The hand of God, the emperor rules.

This is the power of control.

And this palm also showed Chu Yuan's boundless ambition.

As Chu Yuan's mana became more and more fierce, he stood there as a **** emperor, controlling all this.

The expression of the Conferred God God also changed drastically. Chu Yuan's peerless power has made him unable to calm down, and now he can still think about what realm he is.

Suddenly withstanding the blow from the heavens, he also backed away, only feeling that all his power was under control.

"How can I be afraid of you!"

The Conferred God God sent out a divine light that penetrates the heavens and the earth, the huge light blades condensed, and the roaring storm roared. At this time, he could not hide any more, it was the strongest eruption.

But Chu Yuan, the five fingers came out, it was no longer an ordinary palm, each finger was like a giant pillar of the sky, and under the condensing of the great chaos technique, it became a five-finger sacred mountain.

Bang bang bang!

The two continued to collide, and the mana was quickly consumed, but no one could do anything about it, and it became a deadlock.

If Chu Yuan reached the five realms, his mana skyrocketed again and could suppress him.

"Very powerful ah!"

As the Conferred God spoke, his whole body was burning, turning into infinite flames. The matter of the eternal epic was too brilliant and submerged towards Chu Yuan.

"He's crazy!"

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Earth said in shock: "The Conferred God God wants to burn himself, sublimate as much as possible, and make his power burst to the strongest. Even if he pays the price of his life, he will kill the Great!"

Yes, the Conferred God is indeed burning his own life.

He didn't hesitate at all, he could see that Chu Yuan's mysterious and unknown potential had become a great enemy now, and it also originated from the horror of the human emperor's power, and did not want the story to repeat itself.

If he could use his own sacrifice to kill this great danger and win the Emperor of Human Sword for Fengshen Great Emperor, everything is worth it.

Without the Conferred God Emperor, he would have died long ago, but he could sacrifice his life for the Conferred God Emperor.

"God wants to kill Shenwu with his own life!"

It is not that God is not his opponent, but that it is too difficult to kill him, and the greatest price must be paid.

The eternal flame was flooded, and it had reached Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan was expressionless, and of course he knew the intention of the other party. Around him, it was swallowed in a vacuum, forming an absolutely taboo area. Any flame that hits him will be swallowed mercilessly.

The eternal god's light shines, soaring into the sky, and raining in the sky.

Burning his own life matter for him, how could Chu Yuan not accompany him and not give him face.

"come on!"

It was just a collision of power before, but this time it was eternal burning. The Conferred God stepped forward, and every blow of the Conferred God's light could extinguish the endless time, and all the rules would be shattered before him.

Chu Yuan's expression was too cold.

His all kinds of magical powers and all kinds of secrets are also being used, and he fights with the invincible emperor's heart, and the emperor suppresses the eternal age.

This kind of crazy bombardment by the two is absolutely shocking. It is the peak showdown in the multiverse. The tide is rolling and the fluctuation of power is constantly dying.

"Let you see the true Conferred God power!"

The God of Conferred God knew that he could never fight hard with this emperor. Although the realm of this emperor was not as good as that, his combat power was too strong. To win, he must use the strongest means.

The divine light is vertical and horizontal, and the divine rainbow pierces the body. the void, he got in touch with Fengshentian, opened the channel of Fengshen, and suddenly an infinite light enveloped him, a will to control and surpass the gods.


Two golden characters!

It is as if there has been a list of enshrined gods with countless dense flashes of text. Those who can be named on the list are the real gods, and those who are not on the list are aliens and will be deprived of all their power.

Only those who believe in Fengshen Great can have the power to build the list of Fengshen.

Otherwise, no.

This is the domineering ambition of the Fengshen Great Emperor, and it is also the place where they fear to be the second **** master.

"Heaven and Earth Conferred God!"

The list of deities suddenly turned into a golden torrent, and it reached Chu Yuan in an instant, and then quickly revolved around him. The golden fonts, like runes, quickly wiped out his power and turned into raging flames.

How fierce it is to burn his own blow with the Conferred God, and then bless it on the Conferred God power.

Although he achieved the sixth stage not long ago, he had the blessing of Fengshentian behind him.

"Shenwu, if I can burn with your jade, I don't hesitate!"

The Conferred God spoke extremely cold words.

"Divine Emperor, don't fight with him!" The Lord of the Earth was anxious.

"How can the power of the Conferred God help us?"

Chu Yuan was sacred and inviolable, and his face remained unchanged.

In the torrent of the Conferred Gods, he exploded with greater majesty, and his power was rolling. The power like mountains and seas urged the eternal emperor supreme, like casting an eternal golden body, indelible.

His imperial heart is invincible!

At this moment, he issued a force that made him admire, because he would never believe in Fengshen Great Emperor, and all this torrent of power was obliterating and depriving him.

"Is this indelible?"

The voice of the Conferred God God also gradually became ferocious. With the terrifying blessing of his sixth-level mana, he did not believe that he could not destroy this emperor.


Chu Yuan’s image at this moment is too radiant, like Boundless Sea. His power to shake the multiverse will never stand and be beaten. The emperor’s realm has expanded is the torrent of the iron horse and the gods. Worshiping his vision is his invincible style.

With incomparable power and power, the Human Emperor Sword illuminates the light behind him, slashing it against the Fengshen River with one blow.

This torrent should have been indestructible, but Chu Yuan's hit actually stopped the burning and spinning.

The face of the Conferred God God changed suddenly, retracted the torrent, and surrounded him. Unexpectedly, the strength of this person had been so strong, so that he could not help him.

Chu Yuan stepped out strongly and broke out completely.

The power of his time and space was shocked, the void and time around him were frozen and solidified, stopped running, and pressed his big hand to start his counterattack.

The Conferred God is not easy to provoke, with his hands facing the sky, he just took the blow.

"The way of eternity, epoch cycle, constant birth and death, epoch eternal!"

Chu Yuan's eyes shot out infinite divine light, and the emperor's breath was evolving into an eternal era. Although it was only a rudimentary form, the gathering of all kinds of power actually showed the scene of the cycle of era.

"Shenwu, count you as great this time, let you win this time!"

The Conferred God God once again fought against this era-destroying power, the power in his body shook wildly, his face changed.

He stepped back a few steps, and did not continue to fight with Chu Yuan, but the person with him was immediately here.

He has already seen that even if he burns his own life, it is impossible to kill this emperor. This emperor's strength is outrageous, not because he doesn't want to fight anymore, but because there is really no way to kill him.

He is not afraid of death, but he can do nothing at all.

How can he fight against such an opponent?

In fact, he was also very unhappy in his heart. Why did an unreasonable power such as Shenwu appear in this era, and also controlled the power of the Emperor!

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