The God of Hanhai was in a very bad mood. This person was like an immovable sacred mountain, no matter how they attacked, they were firmly blocked here.

He saw that the old God was about to take the last step and let out his angry roar.

Do not!

Back then, he was stepping on the weakest true sun, and he absolutely couldn't let the past happen again and happen to him.

"Hanhai God, things are urgent, you can only launch the strongest attack, let me take the lead, and blow away the obstacles of this emperor!"

Bei Mingfeng has not been indifferent before, and has learned the strength of this emperor.

"Okay, just do it!"

Hanhai God also knew that he had to launch the strongest blow. The conversation between him and Beimingfeng was only an instant when the deep blue waters condensed together.

A vast expanse made of sea water appeared!

The Lord Hanhai has turned himself into a magic weapon, this is the source of his strength!

Bei Mingfeng grabbed it by the palm of his hand and carried an immense amount of cold air. This Ocean Divine Sword was actually frozen in an instant, becoming a solid that is not flowing. A slight shock will have the power to destroy the world.

Hanhai God is a divine weapon, attacking by himself, and controlled by Beimingfeng, he can exert his power to the strongest!

It was also North Mingfeng who was assigned by the Fengshen Great Emperor, so he could trust this way.

The divine light of eternal matter, the heavens and the earth kept trembling, and both the Lord of the Sea and the North Mingfeng burned their power at the same time!

"They will use the strongest strength to break through the obstacles of the God Emperor, and then destroy the resurrection of the old God!"

After seeing the real sun sky, the powerhouse was horrified, this power is too powerful, and it has already confused the laws of heaven and earth.

Not bad.

One person turns into a soldier, and one person controls the army.

The combined strength of the two can't be stopped even by the True Sun God. At this most important moment, it is very likely that a trace of interference will cause all the players to lose.


It was the Lord Hanhai who made the crazy voice.

Bei Mingfeng was in charge of the Divine Weapon of the Sea and held it tightly. The infinite power erupted and Chu Yuan had already been locked. If he did not evade, he would have to face this terrifying power.

Chu Yuan would not burn, he also burned eternal matter, vast as the sea.

"Then deal with you together!"

The divine weapon broke down, and an unimaginable gap between the world and the earth, spreading to Chu Yuan's front.

"Great Devouring Technique!"

Chu Yuan turned himself into a black hole, causing the collapse of time and space, and a vacuum ripple resisted in front of him. The mighty power of the divine soldier exploded, madly impacting the black hole, making an immortal sound of heaven and earth cracking.

This black hole has been being propped up, and the inside is crazily collapsed.

"Big Devouring Technique, I still want to bear our strength completely and look for death!"

No matter how indifferent the North Mingfeng was, there was anger. He held the hand of the **** soldier and kept pressing it down, but he could see that the black hole appeared in the black hole. After all, he wanted to swallow all their power, and the eternal matter was too much. .

The strength of the two is strengthened again, and it is more dazzling, and the magical soldiers seem to be able to break the black hole at any time.

"He can't hold it anymore!" Hanhai God said excitedly.

"Not bad!"


It seemed that the black hole was about to break open and reached its limit, but suddenly a more powerful force broke out inside and stabilized.

"What's going on?" Hanhai God clearly felt the dramatic increase in the power of the black hole.

"No, he is swallowing our power in turn!" Bei Mingfeng shouted.

He clearly felt that their crazy attack fell into that black hole, dominated by a more domineering will, and was forcibly captured and refined into his own power.

The power that swallows them, the powerful own swallowing black hole.

With this method, even Beimingfeng felt the shock from the soul.

"How could this be!"

Hanhai God is going crazy, how can the opponent swallow their power, and they don't have an overwhelming advantage over Chu Yuan's strength itself.

This black hole is too strong, and standing there makes people desperate to break.

Unless his own realm reaches the sixth realm, and with the blessing of God's power, he can destroy this black hole that swallows all power.


And at this time, rumbling, it was the sound of the eternal shackles breaking free, the old God walked out of the void of heaven and earth, looked around, and breathed the real living air.


The true sun **** also breathed a sigh of relief.

His strength loss was so severe that he couldn't even perform half of his peak period, but when he saw Master came alive, he also showed a smile. These costs are all worthwhile.


Bei Mingfeng shook his head, let go of the gods, and let the gods of the sea return to their original form again, saying: "The gods of the seas, today’s things have failed, and it is impossible to stop them. Zhenyang is resurrected, and this time he is defeated by the gods. It’s time for us to leave."


Unexpectedly, the true sun **** will resurrect the old **** at this time, and the swallowing guardian power of Shenwu is so powerful.

"Do not!"

The Lord Hanhai could no longer calm down, the old God was resurrected, and the True Sun God, his status was precarious, and he could hardly accept such a failure.

But Bei Mingfeng didn't want to say more. If you lose, you lose, and the hysterical roar is useless, so he just left.

"Shenwu, I hate you!"

Hanhai God can only leave, and his heart is in chaos. What to do, the old God is resurrected, Zhenyangtian will definitely carry out the most terrifying attack on him and launch the final battle.

How can he stop.

"Hanhai, the status of God gained by taking advantage of the void is unstable."

True Sun God watched them leave.

At this time, he solemnly arrived in front of Chu Yuan and said: "If there is no **** emperor this time, the master will not be resurrected, and the **** emperor will help me really sunny, this kind of grace is too great."

He understood how the old God could be resurrected without Chu Yuan.

"I said before I will help you really sunny."

Chu Yuan had a long-term vision. This time he helped Zhenyangtian in this way. In other words, that day had been completely united with him and would cooperate with his actions.

"This time the resurrection of the True Sun God is also a great joy. After experiencing a life and death, the True Sun God will also have more opportunities to break through to the sixth level."

"Shenwu God Emperor."

The resurrected old God looked at Chu Yuan. Just now, the True Sun God had already told him about Chu Yuan: "Back then, I stood on the side of the emperor and fell due to the ancient war, but today, there are people Controlled the power of humanity, and I was resurrected because of the **** emperor. This is a cycle and cause and effect."

"I am not the emperor of humanity, and the power of humanity is just a kind of control that I control."

Chu Yuan said lightly: "The world has changed, and the peak of this era has come."

The true sun **** and the old **** looked at each other and said: "The **** emperor wants to fight for the fortune of the era, my true sun **** will definitely help, stand on the side of the **** emperor, and join the **** emperor's camp!"

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