Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1620: 1 epoch is 1 tribulation

"Epic artifact!"

Chu Yuan stared at that long ruler artifact and confirmed that it was the power of an epic artifact. Clouds and mists swept out infinite planes, and bright light swept out like a sea of ​​light.

This is an epic artifact, very precious and powerful.

But what Chu Yuan focused on was not an epic artifact, but a cloud figure condensed from that book, very free and easy.

"I, Yun Tianzun, I have gone through the 29th eternal calamity since I practiced, and the 30th eternal calamity will soon be ushered in. I am afraid that I will not be able to survive this calamity and will fall in this era."

Yunwu figure Yun Tianzun made a calm voice.

"Twenty-nine eternal calamities, Yun Tianzun has lived for twenty-nine eras."

An era is a catastrophe.

Every epoch passed, every primitive **** would usher in an eternal calamity, one more terrifying one after another, and every tenth count was a difficult life and death pass.

Chu Yuan understood.

When this era has passed and the next era is about to come, all the strong in the multiverse will usher in an eternal calamity, and those who do not cultivate to the original **** will undoubtedly die.

Only the Primordial God can survive a catastrophe, then transition to the path of eternity and continue to strengthen his strength.

Each epoch in the multiverse is like recording the time of the calamity.

"My limit has reached, unless I become the seventh state, but the seventh state is too difficult and too difficult. My hope is to look for the possibility further forward on the path of eternity, strengthen the eternal body, and perhaps be able to pass it, but it is also very Vague, I leave here the treasures that I don’t need to use, so as not to be destroyed in the path of eternity. Yun Tianzhi accompanied me through twenty-nine epochs. I don’t want it to be destroyed in the path of eternity. The Book of Era records It’s my understanding of the twenty-nine epochs, and stay here. If someone later gets it, it’s your chance, then take it."

"The road of eternity, this road is dead and without life, there is no end in sight, maybe I can't come back."

"Everlasting, all struggles, struggles from one era to one era, the glory will always come to an end. Looking back now, it is nothing but nothing. Why?"

The faint words were full of despair, Yun Tianzun went deeper on this road, and did not intend to come back.

"Already fallen."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

The road is eternal.

How can this world? Is there really eternity?

Chu Yuan firmly believes that there are. Mortals can only live for a hundred years? But the years of those who have a strong cultivation base are counted by the epoch? In the eyes of mortals, it is an eternity that can only be looked up to.

He picked up the Book of Epochs? Divine light was radiant, with a total of twenty-nine pages? It recorded Yun Tianzun's sentiments during the twenty-nine eras.

This is a heritage.

Everyone has a different attitude before facing the advent of the Great Tribulation? Like Yun Tianzun's acceptance? Go to the depths for the last fight.

And some people will be hysterical, desperate, and destructive like crazy.

The spirit of Chu Yuan travels in the Book of Epochs.

For a while, he showed more insights.

With his strength? It is bound to be able to live through many epochs? But his empire, his relatives, and his subordinates, it is impossible to have his longevity.

If he can't find the real eternity, he will die one by one, and the catastrophe will come before him?

The eternal road is a lonely road. In the end, without relatives or friends, you will become a real lonely person.

This era has the deepest memory for Chu Yuan, and it must be an era of his rise.

"Forever, create an eternal world."

Chu Yuan was firm and was not affected.

In the Book of Era, Yun Tianchi was collected by him, and the exploration of this treasure ended.

Leaving the treasure space and embarking on the path of eternity, long and lonely, the scenery is monotonous, like an eternal journey of refining the mind.

"If you want eternity, you must first be invincible."

Chu Yuan walked a long way on this road, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, just like a lighthouse on the ocean, and finally saw something different.

"This should be pioneered by a strong man on the path of eternity, and can be used as a foothold."

Chu Yuan felt it, and the eternal breath was gathering, and he passed there.

He still knows too little about the situation of the Eternal Road, not even knowing how many forces there are, let alone knowing how many powerful people there are.

Although he has taken the treasure this time, there is still one thing that has not been completed.

That is the Nine-layer Abyss Realm!

Although he has the teleportation gate of the nine-layer abyss, he doesn't know anything about the internal situation. Once a leaf knows the autumn, he knows that the abyss is ancient and powerful since the arrival of the emperor.

He didn't plan to go in directly, but to get some information first.

"If Taiyi Tianzun did not fall, his lack of contact must have something to do with the Nine-layer Abyss. I also have a relationship with him. If possible, he can still be rescued."

Chu Yuan wants to enter this world.

When he approached this world, he found that it was a plane with heaven and earth inside, and the area was not very huge. Compared to a thirty-three day, it was only one-tenth the size.

Small plane.

But the eternal aura swept in, all isolated and transformed by a formation, and there must be creatures within it.

The seventh realm can create creatures with its own power, just like the holy ancient spirit realm.

Although the sixth realm is not possible, it is possible to gain power from there through the multiverse, and use them to bring the blood of the heavens and multiply within their own plane.

However, it only survived in the plane opened by the strong ~ ~ created by the strong in the sixth realm. "

Chu Yuan approached this plane.

Finding that this plane did not refuse other strong people to enter, he merged with divine power and immediately walked in.

Those who dare to create a world and a city are absolutely confident in their own strength, and the eternal road is lonely, and some strong people also need a safe foothold.

Cultivation is hard, and the creatures multiply in the world they have created, and they can also kill some loneliness.

Therefore, there is no benefit and no effort will be made to build a city.

"Although the area is not large, it is still prosperous."

Chu Yuan came to this world, and in the cities, there were many creatures. Their cultivation bases were different, some were weak and some were stronger.

However, this is a shelter.

It is impossible to go out for half a step without the original god.

It is fortunate and unfortunate.

They live in such a big world.

As for the creatures of the multiverse, the heavens and the earth are larger than them, any thirty-three days are bigger than this plane, and there are also vast and boundless diversity, countless epic legends.

And here.

Everything is controlled by the Planner, who belongs to him in life or death. Thinking about it, he is very aggrieved.

Such a plane, lack of luck, it is difficult to give birth to a strong man who dominates the world, and the plane developer will not allow it.

"It's sorrow and luck."

After Chu Yuan came to this plane, he felt a vast force, an epic torrent, and the will to open up the world to suppress the operation of the plane.

That power belongs to the sixth realm alone, and it is also the creator.


Chu Yuan came to the largest city on this plane.


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