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A tomb exists here, and a strong man is buried in each tomb.

Of course, so many powerful people could not have been born in one epoch. That is simply unrealistic. They were accumulated over many epochs.

The multiverse represents the current era, the current era.

Like Chu Yuan, if this era passes, he can only go to the eternal road.

The multiverse of the next era has nothing to do with him.

Of course this time will be extremely long.

An epoch is a catastrophe, and this catastrophe refers to eternal catastrophes, like layers of shackles, like a rope around your neck, which will slowly tighten and take your life.

Ordinary primitive gods can't survive a few catastrophes at all.

Obviously, he would be buried here before he fell.

Until the end, in the end, even the master of this era couldn't support it.

"Break all the tombs of the gods here!"

The second divine lord was fierce, and there were many divine corpses rushing over, but at this moment, even the gods had come, and there was even the sixth realm of the solitary divine demon, which was completely blocked and quickly killed.

His gaze was fixed on the two large tombs, the divine light turned into an ocean, and he took the initiative to drown them.

He knew that even if he didn't take the initiative to attack, the two tombs would automatically break open.

Boom! The tomb was exploded, and a thick lifelessness bombed out, and a woman walked out of it. She was graceful and noble, with a phoenix hairpin on her head. If it weren't for the lifelessness, it would be no different from being alive.

And her strength could not be underestimated, the second divine master's divine power did not even shake her.

"The strength during his lifetime must be at the peak of the sixth stage, even if it is not as good as the Conferred God Emperor, it is not much weaker!"

The Dugu God Demon also saw it and suddenly said: "Second God Lord, leave this corpse to me to deal with, you go and break the other strongest guardian grave. I guess that there will be more buried in that grave. Strong presence!"

The second **** is stronger than him.

"it is good!"

The second divine master waved his hand, and a pillar of heaven-reaching **** penetrated.

But the moment it went through, the tomb did not explode, and an idea of ​​destruction swept across, like a violent wind, hitting the second **** master, making him also stunned.

Inside the tomb of the god, there was a scarlet coffin. The bright color seemed to be dripping blood, making people tremble.

Pushing open the lid of the coffin with both hands, a mighty man stood up.

He is tall and burly. Although he is dead, he must have been a king of heaven and earth, like a giant in the world.

"Seventh Realm!"

The second divine master suddenly saw this person, and his soul trembled. This turned out to be a seventh-level existence, containing the path of origin, the path of all things, and the eternal existence of the divine body.

"What, there is such a powerful **** corpse, this has not yet entered the main god's tomb!"

The crowds present, even some of the gods who came were shocked. Although they claim to be the God of One Day, they are not afraid of the sixth stage in the multiverse, but there is a gap between them and the seventh stage.

The founder of God Realm, Human Sovereign is also in this realm!

Powerful at this level, a drop of their blood can evolve into the sun, moon and stars, the immortal universe, and all creatures.

In other words, the existence buried in the tomb of the strongest **** is even stronger!

"The seventh realm that has died, even though the ancient spirit exists in the body, it is already dead. That's all, the **** is not afraid!"

At this moment, the second divine lord broke out with an extremely strong fighting spirit. The seventh stage that has already died, the fighting power is bound to be far inferior, but such an existence can be used to sharpen his own divine way.

Said strength.

At his level and status, there is no shortage of general treasures, but this kind of good opportunity is lacking.


The second **** head directly confronted this **** corpse.

The seventh realm **** corpse may be the power that controls the divine light, but at this moment, his transformation into evil and depravity, has the horrible feeling of letting the heavens sink and all living beings.

"The second **** master is amazing!"

Emperor U God was shrouded in crystal haze, unable to see his face clearly.

"No." Chu Yuan said suddenly, staring at the battle.

"Did the **** emperor also notice something wrong?"

Since stepping into this land of **** tombs, Palace Master Hongmeng has always felt wrong, and said: "Then the era of destruction has buried the tombs of gods, is it really that simple?"

"The second divine master must have also noticed something wrong, but he is too confident and believes that with his own strength, he can suppress everything."

Chu Yuan's eyes seemed to see the weirdness in the emptiness. As for where it was wrong, he couldn't tell, and said: "Perhaps on the tomb of the gods themselves, their existence itself represents the weirdness. The tomb is resting in peace and sleeping, where the unknown is. "

"I also have this hunch." Palace Master Hongmeng said.

Chu Yuan stared, and the coffins where the strong men were buried were all scarlet red. At this time, they glowed with blood, saying: "If I have a good premonition, we should leave this tomb."

"The **** emperor believes that with the strength of the second **** master and many powerful people, it is impossible to enter the **** tomb!"

Palace Master Hongmeng also thought it would not be so simple.

"Second God Lord, quickly retreat from the tomb of God, there is a big crisis!"

Suddenly, Yi Tianzun unexpectedly came, and the wheel of heavenly secrets appeared above his head, calculating the way of the future, it turned out to be blood red, and a dead word evolved, dripping blood.

"What, quit?"

The second divine master said: "Yi Tianzun, do you have a foreboding!"

He didn't dare to ignore Yi Tianzun's words.

Although Yi Tianzun's combat power is not as good as him, this person seems to be the power of cultivation to calculate the future of destiny, and he can calculate and simulate countless futures ~www.ltnovel.com~ to select the most likely one.


Yi Tianzun said.

"Yi Tianzun is here. He must have guessed the extremely dangerous signal. We can't help but believe what he said."

Many powerhouses actually found it very weird. Yi Tianzun's arrival was even more conscientious. They also knew that Yi Tianzun would either not tell them, but once they did, they would not lie to them.

A strong man quickly retreated.

"Retreat, the tomb of the gods must be weird!"

Although the Second God Lord was confident, he did not insist. He knew deeply that the tomb of the era had just descended on the multiverse. They knew too little, and if they did not retreat, they would not know what catastrophe they would encounter.

After exiting the tomb, the second **** came next to Yi Tianzun.

"Yi Tianzun, have you found anything weird?"

The second **** asked, he wanted to know an affirmative answer.


Yi Tianzun pointed to the graveyard, and the corpses of the gods returned to the vermilion coffin one by one, buried themselves again, and restored the dead silence.

"It's a burial ground."

Yi Tianzun’s wheel of heavenly secrets spins quickly, returning from blood red to transparent, and all the crisis is lifted, "Second God Lord, if you don’t believe my words, this burial site will bury you and many primitive gods will fall. , Even you may fall."

"This is true!" The second **** believed his words.

"Look at it."

Yi Tianzun's Wheel of Heavenly Mystery projected a picture, and the many coffins formed a larger tomb of the gods, connected with bright red blood, which seemed to form a strange character.

This word is too old.

But after seeing the strong in the field, they can feel that this is a tomb character.

Tomb words to bury them in the grave!

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