True Sun God also has his great ambitions, but he is more sensible, knowing that the battle for the era is completely different this time, peak luck, how many strong people want to get it.

It will even lead to the unforeseen circumstances of the ambitious existence of this era in the Eternal Road.

He had a foreboding that the fight this time would be extremely fierce.

He also knew that his strength was not enough to compete for Shijiyuan's luck, otherwise he would be destroyed, but he was also sober, if he assisted others, he would also get great benefits from the power of dragon.

Just like Fengshen Great Emperor, many powerful people knew that they couldn't compete, so they chose to help.

One person can ascend to heaven.

It is impossible for Fengshen Great Emperor to take refuge, Hanhai God has taken refuge.

The camp of the second **** is also impossible, and behind them there is a huge world.

Then there is only Shenwu.

Of course he could see that Chu Yuan's realm did not reach epic, but he had the ability to fight epic. If he really broke through to the sixth realm, wouldn't he have to dominate the universe?

Such a character said that he would not be able to break the threshold of the six realms in the future, and no one believed it.

Chu Yuan nodded and signaled that the other party was expressing his position and would join him. He also understood that it was his own strength that shocked them, otherwise how could it be possible.

This is a good thing.

"The power of the **** emperor to control the humanity is inevitable, and the battle with the Fengshen Great Emperor is inevitable, and the **** emperor is creating a mysterious place that will suffer the eternal rules of the scourge. It is very likely that the opponent of the **** emperor will also come to destroy it."

The true sun **** said: "I will keep an eye on Han Haitian, staring at the six realms of Conferred God Heaven, and restrict them from being able to destroy the plan of the **** emperor."

"What I created is the realm of life and death, the cycle of life and death, and the law of life and death."

Chu Yuan said indifferently: "It is not only me who succeeded in the world of life and death, but the empire will also benefit tremendously. Of course, I know that the powers of the heavens are staring at me now, and the situation is complicated.

"The world of life and death is 10%, and the **** emperor can immediately start a battle for the sky!"

The God of True Sun sternly said: "After the **** emperor wins the sky, I will also launch a final battle against Han Haitian to make the **** emperor's camp stronger!"

Right now, Zhenyangtian's role is to defend Shenwu and cooperate with their actions.

This time Chu Yuan saved the old God, and the strong all day long were convinced and regarded him as the greatest benefactor.

"The situation in the empire is urgent. I will congratulate you on the resurrection of the old God, but now that the situation in the empire is urgent, I will not stay here for long."

Chu Yuandao.

"God emperor walk slowly!"

True Sun God sent Chu Yuan away from True Sun Heaven.

After seeing Chu Yuan's departure, the old **** said with emotion: "Disciple, this Shenwu Divine Emperor is really not easy. From him, I feel the style of a king over the world and dominating the era. With this kind of shocking combat power, in the middle of this epoch, the battle is more cruel. The scale of the ancient war is not comparable to this scale, and many unexpected things will happen."

"Yeah, I know where my limits are. I want to join this battle. The greatest benefit of greed can only end up in pieces. If this is the case, then help this **** emperor."

The True Sun God could even feel Chu Yuan's mysterious and vastness, saying: "Master, since you have returned, the position of God should return to you."

He is not attached to this position, and was ordered in danger during the chaos.

"Naughty, your current strength is stronger than that of the master, and the blue is better than the blue. I am no longer qualified to be the god. Without you, is there any true sun? Master will become a great elder in the future."

The old God is also happy to see that the true sun is stronger than him.

"Okay, after the Han Haitian is destroyed, Master is also expected to be in six realms!"

The True Sun God did not insist anymore.


The world of life and death goes back and forth.

Emperor Chu Yuan stood upright, watching the evolving countdown, and the most terrifying catastrophe would soon be ushered in, but his heart was quiet at this time.

He looked at the Zerg brood.

During this period of time, Lan had bred a sea of ​​insects crazily, and the number inside had reached an extremely terrifying level.

Jiuyou has gained the heart of eternity, and her epic body is shaping, she has no shortage of resources, and has broken through the three primitive realms.


Chu Yuan's gaze was too sharp, and he traveled across Du'er Day in an instant, and he noticed three terrifying auras, hovering like a giant beast, looking for a chance to kill with one blow.

"Have you returned?"

Chu Yuan knew that the opportunity they were waiting for was the moment when the world of life and death was about to succeed, and they would deal him the deadliest blow.

Otherwise, if you shoot now, it is likely to be dragged into the eternal rules.


In the beginning, the sacred tree came, and his body could not move, so he condensed an energy incarnation and arrived at Shenwu.

"Taiyi Tianzun, I have already contacted him. He has not fallen. He was suppressed by the abyss. In order to obtain a secret, the abyss cannot touch him temporarily. Therefore, Taiyi Tianzun will be safe during this time."

Chu Yuandao.

"Tianzun is safe, it's great!"

At the beginning, the **** tree was excited.

"Taiyi Tianzun, I can't save him now, I can only see his final destiny."

Chu Yuan didn't say much when he finished speaking.

Time passed by one minute and one second.

The countdown has reached the final moment, the entire Shenwu world is enveloped by a turbulent and violent storm of Scourge, and the howling cold wind has produced a torn and shattered domain.

However, the heaven and earth of Shenwu burst into bright light.

The world of life and death and the heaven of Shenwu were one. Chu Yuan knew that once they succeeded, all those who left their mark on the gods, their souls would reappear in the world of life and death.

This is like controlling the cycle of life and death and provoking eternal rules.

"The realm of life and death will begin to achieve its ultimate test. At that time, the sky will be resurrected!"

The Lord of the Earth stood upright, and all the powerful were gathered together with a clear heart. This time, not only the eternal rules will be hit, but even more terrifying is the robbery of the powerful from outside.

"If you don't live, you can't be destroyed by them!"

The Lord of the Earth clenched his fist.

"That's the Zerg Mother Emperor!"

At this time, the Lord of the Earth also saw the emergence of Lan ~ that tyrannical spiritual power, the soul was affected by Lan's spiritual power, and the power of the earth hurriedly stabilized.

"The **** emperor enslaved the Zerg mother emperor!"

As a strong man who has followed the human emperor, the Lord of the Earth knew that to make the mother emperor obedient, he must first enslave their souls.

And this also shows that His Majesty's soul attainments are extremely high.

A mother emperor is nothing in her own right, but her insect nest is the most frightening.

With such a powerful mother emperor, there will be many terrifying insects in her worm nest, converging into an endless sea of ​​insects.

Jiuyou also saw Lan.

"The time has come."

Chu Yuan's time countdown suddenly returned to zero.

Boom, the entire world, ushered in the most terrifying anger of the Scourge, tearing the sky and the earth, turning into a storm of absolute destruction!

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