The soul fluctuations of the Zerg mother emperor are very chaotic and out of order.

"There is indeed a mother emperor, and her state is very wrong. Maybe someone has gone deep into the worm's nest, and they have to find the mother emperor, maybe they are fighting back."

Chu Yuan instantly guessed the situation.

"Alright, let me see what happened to the mother emperor."

Although Chu Yuan had never seen the mother emperor along the way, based on the fluctuations in the Worm Nest, he also knew that even when the mother emperor was the strongest, his cultivation had not reached the epic sixth level.

Before the sixth stage, he was in his control.

The endless sea of ​​insects, all kinds of insects, too many.

This is the guard of the mother emperor.


At this time, he saw a large number of powerful people unite, bombarding the place where the mother emperor was, with the power of one destroying countless worm seas, and mana rolling.

It's also because the Worm Nest hasn't appeared for a long time, and the news hasn't completely spread, otherwise the sixth stage will come.

"These people, although they are attacking, but there are too many worm seas, they have not been so fast to see the mother emperor, but with time, there will be more and more powerful people coming, and I need to find the mother emperor first. The location can be found based on this chaotic soul power."

Chu Yuan revolved around the endless origin, tracking the mother emperor, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his eyes, and he directly blasted through a layer of void crystal.

Great Devouring Technique! When Chu Yuan broke in, he immediately opened up the big swallowing technique, the black hole collapsed, and the worm sea that rushed in was swallowed directly by the black hole before he could get close to him.

The Zerg mother emperor is good at manipulating countless worm seas, crushing opponents with absolute numbers, and consuming their mana.

But Chu Yuan was too proficient in the Great Swallowing Technique, which was the most important of his many magical powers, and what he was least afraid of was the offensive of the crowds. No matter how many rushes, he would directly refine it.

He is simply the nemesis of the insect sea.

A sea of ​​insects disappeared in front of him.

In the Worm Nest, the passage extends in all directions and is blocked by the crystal wall. Chu Yuan has no intention to detour. He directly penetrates the crystal wall, saving time, and his tyrannical strength allows him to fear the dangers inside.

"Oh? The guards of the mother emperor."

Chu Yuan came to one place at this time and saw hundreds of black carapaces that were two feet high, with two knives in both arms, like a mantis-like insect. This is an elite in the sea of ​​insects, and it costs to cultivate one. A lot of energy.

When the mantis killed him, Chu Yuan waved his hand lightly, and he was immediately suppressed and received the swallowing black hole. .

"There should be the mother emperor."

Chu Yuan finally found the source of his soul confusion.

There, there is a strong light, with strong power fluctuations.

In his eyes, he saw many lines of killing formations.

And around the light, there are many insects, and the ones that can be here are at least the strength of the heavenly god, and a few guards with the strength of the primitive god.

The zergs raised by the mother emperor are very peculiar, they only obey the orders of the mother emperor.

The special ability touches the eternal rule.

"Where is the mother emperor."

Chu Yuan's sharp gaze had already seen through the beam of light, saw the mother emperor inside, and stepped directly over it.

Rumble! When he stepped into that time and space, there was thunder and fire, and the wind blade lightning smashed the past, but at this moment, Chu Yuan's way of running time and space, as if in the past and the future, the formation can not hinder him.

If the mother's nest is regarded as a piece of heaven and earth, a country, the Zerg mother emperor is a well-deserved queen, and the insects here are the mother emperor's forbidden army.

When the imperial army was killed, Chu Yuan seemed to have not seen it, the iron and blood torrents turned into shocking power, and the guards were shaken by him to collapse.

His eyes condensed tightly, and he slapped on the sky, directly hitting the ball of light.

The surging divine light exploded violently, and the sharp and piercing soul roared like a storm of spirit that directly impacted Chu Yuan.

But Chu Yuan remained unwavering, his expression still cold and stern, and the soul impact had no effect on him. Within his soul, the soul gate was the immortal mountain, blocking all fluctuations.

"That's the Zerg Mother Emperor!"

Chu Yuan finally saw the Zerg mother emperor.

It was a woman, indistinguishable from a person, her hair was like a waterfall, her skin was crystal clear and flawless, especially her face, she was extremely beautiful, but she had a sacred smell.

None of the women Chu Yuan had seen was as beautiful as the Zerg mother emperor. The eternal Creator gave her too much love and made her perfect.

When she saw it, there was a magical power that made people sink, and her soul would be manipulated by her, and Chu Yuan understood that this was her spiritual power.

This is the Zerg mother emperor, possessing special abilities, as if given to her by eternity. Such a beautiful woman can study and cultivate various Zerg species, which is really weird.

But don't look at the beauty of the mother emperor, she is cruel, and it takes too much energy to cultivate the sea of ​​insects, and she will break through one plane after another.

And the rumors said.

The Zerg mother emperor's own strength is not strong, it is also compared with the Worm Nest itself, in the same realm, there is no fear of anyone.

What she is best at is soul attack.

But the state of the Zerg mother emperor at this time was very bad, her eyes were tightly closed, and a wave of chaotic power was impacting, and her spirit was in a state of chaos and brokenness.

"I have encountered a stronger soul impact."

Chu Yuan glanced around and seemed to understand, "It is very likely that he was forced to comprehend the Eternal Killing Array, suffered a lethal impact, and was fighting against this force, causing confusion at the soul level."

If it weren't for the chaos of the mother emperor's soul, it would be as easy as an empire loses its emperor.

He could see it better.

The mother emperor’s divine body always shows the traces of the eternal Dao. If it were not for her strength, she would have died long ago, but without the help of external forces, the possibility of her getting out of this state by her own strength is very slim.

What made Chu Yuan more pleased was that.

There is no wave of eternal calamity in her!

In other words, the mother emperor is a creature born in Shijiyuan. Once he surrenders her, he can be brought back to the multiverse and become his trump card in the multiverse ~ good, very good , The Zerg mother emperor, being met by me today is also your luck. Otherwise, with your strength, how could you get out of this state. "

Chu Yuan looked down on the mother emperor of the Zerg clan, as the ruler over the world, an invisible soul storm rushed past.

This time, he was not trying to destroy the Zerg mother emperor, but to enslave her soul to make it completely obey his orders.

The spirit of the mother emperor of the Zerg race was too strong, and the average powerhouse could not control it at all, but Chu Yuan had the soul gate, controlled the great soul technique, and the mother emperor was in a very bad state at the moment, so he gave him a chance.

Sure enough, when Chu Yuan's soul power was forcibly controlled, the mother emperor broke out a strong resistance.

"Soul storm, enslave the soul seal."

Chu Yuan once again strengthened the power of the great soul technique, extremely domineering, and the peerless power was spreading.

He also knew that the mother emperor was already in chaos, and his forced enslavement would cause severe damage to the mother emperor, but he didn't care, as long as she enslaved her, he would be able to drive her out of all chaos.

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