The war is shaking.

Fengzu and Chaos Dragon duel.

The Lord of the Sky, the Lord of the Earth and the God of Yan are facing each other.

Then there is the God of Du'er and the deity of Longzu who are going to confront Chu Yuan.

On this battlefield where the power of war is so powerful, there are so many powerhouses, and the scale is huge.

"Long Zu, I will work with you to deal with him!"

God said, behind him, there is an extremely huge wheel, it is the wheel of the wheel, after he has completed the sixth stage, this wheel has also become an epic artifact.

Long Zu did not refuse.

He knew that his strength alone could not solve the enemy in front of him, and he was even more surprised in his heart, how this person cultivated, how could his strength be so terrifying.

Boom! The two strong breaths are emitted at the same time, and the power is like a prison, like a mountain like a sea.

"Let's all go together."

Chu Yuan's will is invincible.

With an incomparable breath, at this moment, the rules of heaven and earth seemed to be controlled by Chu Yuan. He stood there, waves of power swept out, and it was too heavy for people to breathe.

Transcending the emperor, the murderous aura burns.

He was on one side, with vast fluctuations in mana and boundless clouds in his palm, deducting the power of doom, bursting out a gray beam, like a spell.

The dragon ancestor is not to be outdone. The huge dragon body dominates the battlefield. It comes from the ancient land and a huge breath of the dragon, creating the essence of the dragon and the strength of the dragon.

"No one can resist my win over the sky."

Chu Yuan was domineering, the invincible power swept over, rumbling...the heavens and the earth collapsed, and waves of mana from the two powers impacted on him, and they all cracked.

"Long Zu, although his combat power is fierce, his realm is his shortcoming. If we want to defeat him, we must grasp this weakness. Realm is our advantage!"

God's face is extremely solemn.

All the epic auras are countless kinds of calamities, and he can survive these countless calamities, and suddenly a black divine thunder blasts down with the power to deprive him of life.

Chu Yuan just raised his hand to shatter this robbery.

"Heaven and earth disaster!"

In an instant, the **** of crossing erupted this place into a sea of ​​calamity. He brought the misfortune and catastrophe of this world to everyone, but he could not be contaminated.

"I don't believe it, you can really guard against the sky!"

It is about the survival of heaven and earth, and the **** of crossing has no choice. He must fight this person to this end.

"I am the sky."

More offense came to his surroundings.

However, in the face of his strong offensive, Chu Yuan stepped into the sky, and his huge aura evolved into the sky. When his breath moved, the emperor's domineering anger formed a boundless purgatory.

Chu Yuan was domineering and brave, condensing time and space under his feet, came to the front of God Du'e at an incredible speed, and threw his fists.

God Du'er immediately put his hands in front of him, but after receiving this tremendous force, he also retreated again and again.

Chu Yuan moved like thunder, and attacked like a violent storm. Without giving the enemy a chance, he locked onto the God of Transcendence, and instantly the power of darkness and light, the two portals revolved frantically.

There was darkness before God's eyes, and he was occupied by light, constantly changing, and it was difficult to see the battlefield, but he was very calm.


Suddenly he felt a powerful threat, and the epic power was at its limit. To this kind of opponent, he dared not be a little careless, and immediately slammed forward, and the black power gathered.

boom! With the earth-shaking sound, Chu Yuan shattered the black power with a palm.

It is not a good kind not to transition to Evil God. It is not accidental that he can become God. The eternal matter burns, he urges a secret method, and he is like a comet, slamming into Chu Yuan.


But in the face of this kind of impact, Chu Yuan was God, pointing to God Du'e, pointing where to bombard.

"Shenwu, did you forget your ancestor?"

When Long Zu's claws fell, he firmly grasped Chu Yuan.

This is very unfair. Two powerful Sixth Stages attacking Shenwu and one person, especially Shenwu is not the Sixth Stage, but the war is not fair.

The roots of the six-fingered dragon's claws were shining with cold light, and his body was about to be broken when he grabbed it.

But Chu Yuan didn't care at all. He dominated Nine Heavens, turned into God with a palm, attacked God Du'er, punched out, and immediately collided with Dragon Claw.

He broke through to the fifth stage, and he possessed the peerless power to kill the sixth stage.

"Sweep the mountains and rivers."

Chu Yuan's power once again increased, the huge power swept the spot, the endless storm enveloped the dragon ancestor, and the palm of the hand retreated to the Evil God, and the unparalleled force directly blasted the dragon ancestor.


Long Zu did not evade, and directly confronted Chu Yuan.

His body is very powerful, definitely not weaker than any epic defense artifact.

The strong force shattered time and space, Chu Yuan was actually very small compared to the original dragon ancestor, but his world-famous aura was not weaker than that of the other party. With a bang, the big handprint was slammed down.

The trembling sound of the universe.

Long Zu's dragon body was shocked, and his eyes stared at Chu Yuan more firmly.

God Du'er had gloomy eyes, and he would never let go of any chance. Seeing Chu Yuan and Longzu fighting, he grabbed it with his big hands, flashing a strange power.

This kind of power, in simple terms, does not have a particularly huge power, but there is a strange power that can bless disaster and bad luck on you.

Chu Yuan's divine body was shocked, not afraid of this special power.

He is immortal, and he cannot do anything to him. UU reading

Chu Yuan blessed him with boundless power. This battle must be successful, strode over, and the great momentum set him off as an invincible giant.

He made the immortal emperor's handprints and fought for nine days!

"I come!"

The God of Du'e yelled wildly, and he also made a giant dark gray palm print called the Great Mudra of the Sky Witch. He had learned the power that was passed down in the ancient epoch.


Suddenly, Long Zu opened his mouth and vomited, and a giant axe measuring ten feet in size flew out. It was still stained with blood, fighting frantically, with great power, and he wanted to cut through all the obstacles.

Axe of the Pan God!

This is a giant axe built by a strongman Panshen the Great. Long Ancestor obtained one of the fragments. At this time, he exerts all his power, which is really powerful.

This fragmented giant axe slashed, and there was a strong force.

Panshen opened up the world, his power itself carries a kind of creation and destruction, and Long Zu must delve into this creation and destruction.

He knew that although many dragon races had been transformed with his own dragon blood, they were transformed on the existing basis, and they were not really creating true spirits.

If he reaches the seventh level, the power of the origin of the dragon, a drop of blood can evolve countless real dragons, and a dragon's breath can give birth to a dragon with life.

At that time, he can be called Zulong.

Such a character is indeed the pinnacle of this era that is qualified to compete for hegemony, and can even reach the height of the founder of the gods, the emperor of humanity.

But Long Zu is Chu Yuan's enemy.

"Emperor Panshen's great axe."

Chu Yuan's eyes were cold, dozens of Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords lined up, began to fly out, and slam past.

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