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The world is nothing, no special sights can be seen, not real colors, but a stranger sight.

Here is the eternal road.

This famous eternal road Chu Yuan was also here for the first time. He immediately opened his eyes and looked around, but there was nothing, there was no concept of emptiness, and the concept of time was completely different.

Here, a divine mind shot out, like a stone sinking into the sea, nothing can be sensed, and the boundless spread, never ending.

There is no reference, you don't know where you are, even the primitive **** may get lost.

Chu Yuan felt slightly, and he could sense the existence of the multiverse. With this induction, even if he got lost, he could return to the multiverse.

In fact, this is also the advantage of the multiverse powerhouse, which belongs to the advantage of the century.

"Eternal breath."

Chu Yuan was not eager to find Yun Tianzun's treasure, but first felt a sense of eternity.

Eternal aura is everywhere, exists in any corner of the path of eternity, it is the highest kind of energy, all the auras such as spirit, aura, demon aura, demon aura, etc. are derived from the eternal aura.

Primitive energy is also a kind of eternal aura, but it has undergone the transformation of the multiverse and has become a way for ordinary people to practice.

This eternal breath, mysterious and vast, contains eternal mystery. With a breath, the eternal matter in the body is rapidly changing, far exceeding the original energy.

Eternal breath is the mother breath of all breaths!

But not everyone can absorb the eternal breath.

Heavenly Dao God dared to go directly to the path of eternity, just like putting a mortal into the vacuum of the universe, then he would definitely not be able to withstand the power of the universe and would soon die.

And this eternal breath enters the body of the Heavenly Dao God, you can't refining, the more and more it accumulates, it is the most poisonous toxin, and the end is to collapse the body.

He felt it more clearly.

The multiverse is the cradle, the cradle of life.

It prevents the entry of the strong from the previous era, no matter how strong you have, even in the seventh stage, you will definitely die if you dare to come.

I don't know what mysterious power was that gave birth to this rule.

And Chu Yuan knew that there were strong people on the path of eternity, as well as creatures under primitive gods.

Just like the holy ancient spirit world, it is also on the path of eternity, but the spirit ancestor opened up the spirit world and used his own boundless means to transform the eternal breath into a substance similar to primitive energy.

On the path of eternity, only the strong can open up a powerful world, isolate the eternal breath, and allow ordinary people to survive.

But it only survived in the opened up realm. The vastness and splendor are far inferior to the multiverse.

"There are many powerful people on the path of eternity. Before the ancient era, they could not go to the multiverse. They were all looking for eternal opportunities.

Here, it is more chaotic. Fighting to kill the door is the most common thing. "

Chu Yuan knew that the path of eternity was definitely not a good place, and that all sorts of things that would destroy the door were very common. Therefore, even the God of the multiverse would face great risks here.

There are too many epochs, and the strong people accumulated in many epochs are more than the multiverse, but they are also more scattered.

"The strong eternal breath, entering from the multiverse, is always the entrance to the eternal road."

Chu Yuan said, "This era of the multiverse represents the current era, which is the present, while the past era is the past. As for the future, no one has seen the future."

The road to eternity is vast and boundless. No one knows how big it is, and how vast it is. No one has ever come to its end, let alone how great power it was born.

For example, although the multiverse is huge, eras have been born, many brilliant civilizations have their limits.

But the path of eternity is like true infinity.

"Nothing is truly infinite, but the power is not enough to see its limits. For example, a mortal in a plane thinks that what he lives in is the whole world, but he does not know that there is a vast world outside."

Chu Yuan was sober.

The road is eternal.

There are limits to this road, but unfortunately no one can go to the end, burying too many dead bones.

In the path of eternity, there is only one way to identify whether it is the way forward, and that is the breath of eternity.

On the way forward, the eternal breath will gradually become stronger and strengthen in waves.

And the more you are in front of the eternal road, the stronger the eternal aura, the more violent the original **** will fall.

It can be said.

At the beginning of the eternal road, there will be the strongest, and in the depths of the eternal road, there will never be the weak.

Emperor Zhutian and Emperor Panshen fell in the deepest part of the path of eternity, and their divine bodies were buried there, but they would definitely die if they went to the sixth stage.

The strongest person on the Eternal Road is the strongest existence that spans the entire Eternal Road, all eras.

Now, it seems that I have not heard the appearance of the strongest.

According to rumors, whoever can reach the end will become the eternal god!

"The treasure of Yun Tianzun is farther ahead."

Chu Yuan was advancing on the path of eternity. The world of nothingness was even more lonely than crossing in the vacuum of the universe. He couldn't see anything in front of him, there was nothing but nothingness.

Chu Yuan can cross the endless distance in one step in the pluralism, but he does not feel that way in the path of eternity.

It is not his speed that is fast, but the unique void here, so you don't know how much distance you have passed. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

You think you are a big step, but it is actually a very subtle big step. It's like putting ants in the universe to crawl.

No matter you have peerless divine power, you will feel your own insignificance when you reach the eternal road. Compared with the eternal road, even the pearl of rice is not counted, and it makes people feel endless despair.

This is a path that keeps moving forward, and the powerhouses of each era dare not relax their steps. They have to continue their lives and hope for eternity before the eternal calamity completely destroys themselves.

"The eternal way, the strong way."

Chu Yuan always remained sober.

Many powerful forces gathered together and cultivated to the strongest, this is what he should do.

And this time.

He walked lonely.

Although there are many strong people on the path of eternity, it is too large, and the probability of wanting to meet other people is many, unless it is in some specific ruins.

"The Eternal Road is not only the Holy Ancient Spirit Realm, but there are more huge worlds dotted like borders."

Chu Yuan didn't have a map, maybe the gods had detailed signs in the day.

He just went all the way, calculating the time by himself, and after a full half a month, the scene in front of him was finally not static. There were the remains of the world and the shadow of the city.

"On the road to eternity, the world built by the strong has been shattered. There are only ruined ruins. It is very common. The strong man who opened the world falls in the eternal calamity, and his world will naturally decline."

Chu Yuan saw the mountains and mountains, and there were many worlds in ruins, just like a ship sinking in the sea, waiting for it only slowly decayed.

This heaven and earth is certainly not comparable to the 33 days, but it is not small, and to open up this kind of heaven and earth, at least the sixth stage cultivation base is required.

Before the sixth stage, only a small city that transforms the eternal atmosphere can be opened up.

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