When Chu Yuan returned to the Shen Dynasty, he began a new round of cultivation.

The accumulation of eternal matter is too slow and too slow, even if he controls the Great Swallowing technique, he can draw endless energy from infinite time and space, but the energy like mountains and seas can hardly extract a drop of eternal matter.

"It is said that in the path of eternity, the more you move towards the end, the stronger the eternal breath, where the time to condense eternal matter will be faster, but the danger is extremely great."

Chu Yuan was also very curious about the eternal road.

The time of terror accelerates.

The empire always maintains a rapid acceleration of time.

Prosperous, the imperial luck increased, so that Shangguanxian finally became a **** of heaven, a lot of excitement.

But then he became aggrieved again, and the strongest among them was Jiuyou, who was a primitive god. It was really nothing to become a **** of heaven. He could only look at her back, becoming stronger than himself.

Chu Yuan could only comfort her, don't worry, take it slowly, step by step, and walk steadily.

Another period of time passed.

The **** of war reincarnates forever in the cave of reincarnation, coupled with the supply of empire resources to him, he finally became a primitive god, keeping up with the footsteps of the empire powerhouse, and standing in the top ranks of the leader.

The God of War also understood that the cultivation of the first stage was far from enough, and he wanted to become stronger!

There is good news and bad news.

There were also people in Yuan Chentian who wanted to attack the Primordial God, but after repeated failures, several people fell. Chu Yuan would not interfere with their choice. After all, this road was really difficult to follow.

In the early days.

Shi Zhongtian's attack on the primitive **** also failed.

For the losers, Chu Yuan could only sigh. Although he could condense his destiny consciousness and resurrect, he still wanted to break through. The calamity would be ten times as powerful as before, almost cutting off their original path.

Although the strength of the empire was steadily increasing, Chu Yuan felt that the situation was still very precarious.

"Let me see what happened to Duertian recently!"

During the recent period of time, Duertian has been very calm. They did not have any movement when the tombs of the era appeared, but the calmer they were, the more unusual fluctuations there would be.

The introverted nature and luck of crossing the Evil Heaven does not seem to be much different from before.

However, Chu Yuan felt the danger of being blocked by a floodgate, like a beast, and it seemed to be brewing big fluctuations.

"Huh? It's not right, the passage between heaven and earth runs through, as if a door has been opened."

Chu Yuan stepped across the sky and his eyes changed again. He vaguely saw that Duertian seemed to be connected with the path of eternity, communicated and echoed at all times, and many vague objects were entering the sky.

"They are all treasures!"

It was also Chu Yuan, now that his mana rose greatly, he could vaguely see through.

This is similar to what he saw in the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm. The ancestor of the spirit transported the treasures obtained on the path of eternity to the Spirit Realm, and this was exactly the situation in Duertian.

"This is the channel opened by the gods of Du'er, Longzu, and God of Yan, first to send resources to Du'er."

Chu Yuan said silently.

He doesn't know where the three powerhouses are on the path of eternity, but he is certain that they must have gained too much benefit. It is very possible to unearth relics belonging to the ancient era, and it is not impossible to even return to the sixth stage someday. .

Long Zu didn't mention it, he had followed the ancestor of ten thousand demons and opened up the era of demons.

But this person is not simple.

"They also know that my strength is growing rapidly. It's not that I don't want to deal with me, but they have to wait until they become the sixth stage. I'm afraid they have found a way. By then, I will face more than one day."

Chu Yuan's face was calm, without any expression, and he was not afraid of them.

As their strength grows, do they just stand still?

Seeing the secret situation of Duertian, he guessed many situations. The enemy seemed to have no major fluctuations, but in fact he was already preparing.

Then there will be a burst of power that even he can't predict.

And what he has to do now is to continuously increase his strength, become stronger and stronger, and continue to be invincible with a strong belief. When the time comes, no matter what the storm, all crises can be leveled.

"It depends on who is stronger,"

Chu Yuan was calm, he used reincarnation magic to induce Goddess Yanran.

Soon, he got a response.

"She is in the path of eternity."

Chu Yuandao.

He is practicing.

As his power fluctuated, a huge field appeared, with billowing mana lasing, iron horse gold, **** battlefield, wheel of war, morale horn, and many other visions.

"I must go to the eternal road again!"

Chu Yuan's lofty body suddenly stood up.

He has decided to go to the Eternal Road once.

Yun Tianzun took out his treasure map, but Chu Yuan could know the whereabouts of the treasure through induction.

This treasure map was rewarded by the system after he became a primitive god.

Since it is within the path of eternity, then this Yun Tianzun's treasure will definitely be very extraordinary.

"The road of eternity is too mysterious. It is rumored that it is an endless road. How many strong people in the past have entered, even if the emperor of Panshen, Emperor Zhutian, the strongest eternal road, is said to have not reached the end of this road. , Latecomers kept walking along this road and buried too many dead bones. UU看书www.uukahnshu.com"

Chu Yuan said: "The endless road, but Yan Ran has said that the road is eternal? Could it be that the end of the road is eternity."

He has made plans.

Go now to the path of eternity.

It is dangerous there, but it is also desirable. With his strength, he is not afraid of many dangers.

He should also look at this road.

On that road, there are strong men of older epochs, accumulated from epoch to epoch, and the number of strong men is not comparable to the multiverse.

In the empire, there are strong men such as the sword god, and it is very safe.

This time, when he went to the Eternal Road, Chu Yuan himself didn't know how long it would take. He got up and left the empire and reached the Primitive God Realm after he had settled some things safely.

Fly upwards from the Primitive Divine Realm, you can enter the path of eternity.

He soared up. Although it was simple to say, it was actually not so easy. The mezzanine of tens of millions, infinite time and space, contained a horrible storm, swept over, and threatened the primitive god.

But this is not the most terrifying.

Gods of Heaven cannot enter with their own power, there is a kind of eternal air there.

This eternal air primitive **** can refine them into a stream of energy, but the heavenly gods can’t. If they enter the body, they will kill them like the most poisonous poison.

However, although there were numerous obstacles, there was no threat to Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan calculated that he had crossed countless layers of voids, and the primitive divine realm was getting farther and farther away from him, and gradually disappeared. What he saw before his eyes was a dim glow, and the rules had changed greatly.

"Huh? It's here, right here, the eternal road!"

Chu Yuan noticed a completely different law change, his hands condensed, and he went straight in like a comet of light.

In the next instant, he was in the path of eternity!

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