Forced slavery and domineering control.

Use the great soul technique to make the mother emperor completely obey her command.

Immediately, the Zerg mother emperor frantically resisted.

Rumble! She had suffered the torture of the killing formation. At this moment, Chu Yuan's great soul technique suddenly made her unbearable. The whole body was cracked like ceramic, and crystal clear blood flowed out.

The shrill voice was uttering, diametrically opposite to her beautiful face.

Around, the Zerg guards were also frantically slaying towards Chu Yuan to guard their emperor, but the collapsed black hole, when they rushed over, they sank into the black hole, unable to affect them.


The mother emperor uttered a stern cry, she was also a proud person, no matter how she would allow herself to be enslaved by others, at this time she was like crazy, becoming extremely hideous, without a beautiful face.

Chu Yuan was indifferent and ruthless, and the emperor's realm and invincible belief violently impacted, directly forming a brand in her soul.

The eyes of the mother emperor of the Zerg clan were also opened. She carried the chaotic soul storm, and took the initiative to kill Chu Yuan, as if screaming out a song to kill the soul, doing her final struggle.


Chu Yuan was unmoved, the Great Soul Art provided him with a terrifying soul source, and Yi's soul impact made his mark more and more profound.

Even at the peak moment of the Zerg Mother Emperor, Chu Yuan would not be afraid, let alone her state at this time.

The most frightening thing is that he is not afraid of the soul of the Zerg mother emperor fighting back.


Chu Yuan's expression moved, and the bombardment from the outside world became louder and louder. Obviously, there are strong people who are about to come here. They must not be allowed to destroy their plans.

The most ferocious soul power exploded in the mother emperor's mind.

The mother emperor in the chaos saw the figure of an emperor, with the breath of eternal supremacy, infinite control, and countless gods surrounded him.

The gods surrender, the gods rule, the emperor among the gods!

He is playing a force of eternal control!

After this brilliance, the power of the gods erupted and killed her resistance. In the end, her resistance was disintegrated and collapsed, and the enslaving soul seal completely controlled her soul.

"Heaven and earth reincarnate."

Chu Yuan ran the reincarnation magical powers, and the power of all ages was washed over and over again, with the goal of washing her memory, planting a thought that convinced her, and being completely loyal to herself.

The Zerg mother emperor is not resisting, but her state is also very miserable at the moment, the body is broken, the soul is chaotic, and the sequelae caused by the Eternal Killing Array are washed in her body.

It was because she was in a very bad state, she gave Chu Yuan a chance.

"Keep taking it."

Chu Yuan directly took out a tube of primitive **** healing potion.

The crystal-like emerald color, I don't know what the power of good fortune is condensed, as if with an eternal breath, this potion can heal all the injuries in the sixth stage, it is very precious.

After the Zerg Mother Emperor took the potion, the wounds in the body were expelled in an instant.

Her face was ruddy, and she restored her beautiful posture again. All beings were sinking. As for the power that was emptied, she could be restored with Eternal God Crystal.

"the host!"

In the most chaotic state, she was manipulated by Chu Yuan's great soul technique, and the enslavement of the soul mark made her know that she was under Chu Yuan's control. The overbearing power was only the order of the emperor in front of her and could not be violated.

Chu Yuan nodded slightly.

The great soul technique is so mysterious and extraordinary, if it weren't for this magical power, it would be difficult to enslave the mother emperor.

"Very well, your state of chaos, I have expelled you."

Chu Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

"I am too greedy. I have comprehend the eternal killing array, and my soul has touched the taboo, and it is completely chaotic. If it weren't for the master to help me expel the chaos, I don't know how long the chaos will last, or even maintain this state forever.

Although Chu Yuan had enslaved the mother emperor, in fact, without him, the mother emperor would not have been able to get out of the chaos.

"Mother Queen, many people in the Worm's Nest have been killed and driven out."

Chu Yuan ordered directly.

"Follow the Lord's orders."

The mother emperor of the Zerg race was expelled immediately, and the groups of Zerg, like the most well-trained army, were no longer messy before, they came out of the Worm's Nest and directly killed the invaders in the Worm's Nest.

There is a sea of ​​insects controlled by the mother emperor, and it is completely different.

Chu Yuan could also be regarded as seeing the mother emperor's fighting style, and he was a little surprised. It was completely different from the army, and was more violent and direct. The waves continued like a tsunami.

If the army is fighting, the impact of damage on morale must also be considered.

However, the mother emperor didn't need to consider these at all. She cultivated these zergs, which was originally used for consumption.

Her fighting style is completely opposite to her beauty. It is very cruel. A large number of weak insects are interspersed with powerful ones, which consumes your eternal matter until the weakest, and gives you a killing offensive.

She is the natural master of war.

There are not many masters who have entered the Worm Nest. The mother emperor kills the weaker squad first, and at the same time makes a whistling sound that impacts the soul.

"The intruder will die!"

"What's the matter? The Zerg who was still chaotic just now, why is it like someone is in control at this moment? Isn't there any problem with the mother emperor, deliberately leading us into the Worm Nest?"

The face of a strong man changed drastically.

"It is very possible that the mother emperor is cunning and insidious. If this kind of offensive is not controlled by the mother emperor, I would not believe in killing it. I understand. This is a conspiracy. The mother emperor needs a lot of energy to cultivate the insect sea, she thought Devour us, we are closing the net now!"

A strong man suddenly thought.

"Damn, that mother emperor is too cunning!"

These masters were furious, and they were pushing away quickly. If there was no mother emperor personally controlling them, they would certainly not be afraid, but there was a mother emperor, and the degree of danger increased tenfold.

The majesty of the mother emperor is too great, a very special creature bred for eternity, insidious and cruel, making people tremble.

The Zerg mother emperor deliberately blocked the chase. It seemed as if they had set up traps, but in fact it was all her intention, just to confuse these people's guesses.

A large number of the strong retreated.

Of course they are not reconciled, and some are even contacting the sixth realm.

No one knows that the Zerg mother emperor has long been controlled by others, otherwise, these masters will go crazy.

Chu Yuan watched this battle without intervening. The fighting method of the Zerg Mother Emperor made him very satisfied. Relying on the Worm Nest, this is the most perfect war castle that can be moved.

"We leave here."

Chu Yuan understood that the sixth stage would definitely come, and he was not interested in staying in the eternal killing formation for a long time.

"Yes, master!"

The Zerg mother emperor responded.

Suddenly the huge brood vibrated, a strong storm, in the eyes of all the masters, the brood burst out eternal energy, the boundless force shattered and left directly.

"The Worm Nest is gone!"

The complexion of those strong men changed again. The Worm Nest itself was more valuable than the Epic Artifice Sea, and although they wanted to stop it, they couldn't stop it at all, so they just watched and left.

"Damn it!"

They also knew that if the mother emperor had no special means, she would have been enslaved and controlled by others.

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