A shocking scene!

A huge world.

Chu Yuan could feel a terrifying abyssal power at a very far distance. At a glance, the heaven and the earth formed a collapsed and mysterious abyss, which penetrated into the eternal infinity, and seemed to have nine levels.

This world is so huge that even the Tianquan Realm cannot be compared with them.

Each level of the abyss has a master of the abyss as the town.

The first Yuan master, Yuan!

This is the world of Xeon Zheyuan!

The existence of the Nine Layers of Abyss Realm has been too long, at least more than fifty epochs have passed, and in such a long time, except for the eternal eternity of Yuan, the other eight Yuan masters have actually changed.

"In each epoch, a large number of creatures will be born in the abyss. At the same time, many creatures will die. Only those who break through to the primitive **** can follow the abyss to reach the next era."

Chu Yuan said silently.

He didn't enter, this kind of world might be terrifying, even if he entered the seventh stage, he could be killed by the town.

"Let's see if Taiyi Tianzun is really in the abyss."

Chu Yuan used a special secret method, which is a spiritual voice transmission method, which can span time and space and circulate the breath of the primordial beginning. The soul calls: "Taiyi Tianzun, Taiyi Tianzun, Taiyi Tianzun..."

He kept calling to see if he could get Taiyi Tianzun's response.

After a long time, Chu Yuan didn't get a response.

But he did not give up and kept calling.

"Who is calling me..."

Finally, a voice responded.

"It's me."

Chu Yuandao, as expected, in the deep realm, said: "I use the method of spiritual communication, and then use the power of the primordial beginning to communicate with you. I am from the multiverse and related to the primordial sacred tree."

"The power of the multiverse." Taiyi Tianzun replied.

Vaguely at this moment, Chu Yuan seemed to see an existence in front of his eyes, wearing a divine garment, on which there was the aura of Taoism origin, sitting upright, it was Taiyi Tianzun.

Chu Yuan had a deep connection with this strong man, after all, Taiyi Pill Furnace was also made by him.

"Sure enough, it's within the nine-layer abyss." Chu Yuan said.

"Friends of the multiverse, the deity knows that you are strong, but if you want to save the deity away, it is impossible. Don't let yourself fall into danger. The abyss is not something you can set foot on."

Taiyi Tianzun reminded.

"I came here to confirm your situation and understand what happened in the past." Chu Yuan said.


Taiyi Tianzun was silent for a moment, and then said: "The fall of the Emperor of the First Beginning was also our mistake. The Emperor of the First Beginning received a copy of the original Taoist book and entered the path of eternity. According to the guidance, he went to find the original place, but The wrong choice made the Taichu Tiandi fall, and Taihong Tianjun also fell. I fell from countless powerhouses in the early Gods, and only I survived."

"Essential Taoism..." Chu Yuan said.

"Essential Daoshu is like map coordinates. You can find that mysterious place and control this power. It is possible to become the strongest person on the path of eternity, but the original Daoshu is not in my body. I have hidden it. "

Taiyi Tianzun Tao.

"Yuanjie suppressed you in order to obtain that original Taoist book."

Chu Yuandao.

"Not bad." Taiyi Tianzun said.

Chu Yuan nodded. He probably knew the reason for the fall of the Emperor of the Beginning. He gathered the strongest power in a country and wanted to get the strongest power, but unfortunately he failed.

The end was tragic.

"Your current situation." Chu Yuan asked again.

"Don't worry about me. The **** clothing on my body is called the original Taoist clothing, which can radiate the power of the original source and resist all kinds of calamities. It comes from the refining of their souls. If they want to get the location of the original Taoist book, they can't cut it by force. Deity, unless they don’t want it anymore."

Taiyi Tianzun said lightly.

Although he communicated with Chu Yuan, he was also worried that there might be fraud. After all, he could not see the deity, and the news that he said was known to Yuan Jie and was irrelevant.

If he were a friend, it would happen that Chu Yuan could understand his state.

Chu Yuan understood his caution.

It seems that Taiyi Tianzun is not in danger for the time being, and the Nine-layer Abyss Realm is reluctant to kill him, but he also wants to prevent the dog from jumping the wall.

"Okay, I see." Chu Yuan said, putting away the telepathy.

"The original Taoist book contains the secret of becoming the strongest."

Chu Yuan looked at the Nine-layer Abyss Realm, and it was too early to talk about the rescue of Taiyi Tianzun, and it was far from time, and Taiyi Tianzun had been suppressed for so many years, and he didn't care about this time.

For this Tianzun, if he was able, Chu Yuan would still rescue him.

"Now that I know the situation of Taiyi Tianzun, it's time to return to Diversity."

After Chu Yuan left this time, it took a while. He had a sense of national movement towards the empire and knew that there was nothing wrong, but now the situation is unstable and he must go back and sit down.

Returning all the way, passing through the Tianquan Realm again.

The Heavenly Spring Realm no longer exists and has been wiped out. I don't know how many ran out that day.

After passing the eternal killing array, it did not stay long.

Along the way when he came, because Chu Yuan didn't plan to stay anywhere this time, he went a lot faster than before.

Finally, he sensed the location of the multiverse.

The place where the multiverse exists is the starting point of this road.

The starting point has been found, but the end of this road is unknown.

"Liu Mingzi, you are not a strong man in Shijiyuan, you cannot follow me back to the multiverse."

Chu Yuandao.

"I know that I am willing to be a follower of the **** emperor, and when this era passes, the **** emperor will come into the path of eternity!"

Liu Mingzi was rescued twice by Chu Yuan. If he wanted to survive on the path of eternity, he had to hug the stronger thighs. When this epoch was over, this **** emperor would not know how strong he would become.

"The next epoch is still very long, and the battle for the era of the multiverse is not over yet."

Chu Yuan said, "Black Gold King Snake Beast, you and Liu Mingzi stay close to the multiverse."

After he arranged it, he broke the barriers of time and space, returned to the primitive god, and then to the multiverse.

"The road to the beginning, an era, is so long, but for eternity itself is just a cycle."

As soon as Chu Yuan came back, he felt a tense atmosphere of wind and rain.

On the eternal road, many strong men are fighting to survive to the next era.

The multiverse is also fighting for the luck of this era.

There is no peaceful place everywhere.


During his absence, there was no major war.

He put the Zerg brood somewhere in the empire, and the previous brood was also given to Lan Tun, which strengthened her power, cultivated more Zerg Sea army, and gave her a large number of eternal **** crystals.

"The energy to pass through the heaven is stronger!"

Chu Yuan looked at Du'ertian.

He is strengthening the empire, UU reading www.uukanshu. The God of Com Du'e is also there, and he is not alone, but has the Dragon Ancestor, the God of Yan God.

Observing the changes in his luck through the hell, Chu Yuan had a speculation that these three powerhouses might even get a great opportunity on the path of eternity, and they have achieved the sixth epic!

After all, they are all peerless powerhouses, and it is not surprising now that their luck is changing.

And within the empire.

Among his women, the blood rose also broke through for the gods of heaven, which was the last breakthrough.

And Zhang Jing had already left the customs and was promoted to the original fifth realm.

The five-color **** Shi Chuyuan gave Shangguanxian, not as good as Eternal Heart, but he also spent tens of millions of Eternal God Crystals auctioned, enough to lay the foundation for her to become a primitive god.

Luo Yueying, Yao Ling'er, and Blood Rose, although they didn't find something too suitable for them in the Eternal Path this time, they also brought some.

After all, things against the sky are not so good.

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