After hearing this, the ancestors of Lang Luo nodded.

They are not very interested in the inheritance of the light and dark sky, although it is the sixth stage, but Fu Luo also walked out of his own way, and the distance was very close.

Those who forcefully comprehend others are likely to destroy their own way.

He didn't have Chu Yuan's power to control all the ways.

In addition to his own inheritance, a sixth realm may also have many other treasures, just what they want.

This time it was Fengshen Great Emperor who ordered to help Gu Song get the inheritance, and they naturally couldn't grab it.

If others take refuge in the Fengshen Great Emperor but want to seize his heritage, how many people will be willing to take refuge in him in the future?

This is the credibility of a great emperor.

The ancestor of Fuluo knew that if he dared to move his mind to steal the inheritance, then no matter he fled to the end of the world, the Fengshen Great Emperor would kill him to prove his emperor's might.

"Come on, let's go in."

The ancestor of Fuluo wanted to step in and suddenly said, "No."

"What's wrong?"

Gu Song also checked and exclaimed, "No, someone has already entered, it must be Zhang Jing, and it must be the Shenwu Divine Emperor who has brought him here first. If you get it ahead of time, I will be finished. !"

"Get in quickly and get ahead of the Shenwu God Emperor. Although he is powerful, we will not be afraid of him. We must stop him!"

The ancestors of Lang Luo knew that things were urgent.

Unexpectedly, they thought of going together, and they all arrived at the same time.

And within the heritage.

Chu Yuan had already seen the light like the sea, where there was a huge vortex with a diameter of more than 100,000 feet, half black and half white, entangled with each other and slowly rotated.

The epic supernatural power of the sixth stage shocked people's hearts.

"That strong man has already melted away!"

Chu Yuan could see at a glance that this huge vortex was created by the strong man after he transformed his way.

"I found it!"

Zhang Jing was overjoyed, the mana in his body was restless, and he couldn't wait to rush in.

"Someone is coming." Chu Yuan's expression suddenly moved.

"It's him! I feel his breath, and he is here!"

Zhang Jing's eyes erupted with anger, boundless hatred, even if Gu Song abandoned him that day and ran alone, he would not hate so much, but he had already calculated himself and gave it to himself, which made him hate him for nine days. Water can't wash.

"Not only him, but also a few powerful people."

Chu Yuan stared at the vortex, extremely calm: "Inheritance is within the vortex. What you have to do is to fight for control, and those who come to the strong will block for you. I control the portal of darkness and light, and I will let them help. you!"

"Two portals!"

The dark and light portals revolved around Zhang Jing, suddenly, it turned into two eyes, and immediately impacted his body.

He suddenly felt that he was going to forcibly enter the vortex, and he would be greatly resisted, but with darkness and light portals, the billowing power was automatically refined into his body.

He is more confident.



Six figures descended at the same time.

They are huge, and they are locked into the martial arts. In addition to the ancestors of Fuluo, there is a primitive five realm. The other three are also primitive four realms, otherwise they will not be sent by the Fengshen Great Emperor.

Gu Song is still in the third state.

In the Conferred God camp, the strong are like clouds, and many strong have joined them!

"Gu Song!"

"Zhang Jing!"

There was another roar, Zhang Jing and Gu Song, who were originally best friends, are now enemies, and they are extremely jealous.

"You are the Divine Martial Emperor?"

As the strongest cultivation level among the six, the ancestor of Fu Luo, looking at Chu Yuan, felt that his power was stronger than the rumors, even if it was him, he felt that the abyss was like a sea.

"This inheritance has been locked by my Conferred God Heaven, and belongs to my Conferred God camp. Go back. The opportunity here does not belong to you."

Floating ancestor said.

"By your words."

Chu Yuan said indifferently.

"Shenwu, I know you are not weak, but compared to my Conferred God camp, you are far behind. You dare to take what we want?"

Another person walked out, with his hands on his back, with arrogance in his eyes, and said faintly: "Anything I shine on by the light of the Heavenly Conferred God, it belongs to you, do you rely on you? Trying to take it forcibly, that would be death."

Although the name of Shenwu was spread in the heavens, they came from the Conferred God camp, and the Conferred God Emperor could even be called the number one power in the multiverse today, and how could he be afraid of Chu Yuan.

"Yang Hai, be polite," said the ancestor of Fuluo.

"I'm just telling the truth. It turns out that the truth is the most unpleasant. I thought I had an impressive record in the early days, and I was so arrogant. But what is he actually?"

Yang Hai said proudly.

This person is a strong man born in Fengshen Tian, ​​and the brilliance that envelopes Fengshen Great is more defiant than his kind of foreigners.

"Ancestor Fuluo, you must help me!"

Gu Song still had a sense of fear in the eyes of Chu Yuan.

"Shenwu, in fact, you are the same as me. You have very strong strength, but you can become the 33rd God with only a little It's better than I show you a clear path."

Fuluo ancestor said: "Refuge in the Fengshen Great, join the Fengshen camp, and fight the universe with the Fengshen Great. You see, I will not join in the refuge, the future belongs to the Fengshen Great."

He was actually taking the initiative to win over Chu Yuan.

Also, if Chu Yuan is willing to take refuge in Fengshen Great Emperor, then it is also a great achievement.

The strength of Fengshen Great Emperor is too strong, and he has the seventh stage.

"I am different from you."

With Chu Yuan's self-respecting character, how could he take refuge in Fengshen Great Emperor.

"You don't give in, you want to fight against my Fengshentian?" Fuluo ancestor also frowned.

This matter is a bit difficult.

Chu Yuan didn't care about going against the Fengshen Tian, ​​now Fengshen Tian had many opponents, the second god, hell, or the Dugu God and Demon didn't want to defeat the Fengshen Great Emperor.

And if he controls the Human Emperor Sword, if he wants to unlock the human world in the future, he must first face the Fengshen Great Emperor!

"Zhang Jing, go in, seize the inheritance, I am here."

Chu Yuan stopped paying attention to them, only strength could decide everything.

"I know!"

Zhang Jing nodded, he knew that he must not delay, he must fight quickly, otherwise there may be accidents, after all, your majesty is right to Fengshentian.

He would not have thought that Gu Song would actually take refuge in Fengshentian.

"Old Fuluo, it seems that he will not retreat, and will be promoted to the end with us!"

Yang Haidao: "You can't let the inheritance of the sixth stage be allowed. It seems that this Shenwu thinks it can deal with us. I want to see if we are here, how can he let his subordinates win the inheritance!"

The ancestor Fuluo didn't say much, he already understood the will of Shenwu: "This battle is inevitable!"


Chu Yuan looked at them coldly and waved his hand. Suddenly Zhang Jing was attracted by the whirlpool and flew over.

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