
The infinite black flame enveloped this plane, and the strong inside was madly impacting, but it was obviously impossible to run out. The successive destruction of the plane was counting down their lives.

"I want to gather the last strength and fight hard, ignorant."

The Old Demon Changing Bone didn't care, he was in control of everything, and suddenly saw someone crossing over from a far distance.


Chu Yuan was expressionless, he also happened to pass by here and saw such a scene.

This is a kind of harvest, the strong are innocent, and the weak are harvested.

The eternal calamity is a life or death crisis for anyone, so the strong like the bone-changing old demon harvests the weak, seizes their power, and allows themselves to survive the calamity.

And the stronger ones will also harvest the existence of this level of Bone Demon.

The big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats dried shrimps. There is no more battle on the path of eternity.

When the cultivation base reaches the strongest, there is no opponent on the entire path of eternity, so there will be only one opponent, the entire path of eternity, to break the curse of immortality.

This is just the cruelty of the road to eternity.

But at this moment, Chu Yuan felt a greater desperation horror. The path to eternity was a cage. Countless creatures could not break, but could only continue to harvest, as cruel and desperate as scrolling.


A black storm swept over, closing the sky and the earth, and the terrifying power of the sixth state seemed to completely destroy Chu Yuan.

This was the shot of the Old Bone Demon, he didn't feel the epic power of the sixth realm from Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan stood in the midst of this storm, the infinite **** shining light, and then a huge black clutch shot directly.

Fighting power surged, eternal matter burned, and Chu Yuan palm, like the emperor of heaven, ascended to the top of the sky, fiercely blasted away, and the surrounding nothingness blew up a storm of destruction, and the power of his entire body was rapidly consumed.

"This is the power of the sixth realm!"

Chu Yuan had just experienced an epic torrent, powerful and fierce. It was a completely different feeling from the fifth realm, which could only be blocked by burning eternal matter.

But he had also seen the Conferred God Emperor, the Second God Lord, and the Dugu God Demon. He felt that the Bone Demon seemed to be inferior to them.

He immediately wanted to understand that whether it was the Conferred God Emperor or the Second God Lord, they had a huge day of support behind them, and Shiji Yuan's luck belonged to the current era.

"You can actually block my palm."

The Old Demon Huagu was also a little surprised, and then a more cruel expression appeared on his face.

His mana is immense? Under the rumbling suppression, the magic power is profound? Incomparably cold? People whose cultivation base is weaker than him will fall into his realm? The whole person will be vanished.

Chu Yuan was expressionless.

He was originally just a passer-by, and the fight on the Eternal Road had nothing to do with him? But the bone-changing old demon was too cruel? He even had to kill anyone who passed by.

The eternal light bloomed.

Even if Chu Yuan faced the sixth stage, he was not afraid? His heart was strong and he pointed to invincibility. He was actually in this bone-changing storm, unmoved? He was working divine power to sharpen the eternal matter in his body.

"That person is not the sixth stage? He actually survived the bone-making storm!"

"No, he is not just as simple as resisting the bone storm, he is still running power, polishing himself? Delving into epic power."

"We have never seen this man before, but he is stalwart? He is an extremely powerful emperor who will go to eternity to become his own epic!"

In the plane, the three desperate powerhouses saw this scene suddenly showing hope.

"Also dare to use my power to sharpen yourself. You are very arrogant. You don't know the height of the sky and the distance between you and the sixth stage."

The old demon transforming bones is violent, and every era suffers eternal calamity, his disposition has long been crazy.

With a giant mana hand, the five fingers were shot out, and the bone-changing old demon really used a killer move this time, covering the top of Chu Yuan's head.


Yun Tian Chi came out, in his hand, like a measuring ruler, one blow set off a boundless wave, directly breaking the giant hand of mana, the epic divine power of the sixth realm is infinite in his power.

He stared sternly on the plane.

The door of the curse!

Almost in an instant, he was like a giant who controlled the curse, the ominous sword flew out directly.

"There are also the Sixth Realm Divine Weapon, haha, it's all mine. Today, I had no luck in turning bones, eh? What kind of weapon is that, it doesn't seem to be under that ruler!"

The old demon of bone transformation laughed loudly, and the sixth-level divine weapon was rare on the path of eternity, as strong as him, but only one.

He grabbed the ominous blade directly with a palm.

But in an instant, his face changed, and a terrifying and ominous force from above this magic weapon was erupting, doomed, and all kinds of disasters were covering him.

"Unknown the power of doom!"

The Bone Demon shouted.

At this moment, there was a black air entangling on his body, and the unknown was affecting his soul.

"Now, run!"

The three powerhouses saw this scene and seized the opportunity abruptly, and the entire plane exploded, bursting out an eternal divine light. They sacrificed the power of the plane, resisted the epic, and fought desperately.

"I want to run!"

The Old Bone Demon was angry and prevented them from escaping, but when he used his power, the unknown power was like a tarsus, it was difficult to disperse.

Chu Yuan also had a cold face, and he was attacked for no reason, and no one would be in a good mood.

The power of Yuntianchi skyrocketed, so naturally I knew that it couldn't harm the old demon, but the power that exploded, formed an endless hurricane.

"Thanks for the great kindness. Today, my friend's life-saving grace, I remember the old three of Beiling, if there is anything we need to help on the road to eternity, we will definitely not excuse me!"

Three Elders of Beiling seized this momentary opportunity and escaped.

"Boy, I want your life!"

The old demon Huagu was angry, the duck in his hand flew, and he vented his soaring anger on Chu Yuan.



The two big portals blasted out the boundless power of time and space, Chu Yuan was expressionless, and he was not interested in entanglement with the bone-changing old Mordor, and he could not suppress it in the sixth stage.

In just an instant, he disappeared from the sight of the Old Bone Demon.

"Boy, don't let me catch you!"

The Old Bone Demon is an angry roar.

His eyes swept wildly, nowhere else to see people.

Of course Chu Yuan wouldn't care. At this moment, he had already moved forward again and had come to the edge of the prestigious eternal killing formation on the path of eternity.

"Eternal Killing Array, built by an extremely ancient former strongman, in the name of eternity, this killing Array is terrifying."

Chu Yuan stared at the world in front of him, his eyes could see through everything, but the front was still nothingness, very calm, and there was no horror of killing array.

But he knew that the Eternal Killing Array was very terrifying, and its area was extremely huge. Many powerful people entered the Killing Array, and they were all left in it forever.

But within the killing array, there are also many opportunities.


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