
Bury the tomb of the strong.

The second divine lord took another look. Although the environment of the world is not much different from before, in his eyes, it is as crimson as blood, horribly infiltrating.

He was also shocked in a cold sweat. If it weren't for Yi Tianzun's prompt reminder to activate the God Burial Array, I don't know how many powerhouses would fall, and even he might be targeted by the most terrifying existence in the tomb of God.

"Temporarily retreat, don't enter the tomb of this era at will, make the most comprehensive preparation!"

The second **** is not depressed.

Because he saw some clues about the tomb of the gods, and now that he knew where the weirdness was, there was a way to study the target.

How could such a tomb containing boundless treasures be so easy to open?

Chu Yuan also left the tomb of Jiyuan.

This time he suppressed the Ominous Blade. Although he could not use it at will now, putting it in the Cursed Gate was equivalent to increasing the power of the Cursed Gate.

And this tomb, he speculated, would not be so easy to open.

Within the empire.


The power of the gods of heaven will not talk about it for now.

The primitive gods have him, Jiuyou, Sword God, Zhang Jing, Daheitian Demon King, Time and Space God, the Lord of Yuanchen, the Grip of the God of War, and the Monument of Prison and Sealing God.

But in the beginning of the sky, there is also the beginning of the sacred tree, and the emperor of the world can be mobilized.

This strength, the data on the bright side, has already passed Hetian, if it were not for the support of Dragon Shentian and Yan Shentian, he would not be able to fight Primitive God.

Of course, he also knows that the mainstay is the God of Transcendence, and he hasn't felt his breath for a long time. Perhaps when he returns, he is very likely to become the sixth state of existence.

"My realm will also break through."

Around Chu Yuan's body, the void collapsed, and infinite power poured into his divine body, like the roaring ocean of the ocean, the energy of heaven and earth gathered together.

At a crucial pass, with a bang, he directly hit the original third realm!

His belief is invincible, and there is no problem for him to break through this situation.


Chu Yuan used his mana, and the eternal power was rolling like a tide. Every flesh and blood in his body was emitting eternal divine light, and even his soul was plated with eternal divine light, like an eternal divine body.

There have been huge changes.

As soon as his power breaks through, it seems to be a vast ocean, much stronger than in the second stage.

For someone like him, every breakthrough can bring huge changes.

He is invincible and his body is eternal. In the second stage, he can compete with the emperor and Rongcheng. Now he is so powerful that he is even more invincible. Some fifth stages also have absolute confidence to suppress.

If he reaches the fourth stage, he will take a huge step on the path of eternity, and the increase in strength will be even more unimaginable.

In his eyes, the place of God is no longer far away, but within reach!

Soon, soon.

The wind is surging, the world is changing wildly, and the world is the hero, whoever controls the ups and downs, and he must control the era!

"Ding! The current branch mission to break through the third stage of the Primordial God has been completed, with 3 billion fate points, Primordial Healing Potion x1, Supernatural Fruit x155072, Primordial Artifact Advanced Card x1, Heavenly King Seal x1, Tianyuan God Pill x5, random lottery Chance x1."

"Ding! The current branch has been released, breaking through the fourth realm of Primordial God!"

System rewards are released.

Chu Yuan nodded slightly, and it was indeed rich. His successive breakthroughs had accumulated a large number of fate points, and he did not directly exchange it, but was waiting to exchange for a tens of billions of gods!

This divine object is called the Cannon of the Immortal Era. It is extremely powerful and can kill primitive gods.

Although he also has the blueprints for the creation of the original giant cannon, it is far from the Immortal Era Cannon. There is no way to compare it with the cloud and mud.

However, the Fate Points needed for the Immortal Era Cannon are too many, tens of billions.

To wait until Chu Yuan breaks through the fourth stage, the fate point is enough.

The system is too mysterious, I don't know its origin.

"The Seal of the Heavenly King!"

On this day, Wang Yin was a seal, which was extremely heavy. When he was spurred by mana, he condensed a great ancient god, which looked like Chu Yuan and seemed to be able to kill everything.

"Very good."

Chu Yuan was very satisfied.

He continued to sit still in the gods.

Although the realm breaks through, in fact, he still needs time to condense more eternal matter to reach the perfect realm, and then he can break through to the fourth realm.

Once he reached the fourth stage, his various plans and many plans could also be implemented.

"Lord of the sky, the day of your resurrection is not far away. When you are resurrected, you will find the Lord of the earth. The power of the sky and the earth is comparable to the sixth level with the power of both of you."

Chu Yuandao.

While he was practicing, he was also paying attention to the situation of the empire and the heavens.

In the empire, the next most likely to break through the original is the God of War.

In the tomb of Jiyuan, the Fengshen Great Emperor went to the temple, but the situation was also very bad. He encountered the resurrection of the horrible Yin God, and the evil God Mansion wanted to destroy everything.

If it weren't for Fengshen Great Emperor's strength to be too strong, he would inevitably suffer heavy losses.

However, the more dangerous and strange, the stronger the heavens will be more interested there.

The second **** master is also planning the next round of attack on the **** tomb.

These Chu Yuan didn't care.

"Zhang Jing broke through, the original fourth realm..."

When he was in retreat, there was a good news that Zhang Jing's realm was originally at the peak of the third realm. After joining the empire, taking a number of Tianyuan Shendan, let him take this his breakthrough , Added a strong man to the empire.

The heavens are in turmoil, and all kinds of incredible miracles are appearing.

His strength grows, and others will not stand still.

"Zhang Jing."

Chu Yuan summoned Zhang Jing.

"The minister has seen your Majesty!"

Although Zhang Jing broke through, he could feel the vastness of the **** emperor's power, which he could not match at all, and he was also guessing in his heart what would happen to the **** emperor this time.

"Now that the heavens are in turmoil, and the turning point of the era has come, you have received an ancient heavenly inheritance, the power of darkness and light, and it is time to let you completely obtain this inheritance."

Chu Yuandao.

Now the atmosphere of the whole world is getting more and more wrong, and Chu Yuan also feels that some things cannot be delayed, otherwise there will be big changes, especially in the inheritance of Tianzun in the primitive gods.

The empire is not only for him to become stronger.

The strong in the empire must also keep up.

If Zhang Jing could get the inheritance of Tianzun, Chu Yuan did not expect him to become the sixth stage. This step is too difficult, and it is not something that can be done by inheritance. It requires great perseverance and a few yuan of shocking luck.

As long as Zhang Jing becomes the fifth realm, there will be another Dingding Qiyun in his empire.

The inheritance of the sixth realm is no trivial matter, and it is no problem for Zhang Jing to become the original fifth realm.

"Your Majesty, we are going to find the inheritance and let the ministers get it!"

He was also excited. He wanted to get this inheritance and make himself stronger. Without Chu Yuan to help him, the chance he would get was very slim.

"Yes, you should get it. I dominate the world and determine the universe. I need a large number of empire powerhouses."

Chu Yuandao.

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