"Want to break the Ji Dao array?"

Jiang Kun saw Chu Yuan soaring into the sky and didn't care. Although this person had the strength to fight against the sixth stage, the horror of the Great Dao Great Formation was not what he could imagine. The power running this formation had already transformed the Heavenly Spring into a realm. As a cage.

They are all livestock, destined to be harvested!

"Dying!" he said mercilessly.


Chu Yuan's glory skyrocketed.

At this moment, his image is too stalwart, holding the ominous blade, and controlling all the great power, it is directly torn to the extreme great formation, and the billowing power erupts.

The powerhouses of the Jidao God Dynasty disdain and do not believe that anyone can break the Jidao Great Formation.

But the next moment, unknown power erupted, and the Jidao Great Formation was trembling crazily, and even the phantom of the Jidao Great Emperor began to blur, entangling layers of ominous black energy.

This ominous sword is a powerful person who puts his own flesh and blood into it. It is terribly powerful, and it is very likely that the cultivation base will reach the origin.

Rumble! Under the bombardment of unknown thunder robbery, the divine light pillar evolved from the Great Dao array was actually shattered.

"The Great Array seems to have encountered an unknown curse force!"

Jiang Kun was no longer calm before, his face changed drastically, "He swallowed boundless power before, blessed the power to that weapon, and burst out strange power, destroying the great array!"

"Stop him!"

Jiang Kun shouted, he knew he couldn't let Chu Yuan go on like this.

"Hope is here!"

Many powerful men were desperate at first, unable to break through the Great Dao Formation and could only die inside, but the appearance of Chu Yuan gave them hope, how can they tolerate the shattered hope.

More powerhouses rushed out, just to fight for a ray of life.

The old man and the burly man exploded with greater strength and besieged Jiang Kun.

"The Supreme Sword."

Chu Yuan's majestic posture stepped onto the Great Dao Great Formation, and the surging power counterattacked him. He destroyed the movement of the Great Formation with an ominous blade, and then the emperor sword came out, as if grasping an eternal sword.

The Great Dao Array is powerful, but after all, it is just an array, not the Great Emperor of the Great Dao.

This sword slashed out, and the perfect Jidao Great Formation was torn open a crack in an instant, like a picture screen.

A space-time passage appeared under Chu Yuan's feet, extending to the outside world.

"I want to go!"

Jiang Kun was murderous, and someone actually broke the Jidao Great Formation. This is something that absolutely can't happen. His eyes were cold, and a Jidao big hand straddled time and space and grabbed it hard.

Chu Yuan won't entangle him here, after all, the path to eternity is not his current home court.

He stepped out, and there was a torrent of destruction everywhere. On the path of eternity, he saw too much cruelty, and the era of destruction condensed at this time was monstrous.

Fighting forces against each other, Ji Dao's big hand smashed the torrent, and when he was about to catch Chu Yuan, he was missing.

"Someone broke the Chi Dao formation, he left!

"Quickly cross that crack, this is our last hope!"

"Don't let the extreme gods close the cracks, or it will be all over!"

More powerhouses rushed past like moths to the fire.

"Multiverse, be the strongest of Shijiyuan!"

Jiang Kun was extremely angry, but he also knew that this person no longer knew where he was going. If he went to chase him down, the Jidao Great Formation would not be able to maintain it, allowing more people to run out.

"Crack to death!"

He exploded the power of the Great Dao Array to a stronger level, but in the end a crack was broken by Chu Yuan, not as perfect as that.

Let alone Chu Yuan destroying the Great Dao Array, how many people can hope to leave in the end, and he has already left the bounds of the Tianquan Realm, heading towards the depths of the eternal road.

"The cruel side."

Chu Yuan was unmoved.

This time, he obtained a huge benefit in the Tianquan Realm. His cultivation level broke through the fourth stage, and he gained the Eternal Heart, and because of the sudden catastrophe, he did not pay the billion Eternal God Crystal.

"Tianquan Realm is too miserable this time."

Liu Mingzi followed Chu Yuan.

Because this breakthrough was Liu Mingzi's invitation to Chu Yuan, he took him out and saved his life.

Liu Mingzi still hasn't reacted from the panic. Such a powerful Tianquan Realm has existed for dozens of epochs, and it has been destroyed like this. I don't know if I would rather escape.

"The road to eternity is hopeless for eternity. In order to survive longer, it will continue to roll in again and again, unless someone breaks the curse that cannot be eternal."

Chu Yuandao.

"Yes." Liu Mingzi said, "this era will not be peaceful anymore."

"In order to survive to the next epoch, the Great Emperor will inevitably initiate wars and devour the lives of the strong. This is a kind of harvest. The strongest harvests the seventh realm. When the strongest faces a deadline, they will also harvest these Strong."

Chu Yuan saw it very thoroughly.

In this era, there will be more cruel wars on the path of eternity.

However, it has little to do with the multiverse. No matter how much they harvest, they will not be able to hit the multiverse.

"I hope that the Great Emperor will not survive!"

If the Great Emperor really survived this epoch, he would get worse in the next epoch, ten times more crazy than he is now.

He was trembling in his heart. This era was only halfway through, and there was still half of the time.

On the road of eternity, sometimes it is a lucky thing to live to the limit.

Chu Yuan didn't have much thought about this. He went to the Nine-layer Abyss Realm to confirm the Taiyi Tianzun this time, and he would immediately return to the Multiverse.

Now his cultivation has reached the fourth stage, enough to join this diverse and chaotic world.

The luck of an era is too important. It is about the power of an era that cannot be given up.

"Divine Emperor, where are you going next?"

Liu Mingzi asked cautiously.

"Yuanjie." Chu Yuan said.

"What, you are going to Yuanjie!"

Liu Mingzi was even more shocked. The **** emperor destroyed a strong man in a stronghold in the nine-layer abyss and provoke their majesty. Presumably, the abyss has already issued a more cruel killing order against him.

He didn't dare to ask more, just said: "Can you take me?"

"it is good."

Chu Yuan rolled his palm and continued to advance towards the Nine-layer Abyss Realm.

The eternal road is endless. Even the strongest do not know where the end of this road is. The more you go forward, the scarcer the plane of existence.

He saw several planes opened up by the origin of the seventh realm.

He silently operated the portal of the holy ancient spirit world, and vaguely discovered that the spirit world should be deeper and farther in the path of eternity. He had been in the spirit world, the area was huge, and he could also infer the strength of the spirit ancestor.

On the path of eternity, every one who is called the strongest has the possibility of becoming the strongest.

The world in which they exist is also deeper.

"Suppress all the strongest, and kill until no one dares to be respected, the strongest."

Chu Yuandao.

With a breakthrough in strength, he is faster, this time he will not go to any ancient ruins regardless of any chance.

"Yuanjie, right here."

Chu Yuan suddenly stopped, looking at the extremely remote void, the plane that was so huge and terrifying that it exuded a frightening atmosphere.

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