The empire is strong, and he wants to maintain the peak combat power and gather great strength in one.

The strength of the empire powerhouse must keep up.

He not only wants to be God, but also the strongest in the multiverse, even the strongest in the path of eternity.

Now many powerhouses have their eyes on the tombs of Fengshen Great and Jiyuan. Such a good opportunity is a good time to help Zhang Jing gain inheritance!

And he himself has no need for this inheritance.

"Your Majesty, the heritage is in an extremely secret and remote corner of the Primitive God Realm. He and I went in by accident. We were not strong enough and could only get part of it. I didn't know his whereabouts for a long time, I was afraid that he would have accidents. ."

Zhang Jing Qiang endured his excitement.

"It's okay, I am here, and you will get it."

Chu Yuan said, "It shouldn't be too late, we can't delay for a while, we immediately go to the Primitive God Realm."

"I will lead the way for your majesty!"

Zhang Jing felt that it was the wisest choice to become a minister of the divine warrior this time. Right now, the situation in the heavens is getting more and more wrong. Only by following the divine emperor can he have a chance to soar into the sky.

Halfway through an era, we must seize this most glorious moment!

Once again to the primitive **** realm.

The inheritance is not in the tomb of the era and the eternal forbidden area, but in an extremely remote place. Zhang Jing can accidentally get the chance here, but there is also a great fortune.

"Your Majesty, I feel it, the inheritance is here!"

Chu Yuan and Zhang Jing jumped continuously in the void, and stopped in a void of time and space. There was nothing in front of him, but it was pitch black and dim, no different from other areas of the Primitive God Realm.

"Is it right here?"

The Primitive Divine Realm was too big. It would be difficult to find if it weren't for locking in a certain area. Chu Yuan waved his hand, his power penetrated deeply and the void swept away. After noticing it for a while, he suddenly felt a node.

When he tore his palm, there was a space to be torn!

"Go, go in with me!"

Chu Yuan stepped in.

It was dead and dim, and what he saw before his eyes was the dark color of the universe, but Chu Yuan could clearly feel the unusual fluctuations.

"Your Majesty, we don't know what his name is for that strong man, and he cultivates the power of darkness and light, and he and I call it the Light Dark Heavenly Sovereign. At the beginning, we didn't go deep, and we didn't know what was left. ."

At that time, the strength was too weak and there was no way.

Chu Yuan nodded slightly, and said, "With me, you can go deep in dangerous places. You are called the powers of the light and dark sky. The multiverse has not recorded it. It should come from the eternal road. It does not belong to this era. Here, he also fell, no surprise."

The multiverse can only exist when the strong man was born when Century Yuan was born, but it helped Chu Yuan to be certain of certain things.

"Surely so!"

Zhang Jing has a solemn expression, the closer he gets to the inheritance, the less he can be careless.

Walking in this vacuum universe, suddenly there was a black tide surging silently, the ultimate darkness, any light is difficult to penetrate.

"The power of darkness is extremely strong. It is the spread of the power of the Light and Dark Heavenly Sovereign, and it is indeed a fluctuation of the sixth stage."

Chu Yuan looked at ease.

Although he does not major in darkness and light, he also has two portals of darkness and light, and he controls everything with the power of the hegemon.

After the darkness ebbs, the light is like a sea, an extremely dazzling divine light.

The darkness and light are constantly changing, revealing the chaos of power.

Although there was no obvious danger here, Chu Yuan knew that the Heavenly Lord fell behind and the spread of power would cause chaos in time and space, run wild, and even be eternally banished.

He stabilizes himself.

With Zhang Jing's cultivation base that was not the original god, instead of being exiled from eternity, he gained benefits and luck.

He was calculating something, his eyes suddenly locked in one place, "The source of the spread of power is there!"

His gaze saw through time and space, and he was in a chaotic torrent of power, forming a channel.

Zhang Jing was shocked in his heart, he could naturally see this chaotic torrent, but with his strength it was impossible to make such an understatement, but the divine emperor moved so easily.

The closer he got there, the more Chu Yuan could feel a power called Origin.


The black lights were like dark elves, and they seemed to have life.

"Dark Elf!"

Zhang Jing immediately intercepted the next dark light, and said in surprise: "Your Majesty, you see, this is not a purely dead thing, it already has the breath of life but it is not perfect, and it lacks the most vital power."

There are not only dark elves, but also light elves.

The power of darkness and light coexist, and there are two kinds of elves here.

"If I guessed right, the strength of that Light Dark Heavenly Lord is extremely close to the seventh realm. He has realized some of the unique origin powers of the seventh realm, which is to create real creatures, but he has not really come here. Environment, evolution is not perfect yet."

Chu Yuandao.

If these dark and light elves all become real creatures, then the Light Dark Heavenly Lord will be the seventh realm.

"Yes, the sixth stage is terrifying, let alone the seventh stage."

Zhang Jing is unimaginable.

The black air current is very pure, and it has a sacred attribute, while the light air current is also very magnificent, containing the essence of life.

Chu Yuan knew that when he got here, he was already very close to there.

"It's almost here."

Chu Yuan realized a huge force. Darkness and light coexisted, and they existed together. They were very harmonious. There was inheritance.

At the same time, just as Chu Yuan was approaching the place of inheritance, a group of people unexpectedly arrived outside this space node.

Among this group of people, one person is very familiar, but it is the old man in black, Gu Song, who also came here.

Beside him, there are several fifth realms, all here to help him.

"The space node is here. I went in at the same time with him back then, and I only explored a little bit, got a few pages of scripture, and became the original god."

Gu Song pointed at this with excitement.

After he escaped from Chu Yuan, instead of regressing, he broke through the fourth stage.

"Well, is it right here? The location is hidden. You can find that there are bad luck."

An old man wearing a splendid cloud robe said.

"It's a fluke, old man Lang Luo, this time you were ordered by the emperor to help me seize this inheritance. Although it was ordered by the emperor, you can't let you go for nothing. I only need the inheritance that is useful to me. The other treasures belong to you."

Gu Song said.

Fuluo ancestor is the Fengshen Great Emperor's camp.

And the emperor he said in his mouth was the Fengshen Great Emperor!

Obviously, Gu Song had already turned to the Fengshen camp.

On that day, he thought that Zhang Jing had died tragically by the hand of Shenwu, but then he received the news that Zhang Jing was not dead, but was reused, scared him to immediately take refuge in Fengshen Great Emperor, afraid of being settled.

He knew that the two fellow practitioners passed on together and would not give up on this inheritance!

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