The First World War ended.

The Conferred God God fought hard, but Chu Yuan had no choice but to leave, and told the Conferred God Emperor to make plans.


The Lord of the Earth breathed a sigh of relief. He was fortunate not that he survived, but that the power of humanity was once again under the control of Chu Yuan, and he immediately came to Chu Yuan: "The earth worships the emperor!"

He also clearly understands.

Although Chu Yuan has obtained the power of humanity under his control, he is really not the emperor, no emperor has the kindness of the world, but has a more domineering will, and I alone dominate.

But having the power of humanity is his allegiance.

The extremely ancient emperor is in the past, and a new emperor is bound to appear.

And Shenwu Shendi, their new emperor, wants to follow him to create a greater era.

"See Shenwu God Emperor!"

The mighty voice also came from the mouths of all the powerhouses in the earth realm, respecting Chu Yuan extremely, facing the peerless divine might of the Conferred God, and controlling the supreme power of the human emperor sword.

Chu Yuan looked at them and nodded to them.

"Divine Emperor, please enter the earth realm."

The Lord of the Earth asked Chu Yuan to enter the Earth Realm.

As soon as he entered the earth realm, he brought the brilliance of the heavenly emperor to illuminate the creatures living in this realm. Everyone felt his brilliance, and everyone was shouting divine martial arts.

Infinite beliefs are coming together.

The emperor has passed away too long, they need a new emperor!

The Lord of the Sky's destiny consciousness revived in the statue, saying: "Earth, my friend, from now on you no longer need to hide in the realm of the earth. You will fight for diversity with His Majesty, and recreate glory!"

"Yeah, I can reproduce the heavens again."

The Lord of the Earth sighed that he had hidden for so many years.

His power is very strong, it's just that after the emperor turns into a Tao, he hides here, his cultivation is difficult to diligently, otherwise he may become the sixth stage.

"Sky, I'm not used to talking to you like this." The Lord of the Earth said: "I tried to revive you countless times, but I couldn't do it."

"The earth has been recovered, and the sky will be resurrected just around the corner."

Chu Yuan said in a positive tone.

"Yes, with the **** emperor, the sky will soon be resurrected!"

The Lord of the Earth is very excited. He and the sky are true friends of life and death. They can give their lives for each other for countless thousands of years. After such a long time, he wants to see the sky resurrected.

"The **** emperor is creating the realm of life and death, the two realms of life and death, yin and yang, when this realm is 10%, I will be able to resurrect!" the sky master said.

"The two realms of yin and yang control reincarnation, the world becomes small and plural, and self-circulates. The founder of the gods also created the tomb of the gods!"

Although the Lord of the Earth has not seen the realm of life and death, he can also understand the greatness of this realm, enough to bring the Lord of the Sky back to life, and suddenly said firmly: "What does the God Emperor need me to do? The earth will go through water and fire without any hesitation."

"I'm waiting too!"

The last primordial **** of Human Realm also made a firm voice.

"The world of life and death is gathering strength, and it will be great. The resurrection of the Lord of the Sky is inevitable."

When Chu Yuan looked at these last strong men, he also nodded. Retrieving the earth would certainly reveal the secret of his possession of the Human Emperor Sword, but this is also inevitable.

When you grow up to be a giant, it is no longer possible to hide yourself low-key, because nothing can stop you.

"Also ask the **** emperor to sacrifice the human emperor sword!"

The Lord of the Earth!

"The **** of the human world!"

Chu Yuandao.

With the wave of his hand, the human emperor sword burst out of humanity, bright and warm and peaceful.

Although the help this divine sword brought to him now was not so great, it helped him too much during his weak period.

"Exactly, the fate of the earth is nothing. Fengshentian wants to get what I have in my hands to open up the human world!"

The Lord of the Earth respectfully invited a divine object out.

The infinite bright light, the gentle breath, like the sunshine of warm winter.

This turned out to be a huge altar, all made of eternal sacred stone, exuding the true meaning of humanity.

"This is the divine object second only to the human emperor sword created by the emperor."

Chu Yuandao, he could feel the great power of the altar. When the human world was the most glorious back then, the creatures of the heavens were chanting the name of the human emperor, and the infinite luck would be gathered on it.

"This is a humanitarian altar!"

The Lord of the Earth proudly said: "Back then, the Emperor of Humanity gathered infinite luck. It was the condensed sword of Human Emperor on this altar. He could gather luck, condense the immortal power, and even descend on the infinite power and bring a mortal directly Ascended to a primitive god, the power of humans is mysterious and extraordinary, with infinite potential, and the emperor is powerful because of this!"

Human power is indeed very great.

"Humanity altar, human emperor holy sword."

The consciousness of the Lord of the Sky also fluctuated.

This altar is not used to sacrifice to the sky, but to sacrifice to people.

"With a humane altar, it is like having a human emperor sword, which can open up the human world."

Chu Yuan let the emperor sword float on the altar.

In an instant, the brilliant masterpiece, the Lord of the Earth did not dare to urge the power of the altar at all, for fear of being accidentally discovered.

But at this moment, because of the appearance of Chu Yuan, a force of strength was surging and gathered on it continuously, bursting out with boundless majesty like a mountain like a sea.

"Hu Luo Pingyang was deceived by a dog. How great was the Human Sovereign back then. The strongest existed. The founder of the God Realm couldn't kill the Human Sovereign at all. It was the Human Sovereign who gave up his life on his own initiative. He is a common man, for the sake of the era!"

The Lord of the Earth said: "If the human emperor does not deconstruct the Tao, no one can kill him, but the human emperor knows that if he continues to fight, this era will end prematurely because of their war, and enter the reincarnation of the next era. Primitive gods can live, he cares about the common people, and he doesn't want to do this, so he has transformed into the Tao."

In the ancient war, the cause of the Emperor's defeat was solved.

The Emperor did not want sentient beings to die because of his selfish desires.

"But I am not the Emperor of Humans, I am the Emperor of Shenwu."

He knows that the human emperor's choice is very great. To die for the common people is worthy of the human emperor, and he will never make such a choice. Humanity is just a power he controls.


Chu Yuan's great ideas fell on the altar.

"The great will of the emperor!" The lord of the earth shook It is not enough to rely on the humanity altar. I want to build a greater eternal altar, hold the eternal power, and create a path to eternity. , If there is no eternity, all efforts will be useless, and everything will become empty. "

Chu Yuan stared at the altar.

Build an eternal altar and accomplish his eternity.

All kinds of power such as humans, gods, demons, etc. are also part of eternity. His thoughts are more domineering.

Once the world of life and death succeeds, launch a battle of heaven.

Chu Yuan will start to build the eternal altar, promote his Divine Martial Sword to the Eternal Divine Martial Sacred Sword, and incorporate all the powers he controls.

"Eternal power!"

At this time, in that will, the Lord of the Earth can better understand the greatness of Chu Yuan, not only the emperor of man, but also the eternal emperor!

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