject country, no one will dare to trouble you in the future, otherwise, there is only a dead end."

The tone of King Dongning was very gentle, but he had a domineering power like a mighty sky, and he was closely connected with the national destiny of the entire Hanging Dynasty.

"This king only gives you three breaths to consider."

King Dongning is aloof and despise everything: "Those who oppose the Hanging Dynasty will destroy the country and the people, and the country will be destroyed and the people will die. Emperor Wu, please consider your end."

"King Dongning, what nonsense with him, seeing him like this is to resist to the end, and will not easily hand over the spiritual artifact. After all, the spiritual artifact has made him unable to see the situation in front of him."

A Lord Hou who reached the seventh level of Yun Shen came out.

"Emperor Wu, if you don't hand in spiritual artifacts, if you don't, you will be the enemy of my Hanging Dynasty. First destroy your Emperor Wu, and then destroy your Hanging Dynasty. I will do what Zhong Weihou said!"

This Lord Hou is called Zhong Weihou.

Although Lord Hou is not as noble as the prince, he is also a nobleman of the upper class of the dynasty.

"What should your majesty do? The minister listens to your instructions." Zhu Fengfeng said coldly.

Option 1: Don't get entangled with the people of the Hanging Dynasty, leave the Hanging Forbidden Land directly, get 300 Fate Points, supernatural fruit x1.

Option 2: Dawu Tianwei is not to be violated, Wudi’s power is not to be violated, and the offender is killed regardless of the status of the offender. You will get 300 fate points, and the high-grade artifact advanced card x1.

"If you dare to threaten me, I will let all of you princes and princes die in the forbidden land. Those who violate my great power and power will kill you without mercy!"

The killing intent in Chu Yuan's tone was sensational ~www.ltnovel.com~ Naturally, he could easily leave the Hanging Forbidden Land with his ability, but even if he left, he took away the spiritual artifact this time, and the Hanging Dynasty would not easily let him go.

It's better to kill all these princes and princes, swallow their power, and let yourself break through the realm again.

"What? What did he say to kill us?"

"I can't find death. I thought that I killed a Guo Zhuan, and I was delusional to have the power to fight against the Hanging Dynasty. It was basically hitting the stone with an egg!"

"King Dongning, I can't stand his madness anymore, kill this Emperor Wu here, let his soul fly, and teach me how powerful the Hanging Dynasty is. It's not something he can offend!"

Chu Yuan wanted to kill them, and immediately made the people of Hang Kong Dynasty furious.

"Today, whoever dared to come forward and join the Hanging Dynasty, don't matter if you kill it. The Hanging Dynasty wants to destroy our martial arts, I want your life first!"

Chu Yuan stepped out of the ten thousand zhang ray, and the murderous intent swept out!

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