This imperial sea world is also prosperous.

When Chu Yuan entered Yuhai City, he also saw some other primitive gods. Some belonged to the Yuhai realm, and he also saw a handful of primitive gods from the outside world.

This is not surprising.

It took him so long before he saw a plane, where the safer environment could provide a temporary foothold for many powerful players.

He took a look casually.

Some primitive gods will also exchange fetishes they don't need here.

"The plane developer also did this deliberately. The eternal road is endless, providing a safe place without any fees, but the transactions of these powerful men may have some gods, which he needs to use. "

The eternal road is a good place, and the eternal breath will give birth to things that are not available in the multiverse.

And here, epochs have wiped out countless powerful men, and there are also many relics of treasures.

"Do I also need to open up an interface?"

Chu Yuan thoughtfully.

These are all things that need to be done, but not now, things in the multiverse are all messed up, not handled properly, and it is far from time to reach this point.

When he came to the city, the breath that appeared was the three primitive realms, his true realm.

"Huh? The aura of Zhutian Divine Sword is very strong, it doesn't hide it at all!"

Chu Yuan suddenly felt the power of Zhutian Divine Sword.

Ninety-nine Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords, the more you have, the stronger the interaction between them will be, and the more can sense the less, making it difficult for the few to know your existence.

With a heart move, he followed this wave and came to a prosperous pavilion in the city.

This pavilion reads Yuhai Pavilion in text.

Chu Yuan knows these words.

It was a very wise choice for him to make friends with and help Palace Master Hongmeng. From him, Chu Yuan learned the writing and language of many epochs and more information, so that he would not lose sight of the eternal road.

"This is a trading loft."

Chu Yuan saw that some strong men were going in.

He walked swiftly and fiercely, stepped in, and immediately swept his eyes, the artifacts were neatly placed, many rare treasures.

There are not many people in the pavilion, but all the primitive gods can walk in.

Yukai Pavilion is mainly faced with foreign powerhouses.

They all have their own training channels.

"The Primitive Three Realms."

An old man in a long robe suddenly saw Chu Yuan's arrival, his eyes were vicissitudes of life, he had survived several eternal catastrophes, and he felt Chu Yuan's breath, as if he was reckless.

"This guest should come from the multiverse."

The old man came to Chu Yuan.

"Yes, I do come from the multiverse."

Chu Yuan looked at him.


The old man is a member of the Royal Sea Pavilion. He stared at Chu Yuan? His face was blurred, not deliberately covering it? It was the power of a kind of emperor of the gods and emperors that made people unable to spy on them.

"The multiverse represents the era of the century. Can I see it? It's because you don't have the shackles of eternal calamity. This breath is very special."

Old man Dao? Called Zhuo Qing.

He has also received strong people from the multiverse.

Can you come here? Either you don't know anything about the stunned green? I don't know the cruelty of the eternal road, or the strongest.

He has lived for too long, knowing that this era is very powerful, and there have been too many powerful people in the world.

The most famous is the founder of the God Realm? He swept through many ancient forces on the path of eternity? Killing them trembles.

"Eternal Calamity."

Chu Yuan's aura was empty.

But in his eyes, the old man was entwined with five shackles, with ordinary mana invisible, just like a rope? Will take his life at any time.

This is a strong man who has survived the Five Tribulations.

"Your Excellency, what do you need to come to Yuhai Pavilion? As long as you have enough eternal crystals, you can take away the things in this store."

The old man said.

"I do have a purpose."

Chu Yuan said, "You can't sell the God Slayer Sword."

"Coming for the sword of Zhu Tian, ​​the sword of Emperor Zhu Tian."

Ji Qing said, "Of course I sell it. It seems that your Excellency still has more Divine Slayer Swords, but I only have one in the Royal Sea Pavilion. I only need to take out 200,000 Eternal Divine Crystals."

"Two hundred thousand eternal gods?" Chu Yuan frowned slightly.

"If a friend really wants, in order to make a friend, 180,000 can also be taken away."

Zhuo Qing said.

In fact, what Chu Yuan meant was that only 200,000 people could easily obtain the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword. It was too easy. He had obtained billions of eternal divine crystals from Yun Tianzun.

What Zhuo Qing thought was.

The Divine Zhutian Sword was made by Emperor Zhutian, but there was only one, which was not very useful. It was comfortable to use if there was no divine weapon refined by himself, unless it was gathered more.

Indeed, the Divine Sword of Death has endless killing intent, and a weak one cannot use it.

The strong are tasteless.

"I don't just need a Divine Slaying Sword, but I don't bother to bother. Give me a detailed list of the gods that can be sold in the Royal Sea Realm. I will browse them one by one to see what we need."

Chu Yuandao.

He is a real wealthy, billions of eternal gods, how many treasures can be bought on the Eternal Road.

"it is good."

There is business, of course Zhuo Qing does.

Chu Yuan is such a good master, UU Reading is his God.

"These, and these, that's not bad, I pack them all, I want them all."

When Chu Yuan looked at the list, there were indeed many good things, many of which he could use now.

"A total of two million eternal crystals are needed."

Zhuo Qing was a little shocked, did this person find the treasure of the ancient era? Otherwise, with the power of Century Yuan, how could he get so many eternal crystals.

"The purchasing power of Eternal Crystal is so strong."

Chu Yuan was also slightly surprised.

Because he bought a lot of things, many of them are very cherished in the multiverse, but in the end, it was only two million.

"I, Yuhaige, is a young man in business and will never deliberately raise prices. This is also our credibility and can attract so many strong deals on the eternal road."

Zhuo Qing saw Chu Yuan's doubts and smiled: "If it is a pit, how much can it be pitted? Over time, the reputation will be stinky, not as good as the water flowing."

Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

"Hey, when Shijiyuan is also halfway past, it is the most shining moment when the sun is noon. Infinite Era of luck. After this era, I will also have my sixth eternal calamity and hope to survive. Less than half."

Zhuo Qing also became more urgent and nervous.

Every time is a life and death pass.

"The eternal **** crystal can quickly replenish the eternal matter in the body, and provide a powerful boost when crossing the catastrophe, and the eternal catastrophe is going through, every time it is burning the eternal material."

Of course Chu Yuan knew why they needed so many eternal **** crystals, that is, they needed to burn eternal material resistance and use them to supplement when crossing the catastrophe.

However, as the number of Eternal Tribulation increases, the number required will increase dramatically.


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