"Nine Nethers, this is the heart of eternity, refined into your divine body, can build you into the foundation of the epic."

Chu Yuan gave Jiuyou the heart of eternity and gave her a lot of eternal crystals, saving her time to condense the eternal matter. After all, her cultivation is also at the top of the empire.

At this moment.

"His Majesty."

The Book of Spirit Enlightenment told him something: "When you left, not long ago, Fengshen Great had already launched a war, attacking the Fengshen Heaven in the last few days, and the war that swept across the multiverse began."

"Not surprising."

When he came back, he already felt the aura of war, and said: "It should have started long ago. He can't wait too long. Now represents the most glorious moment of this era. First, destroy the world closest to him. Those who support themselves become God, gather more luck, and I will do the same instead."

Thirty-three days, representing thirty-three good luck.

"The gods have sent a large number of gods to support." The calligraphy of Qi Ling.

"The Second Divine Lord does not want Fengshentian's power to expand."

Chu Yuan knew very well that the easiest time for the second **** to become the origin was within the current century. Otherwise, after this era, it would be too difficult to achieve success.

What made him a little puzzled was that the founder of the God Realm was so powerful, why didn't he completely control this era.

There may be deeper secrets in this.

"The second divine lord wants to block it, I am afraid it is not so easy. His only hope is to achieve the origin before him. It seems that the second divine lord also wants to use the pressure brought by the Fengshen Great Emperor."

Chu Yuandong watched the fire, "Let them fight, the empire has plans for the empire."

He looked at the tomb of the Yin Ling, and suddenly said: "Sky, I will now dominate the tomb of the Yin Ling, and begin to gather strength to make it a realm of life and death, and at the moment of achievement, I will be able to move endlessly. The power of this will bring you back to life."

Finally, he is about to resurrect the Lord of the Sky.


The sky lord's destiny consciousness looked at Chu Yuan, he could feel the power of this emperor, completely different from the first time he met.

"I have absolute certainty to revive you."

Chu Yuan has absolute self-confidence, and he has seen too many mysteries during this eternal journey.

"It's finally resurrected."

The lord of the sky heard this, not the ecstasy like the fire ancestor, but a kind of peace.

"Yes." Chu Yuan said: "After you are resurrected, I will immediately find the Lord of the Earth, and he should be back."

Now, resurrecting the sky and retrieving the Lord of the Earth, both of them are the pinnacles of the fifth stage, but the combination of the power of the sky and the earth can exert a great power comparable to the sixth stage.

Then, with his strength, he could launch a complete war against Duertian and promote the empire for 33 days.

One more thing.

The realm of life and death is formed, and with this force, Chu Yuan's own realm will also directly reach the sixth realm.

"Everything listens to the instructions of the **** emperor." The master of the sky said.

"The cycle of life and death, the world of life and death."

Chu Yuan's power to mobilize the world, a large number of eternal **** crystals burned, were instilled into the tomb of the Yin Ling, the law of life and death was shaking, like the promotion of the world.

First accumulate enough strength, and then promote in one fell swoop.


The extremely bright light was densely intertwined, like the color of life, but then there was a strong black, as if it represented death, and there was a vibration between heaven and earth.

I saw it even in the day of Du'er.

"Shenwu, what are they doing?"

"This power? The cycle of life and death is somewhat similar to the tomb of the gods. Could it be that the gods will create a tomb of the gods?"

"By doing this, he is provoking the eternal law of the multiverse. Is his strength already so strong?"

During the day, all the powerful figures were watching, and their hearts were shocked.

During this period of time, they were very low-key. They had already contacted the God on the Eternal Road, knowing that they would not be back soon, and were expecting to destroy Shenwu in one fell swoop. This happened suddenly.

They wouldn't know that Chu Yuan went to the Eternal Road and returned.

They couldn't stop this kind of fluctuation, they could only watch it.

And as the tomb of Yinling is being promoted, the power of life and death is everywhere. Above the sky of Shenwu, the heaven and the earth are about to split, the infinite clouds gather, and the anger of heaven is deposited.

Chu Yuan had no expression on his face, he knew that doing so would encounter extremely terrifying calamity.

"Let the calamity come."

Chu Yuan would not have any fear.

"The world of life and death is about to endure the calamity of eternal rules."

The Lord of the Sky is in the Tomb of Yin Ling, and he can feel the horror of this rule.

After half a month of this fluctuation, he shouted, "God Emperor, something has happened!"

"Sky, what happened?" Chu Yuan said.

"I felt the fluctuation of the Lord of the Earth. His condition is very bad. Although I don't know what happened to him, it is very likely that Fengshentian is attacking him!"

The voice of the Lord of the Sky is extremely urgent.

"Lord of the Earth."

Chu Yuan instantly understood: "It seems that the Lord of the Earth has been found by Fengshentian. I understand that the Fengshen Great Emperor has to prepare with two hands. On the one hand, he works on the other 33 days and attracts the second god. The eyes of the strong, on the other hand, found the Lord of the Earth and sent the strong to deal with him."

The Conferred God Emperor has always been obsessed with the human world. If he can gain the power of the human emperor and make up for the imperfections of his Conferred God law, he can immediately become the Origin God.

And it's extremely powerful.

If he doesn't attack other worlds, he will be stared at by strong men such as the Second God Lord if he makes a move.

"Divine Emperor, the Lord of the Earth has taken away the most important divine object of Human Jietian that removed the Human Emperor Sword in the past. If something happens to him and is obtained by the Conferred God Emperor, he will most likely open Human Jietian in advance!"

The Lord of the Sky said anxiously: "The matter of resurrecting me can be put off ~ www.ltnovel.com~ I have fallen for so many years, and I don't care about this time."

"The tomb of the Yin Ling will continue to gather energy, and I will save the earth now."

Chu Yuan also knew that the existence of the Lord of the Earth was too important, and stopped resurrecting the Lord of the Sky.

"I didn’t dare to contact the Lord of the Earth before, I was afraid that he would find out, but now I don’t need to worry anymore. Now I ask the God Emperor to sacrifice more power for me. I will contact the Lord of the Earth and let him hold on. !"

The main way of the sky.

"Go, go to where the Lord of the Earth is, and contact him at the same time!"

The matter was urgent and could not be delayed for a moment. Fengshentian didn't know what powerhouse would be sent to deal with the Lord of the Earth.

Chu Yuanchan left the empire and went quickly according to the news given by the Lord of the Sky.

Although he left, the promotion and operation of the Tomb of Yin Ling did not stop, and it was still changing rapidly.

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