The war continues, and the short-term contact has already broken the flames.

The three-day powerhouse united, although the number was large, after all, it came from the three forces, and the cooperation between them could not be so perfect, and there would be many flaws.

Once caught, these mistakes are fatal.

But this time, the morale of the strong of the empire was infinite, and they were crazy for the sake of success and the faith in their hearts.


The Great Black Sky Demon King is cruel in nature, and he suddenly turned into a virtual reality. When he arrived in front of a group of weak and small soldiers in Yan Shentian, he became a huge black smoke demon face, opened his mouth and swallowed a group directly.


The Great Black Sky Demon laughed.

He didn't start very honestly, he didn't find the corresponding strong ones, he specifically looked for the weak ones. Everywhere he went, he directly enveloped them all at once, refining them all, causing panic.

"you wanna die!"

The three-day primitive **** was furious, and the Great Black Sky Demon didn't talk about the rules, but in wars of this level, what the rules are, is to do everything to achieve the final victory.

"Be careful with them, they still have hole cards to use in their dark hands."

Three days of strong communication, their task is to stabilize the situation.


Infinite divine light, within the emptiness of heaven and earth, a giant cannon as large as a planet suddenly appeared. This is the cannon of the Immortal Era, swallowing millions of eternal divine crystals.

The eternal divine light of the world turned into a torrent, immensely, and impacted the opponent's army.

The power of the Immortal Era Cannon was too intense, and the weaker Primordial God was frightened when he saw it, which was equivalent to a full blow from the sixth realm.


But those with a deep cultivation base can still react and retreat quickly, but those who are weak will be unlucky, and an area will be emptied and disappear completely.

"That kind of giant cannon!"

God Yanshen was also shocked: "The power of that shot burns the eternal **** crystal, which is comparable to the sixth stage in the shot. How can he have so many gods!"


The Cannon of the Immortal Era continues to burn the eternal **** crystal, spraying energy.

Immediately, a larger-scale attack began, under the cover of the Immortal Era Cannon.

"Do you have any treasures?"

God Du'er's face was indifferent, and he waved his hand and a huge umbrella appeared. The divine light was intertwined, with the artistic conception of Daluo, called Daluo Sky Umbrella, suddenly opened to resist the attack from the Immortal Era Gun.

Chu Yuan was not surprised.

When this umbrella was held up, another Immortal Era Cannon appeared.

After he completed the world of life and death, he exchanged his fate point for another one.

Chu Yuan wanted to see how much he could resist the two giant cannons.

With a thought in his mind, a horrible breath also emerged at this moment, and a huge object appeared, it was the Zerg brood, from which there was an endless sea of ​​worms flying out.


Seeing this insect shelter, the three-day powerhouse was not surprised, they had seen it before.


Long Zu stared at the insect shelter and said: "It's not the insect shelter that has appeared before. This insect shelter is bigger. There is the Zerg female emperor who is sitting and manipulating the insect sea army. I saw her!"

In Long Zu's eyes, Lan was in the insect enclosure.

But Chongbo was behind the battlefield at this time and could not be directly hit.

"Resist the sea of ​​insects!"

God Yanshen was also shocked. He knew the terrible worm sea. This endless worm sea feared death. Even if he was in the sixth stage, it would be extremely troublesome to fall into the worm sea.

Chonghai came too fast, and it rushed directly into the battlefield.


With an extremely screaming scream, Chonghai's combat method is very cruel, entering the battle group, covering all the opponent's strong, directly eating their flesh and blood.

The insects flew past, not to mention the whole body, not even the bones left.

"Don't let the Chonghai presumptuous!"

The three-day powerhouse blasted a torrent of insects, killing the insect sea, but the number of insect seas was too much, as if it could not be killed, as many as they were killed.


Chu Yuan let the mother emperor cultivate too many insect seas this time, and there is no need for the kind of elites that are difficult to cultivate, just an absolute number.

The battlefield situation is reversing.

Although it is impossible to use the sea of ​​worms to destroy the opponent, the power of the sea of ​​worms can mess up their battles and make them even bigger.

A Zerg brood, in fact, represents a huge world, and a world that exists entirely for war.


The sword **** sublimated as much as possible, let his power be the strongest, his whole person was brilliant, he didn't do any defense, he killed it directly, and smashed it with a sword of absolute destruction.


The Lord of True Dragons was also ruthless.

boom! Flesh and flesh flew around, and the claws of the true dragon lord directly tore through the body of the sword god, but the sword **** also slashed its dragon body, almost breaking into two pieces from the middle.

The eternal matter burned, recovered a little, and continued to fight together.

More tragedies are being staged. At this point, it is impossible to hide the slightest bit. The primitive gods on both sides are desperate and attack like crazy.

"Our loss is very big."

Yanshen God looked at the battle in a very bad mood. Every moment, the fall of the strong is consuming their heritage.

What made him feel even more uncomfortable was that this Shenwu had too many Shendan, and whenever he was seriously injured, he would take a lot of Shendan to recover.

There is also a potion, even if the Primordial God takes it, it can instantly recover from his injuries.

If you want to kill a strong man of Shenwu, you have to pay several times the price.

This is the reason why the Lord of the Sky and the Lord of the Earth did not participate in the war.

Because we must guard against a sixth state.

"Don't worry about these losses, as long as you can conquer the martial arts, the dead can slowly come back to life."

God Du'er is very ruthless, he can pay any price for this victory.

Chu Yuan thought the same way. He wouldn't care about the success of the world of life and death, some casualties, after the fall, the soul brand could appear in the world of life and death, resurrecting them.

Of course, the premise is to win.

However, it is better to fall as few as possible, after all, resurrection is not without cost.

To **** lives from the eternal rules is to act against the sky. After they survive, they are actually equivalent to the dead to the eternal rules, and breaking through the realm in the future will increase the calamity tenfold.

But with the world of life and death, UU reading has a chance to come back in life after all.

Chu Yuan was expressionless at this time, his thoughts communicated to the gods, and he saw the soul of a warrior appear in the world of life and death, and he got a different kind of life inside.

He had a feeling.

All life is born because of eternal rules, and after death it will return to eternal rules.

I didn't let them return to the eternal rules in this way, but I was actually manipulating a kind of life and death, and I became a kind of God.

"If you want eternity, there is only one way to control the eternal rules. Everything is in your own hands. The eternal road is a rule of eternal control."

His mind has a greater sentiment.

Chu Yuan looked at Du'er, God Yan, and Dragon Ancestor, the power he controlled swept out, and the world was empty, as if presenting the state of eternal road.

The black emperor robe fluttered, the color of blood, the color of war.

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