For the glory of the empire, for the eternity of the empire, the martial arts warriors will fight bravely and use their blood to forge the glory of the empire.


Chu Yuan stood tall in the sky, and the ruthless emperor gave the order to go to war.

"Divine Emperor, how can your ancestor not come to help you if you win the sky this time."

At this time, the phoenix danced for nine days, and the graceful and noble divine light made the heaven and the earth brighten in an instant.

It was the ancestor of the Phoenix who came, but this time she did not bring the other powerhouses of Ten Thousand Demons Heaven, but she came alone.

"The ancestor of the Phoenix, you are here."

Chu Yuan was not surprised, she knew he would come a long time ago, and she would not watch Long Zu destroy Shenwu.

As for the fact that she did not bring other strong people, Chu Yuan also knew that the situation in the entire multiverse is now chaotic. If Ten Thousand Demon Heaven is not guarded by strong people, others will take advantage of it.

The gods, the heavens, the gods, the hells, and the demons.

The world opened up by the five most powerful ones is actually the weakest one is the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven.

It wasn't that Ten Thousand Demon Heavens themselves were weak, it was just that the Dragon Ancestor rebelled against the Demon Race and took away a large number of strong people. Only the Phoenix Ancestor was the sixth stage, supporting all this.

If Long Ancestor still works for Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, one can imagine how powerful they will be.

"Phoenix, you are here too."

Long Ancestor was not surprised. Looking at the Phoenix Ancestor, knowing that she would come, the huge dragon body was slightly shaken, and a pair of long eyes stared at her.

"Long Ancestor, break away from my Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, and want to step out of your own power system. Why are you still mingling with Du'er and Yanshen today and attacking Shenwu in one day. Where is your pride and dignity?"

The ancestor of the Phoenix Road.

"Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial."

Long Ancestor didn't care and said: "The winner will decide everything. All epics are written by the winner, and the loser can only be trampled ruthlessly. Phoenix, this ancestor wants you to join my dragon age. ,unfortunately."

"I can't bear your invitation." Phoenix ancestor said.

"You can balance the situation when you come. I am too familiar with your power, let alone my deity, even my second dragon body will not be my opponent."

Ancestor Long shook, and a chaotic divine dragon separated, staring fiercely at the ancestor of the phoenix, crackling, on this divine dragon, there were countless violent thunder and lightning, which cracked the sky.

"Then let's try."

The ancestor of the phoenix will not let the dragon ancestor succeed.


Chu Yuan gave the order to attack.

Rumble! A giant cannon began to pour out terrifying thunder, and a primitive giant cannon spewed out anger to its fullest. For this heavenly battle, Chu Yuan had already prepared.

Shenwu took the lead in launching an attack, and the energy poured out from this huge cannon was extremely terrifying.

However, in the three days the strong also propped up the energy mask at the same time, and at the same time a wave of energy counterattacked.

It is also impossible to completely suppress the opponent if you want to rely on the cannon and battleship, but it can suppress the opponent and gain a certain advantage.

This battle was not only a decisive battle between Chu Yuan and the three powerhouses, but also the collision of the army under his command, which disintegrated the opponent's luck and destroyed the power of heaven and earth blessed on them.

"Shenwu's war equipment!"

The ancestor of the Phoenix was also alarmed when he saw this monstrous energy artillery fire. This empire was a huge war machine, and everything existed for war.

"The empire is eternal!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Stop the sky!"

When the artillery fire poured out, the army of Shenwu also killed under the cover of the giant artillery. This war is destined to be stained with blood, and countless soldiers will fall in close combat.

But there is no way to avoid all this.

"Shenwu's army has come and attacked with them!"

The Dragon God is led by the lord of the true dragons, and the dragon gods flew up, and the dragons roared. The countless army containing the blood of the dragon was like a sea of ​​smoke and killed.

In fact, there are not many real dragons in Long Shentian, but there are too many dragons that contain dragon blood, such as the dragons, dragon turtles, dragon lizards, flood dragons, and so on.

Those with dragon blood can be regarded as their cannon fodder, but knowing that they are cannon fodder, they will not regress.

Because they regard the dragon as the ancestor dragon.

The bloodline is controlled by Long Zu.

"Fight! Let me also kill the strong people in Yan Shentian, let them see how powerful you are!"

Yan Shentian had also participated in the War of the Ancients. Although Shenwu performed extremely well, they were also not afraid. After all, the War of the Ancients was even more fierce.


Duertian also broke out.

In terms of the number of strong men, crossing the sky is the least, but they are also the craziest. The sky that Shenwu wants to seize is their sky, and they fight to protect the sky and the earth.

On Time and Space Island, the armies of both sides have already collided and killed together.

As soon as the collision happened, it was extremely tragic. In just an instant, many strong men on both sides were blown up, countless limbs flew around, and the power of various origins burned.

"Your Majesty is behind him, watching our battle. We can't let your Majesty down!"

The God of War roared again and again. He swung the spear of lightning, and strode into the enemy's battlefield. A powerful man was pierced by lightning and crossed the battlefield.

People like him are naturally the most suitable for the battlefield.

The sword spirit was infinitely boundless, and he focused on his old opponent, the lord of the true dragon, and the two madly fighting each other out of real fire, burning eternal matter.

This is a battle against the background.

"This is the **** of protection of the sky."

Zhang Jing got the inheritance of Tianzun, and his light and dark power was operating. At this time, several heaven-protecting gods came out and besieged him heavily.

He snorted coldly: "Sure enough, his power is hidden, but how can the deity be afraid of you!"

The war unfolded completely, crazy and tragic.

Chu Yuan watched the battle.

Under the leadership of the strong, the army of Shenwu is stable and not chaotic, showing super quality. The advance of one legion, the weapon in the hand kills the strong, and the strong along the way.

This is how the Empire fought.

"It's not yet time for us to shoot."

The Lord of the Sky.

He and the Lord of the Earth stood on both sides of Chu Yuan, guarding the hero of the empire, knowing that they wanted to block a sixth realm. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

The ancestor of the Phoenix will also block a sixth stage.

What they need to do is to create opportunities for His Majesty, so that he can kill the opposing God with minimal interference.

Soldiers against soldiers, will against generals.

The powerhouses above the primitive gods of the empire have already fought against each other. Although they have joined forces for three days and there are not a few at the same level, they are not afraid of injury.

Chu Yuan had prepared eternal **** crystals and primitive **** healing potions for them, which could heal his injuries at any time.

In fact, the three-day powerhouse is also upset. There are too many Shenwu powerhouses, and there are not a few primitive gods. It takes three-day primitive gods to compete with each other.

"Hateful, the powers cultivated by Shenwu itself plus the former Heavenly Powers of Human Realm, our primitive gods do not have the advantage at all, and are even crushed by them."

The face of Yanshen God is very ugly.

"Calm down, just the beginning."

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