The Eternal Killing Array was built by an ancient Xeon in many epochs.

This supreme mighty is the first mage in the path of eternity since records, no one knows his name, so he is called by the formation.

And it is rumored that the supreme strong has not appeared for more than a dozen epochs. It seems that he has encountered a limit and has fallen, but his eternal killing array will remain here forever.

"Eternal killing array contains boundless murderous intent."

If Chu Yuan took a detour, it would take hundreds of years, that would be uneconomical, and it is said that there are boundless opportunities in the Eternal Killing Array, and that Array has left too many benefits.

"Let me see how terrifying this eternal killing array is."

Chu Yuan stepped into the eternal killing array, everything went as usual, without the slightest change.

And he knew that the danger here should not be underestimated. According to rumors, there was an origin of the seventh realm who wanted to break through the eternal killing array, but was brutally beheaded inside.

According to common sense, countless years have passed, the power of the killing array should be weakened, but the fact is the opposite, the power of the killing array is getting more and more terrifying.

Chu Yuan slowly realized his vitality. He felt that the Eternal Killing Array was constantly gathering energy, that is, the eternal aura that was constantly absorbing the path of eternity was becoming indelible in each epoch.

He even saw some formations that resembled nodal sea eyes.

"That's it."

Chu Yuandao: "Connected by many nodes of the Eternal Road, and constantly gathering the eternal breath, using the power of the Eternal Road, this killing array will not weaken due to the power of the years, but will only grow stronger."

The reason is not difficult to understand, many people know it.

But you can't do it, to the point of formation.

The formation is broad and profound.

The strongest man also spent his entire life studying this way.

Chu Yuan faintly looked at the Eternal Killing Array, already walking inside, murderous intent, and sometimes the terrifying murderous intent that broke out, you can't react to it, and you will be killed.

That formation also spent many epochs, and created this killing formation with his own life. I really don’t know what his purpose is.


Chu Yuan stepped into an area of ​​nothingness. Suddenly, an endless violent thunder blasted over. The power of each Dao was comparable to the full attack of the Primordial Realm, but at this time it was calculated by Ten Thousand Dao.

"The power of the killing array."

Chu Yuan stood in the thunder, and waves of power in his body collapsed, producing a strong impact, and staying still.

He looked around, knowing that this kind of attack and killing formation is still normal, and there is also a terrible trap. You don't know when you step in, you will be eternally exiled, unable to get out, and you can only die in pain.

There are even shifting formations, which can threaten you to death.

There is nothing in the path of eternity, it was created by the strong.

It was normal for Chu Yuan to walk in one step before, but in the next instant, he suddenly stepped into a bright world, and every divine light slashed like a huge blade.

This is the cruel environment of the eternal killing array, but the strongest left many treasures, attracting many strong ones.

"Dead to the strong in the eternal killing array."

Chu Yuan walked all the way and did not know how many killing formations he had gone through. At this time, he suddenly saw a corpse of God, whose flesh and blood were deprived and turned into bones, floating alone in the void ahead.

His magic weapon is still by his side, a supreme primitive artifact.

"The sixth and even seventh-level giants have a life-and-death crisis in the eternal killing formation. A strong man has spent his efforts to build such a huge killing formation. It definitely has a big purpose."

Chu Yuan stared at the white bone.

Suddenly an immense force was pressing on his world, as if oppressing a multiverse.

Seven brilliant torrents, presenting the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, are like seven magic swords rushing over, and their power is earth-shaking, as if the fifth stage of the seven sages unite against you.

Chu Yuan's stalwart body stands tall in seven brilliant torrents.

There was also a destructive force in his body. He just resisted the impact of seven torrents and directly took the **** soldier away with a palm of God, and then he walked out of this area, and the bombardment disappeared.

"Conserve energy, absorb the outside world, and strengthen oneself."

The more Chu Yuan could realize the terrifying mystery of the eternal killing array.

Everything here may contain a killing array of destruction, even if it is the treasure in front of you, it may be a life-threatening thing.

He didn't have the slightest fear, and moved forward with invincible faith.

"Huh? There are strong breath fluctuations. It is rumored that the place where the breath fluctuates more drastically, it is likely to be a dead place that kills everything, but it may also be a treasure land containing sacred treasures. The strongest use this mystery to attract many strong Go in."

Chu Yuan's expression moved, and the ancient fluctuations attracted him.

This wave of volatility was exactly on his path, and he walked over directly.

Soon, he saw a huge vortex in front of him, and a wave of divine light blasted out, forming an ocean of destruction. Inside, there was a faint bronze divine light shining.

"The danger is with the treasure."

The divine body of Emperor Chu Yuan walked forward.


He shot out with a punch, the thunder was shaking, and the vortex was about to collapse. Chu Yuan actually ignored the danger enveloped by the outside entered it, and suddenly there were waves of Changhong banging on his body.

"Extremely strong!"

Chu Yuan's eyes flickered, as if he saw a giant **** condensed by the law, continuously bombarding him, the rumbling fluctuations, the power of destroying the world.

Chu Yuan formed the emperor's realm, a torrent of iron and blood, and an incomparably overbearing force was also attacking, smashing these rule giants.

After smashing all the giants, he pushed aside the clouds to see the blue sky, and he finally saw the hidden things.

This is a bronze temple, the color of bronze like the wild, after the vicissitudes of life, the door has been opened to Chu Yuan.

"Bronze Temple."

Chu Yuan knew it clearly: "The treasures left by the strongest are not only bronze temples in the eternal killing array, but also higher-level silver temples, golden temples, and the most mysterious eternal temple!"

These are several temples in the Eternal Killing Array.

There are the largest number of bronze temples, thousands of which have appeared in the long years.

Hundreds of silver temples also appeared.

The number of golden temples is relatively rare. Since the record, there are only a dozen or so. Every time the golden temple appears, it is a big shock, and the sixth stage will come.

As for the most mysterious eternal temple, it is rumored that the body of the supreme man was buried, with his most precious treasure, which has never appeared before, only in the legend.

But even so, no one knows how many temples the strongest left behind.

"Although the bronze temple is the most common, it's not bad to encounter a lot of treasures inside by accident."

Chu Yuan glanced at the bronze temple and suddenly walked over. Suddenly a giant bronze hand slammed out, and was directly defeated by him, unable to stop his footsteps, and immediately entered it.


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