The collision between the Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword and the Pan-God Great Axe was not complete, but they were both refined by the two strongest people in the past, and suddenly erupted with universal majesty.

The shocking scene, the terrifying power, is like the two strongest beings resurrected, crossing time and space, and fighting again in another form.

But everyone felt the difference. Chu Yuan's control of the Heavenly Jade Sword was not under the influence of Emperor Zhutian. With his own will, he completely controlled the sword and turned it into his own power.

"The empire is eternal, a battle for heaven!"

At this time, Chu Yuan burst out infinite empire glory, just like blessing the brilliance of boosting morale, blessing on the imperial warriors, making them even more powerful.


At this time, Long Zu once again broke out his powerful combat power, which directly turned into a divine light. The dragon's body snaked and traversed the heavens and the earth, bringing strong oppression. He wanted to do the most positive with Chu Yuan. collision.

"Shenwu, no matter how strong you are, the ancestor will also kill you!"

The dragon ancestor also burst into anger, and the long dragon curse sang out, condensed to the end, meaning the era of the dragon, the law of dominance, and the only dragon that I dominate.

The power of his dominance blasted down. At this moment, he was performing the brilliance of an era, extremely brilliant, and even wanted to transform Chu Yuan into a dragon.


Chu Yuan stood still in this brilliance.

He also has great will.

He did not fear the power of the dragon ancestor, and killed him. His left eye turned into light, representing strong yang, and his right eye turned into darkness, representing dimness, and he was like the biggest devourer, swallowing the breath of the dragon ancestor in waves.

Pushing with his hands is a force of heaven and earth.

"Great Devouring Technique, Great Yin Yang Technique, Great Light Technique, Great Dark Technique, Great Universe Technique!"

Seeing the perfect integration of Chu Yuan's many Taoisms, Long Ancestor could not be calm either. Ordinary people could perceive one kind of way to be powerful in the universe, and he actually controlled so much.

He gradually understood the source of Chu Yuan's power.

"Dragon Age!"

Long Zu is also killing.

On the other side, the runes of God Du'e flickered, very old, like a kind of witchcraft, and suddenly a palm of the hand appeared, and a fierce bombardment appeared on Chu Yuan's head.

The ancestor Dragon fought in close combat to block his fierce might.

And the Lord of Transcendence is remote, performing various secret methods.

Chu Yuan looked at each other indifferently, and he also patted it with one hand, shaking violently, with a dazzling light, and aurora shining in all directions.

Pulling his palm, it seemed as if a nine-day waterfall fell, surging and dazzling, washing down on Long Zu's body, hitting his dragon scales with sparks, and the dragon energy was disintegrating.

Long Zu standing within this waterfall is stronger than him, and he will burn eternal material resistance.

His heart is getting gloomy, this person is too strong.

"Negative power, deprivation, weakness, decay, curse."

At this moment, a black scepter was suddenly in the hand of God Du'er, and the aura exuding was weird, not a divine tool, but more like an eternal divine object, specially refined.

Suddenly a power called negative aura was blessed on Chu Yuan.

This kind of negative aura is very weird, it seems like a kind of witchcraft, and strong people in the same realm will be affected, and their strength will drop.

Chu Yuan was shining, terrifying, his power was shocked, and even the negative aura was broken, and he was invincible.

"Kill kill kill!"

The battle on Time and Space Island has become more intense.

Seeing that the **** emperor alone fought against Longzu and the God of Du'e, and did not lose the wind, those soldiers were even more brave, pushing the front forward and bursting out a more fearless attack.

Zhang Jing used the divine power of light and darkness, and although he was injured, he had already exploded a **** of heaven protection.

The sea of ​​insects attacked and swallowed groups of opposing soldiers directly as food.

The army of Shenwu, forming an army, like the Great Wall of Steel, continues to advance, advance!

"How can you two stop me!"

Chu Yuan strode forward, it was impossible for him to waste too much time with the opponent. After his cultivation reached the fifth stage, he was not afraid of any sixth stage, unless it was the seventh stage to have the strength to suppress him.

"The gate of Shenwu, the power of the empire!"

Chu Yuan's strength was condensed, and on the side of the empire, a power of the sky suddenly penetrated through the distant time and space directly, smashing through the god.

God's face changed drastically.

He resisted with a black scepter, but this force was too ferocious, it was the power of an entire empire, and it was filled with Chu Yuan's invincible will.

His body was exploded, and he went backwards fiercely, ejecting a mouthful of blood.

"What I won is your heaven!"

Chu Yuan's overbearing voice rang thunderously in the ears of God Du'e, and as soon as he reacted, a towering emperor's body running through time and space, passed through Long Ancestor, and came to him.

"Shenwu, how can I be afraid of you today!"

The body of God Du'e is straight, like an indestructible ancient mountain, on him is a powerful rune of eternal matter.

"The Emperor's Hand!"

Chu Yuan's more arrogant power!

The hand of the emperor had his spirit and spirit, and it suddenly struck down, and the rune of the **** du'e collapsed every inch, and the entire body of the **** had withstood an extremely huge force, with cracked blood.

The Emperor Chu Yuan came to the world and hit the Lord Du'e harder.


Long Zu rushed over, and the dragon's body rolled, the raging sea was tumbling, the sky was shaking, and the thunderstorm was nine days.

The origin of heaven and earth, Hongmeng universe!

Chu Yuan faced Long Ancestor, at this moment, there was a domineering dominance in control of everything, booming, he swept waves of power, the heaven and the earth have the divine light of origin, and the universe like a grandiose appeared.

An imperial weapon, UU reading, the sword of martial arts!

Chu Yuan held the sword of Shenwu, which was unimaginable mighty. This sword truly contained the will of Shenwu. Although the Human Emperor Sword was good, it was refined by the Human Emperor after all, and could not represent Shenwu.

His sword turned into the divine light of the ultimate path, unimaginably sharp, and slashed heavily on the dragon's body.


The Shenwu Sword was too sharp, and the dragon ancestor's dragon scales were cut apart, deeply cut into the bones, if it weren't for him to burn the eternal matter in time, he would have to be cut in half.

"This Shenwu God Emperor is too powerful."

When the ancestor of the Phoenix saw it, his heart was deeply shocked. Chu Yuan's strength was beyond her imagination. Although she was a rising star, the opponent's strength had already surpassed her.

She was shocked suddenly, but the opponent's realm has not yet reached epic.

Once he reaches the epic, will it be that the Origin God is not an opponent, and the Fengshen Great Emperor will also lose in his hands?

"Long Zu, if you choose to deal with Shenwu first this time, it will be your worst choice in your life."

The ancestor of the phoenix attacked the opponent mercilessly.

The face of the Chaos Dragon Dragon was gloomy and he didn't say a word. He also understood that the strength of this emperor had suppressed them even after fighting to the present level.


On the other side, the God of Du'er rushed out again and shouted angrily: "This Lord has been practicing all the way to the present, and has experienced countless catastrophes without countless great opportunities. I don't believe that you can really control the situation today and make it a great success!"

"Eternal ways, I only take one, the way of eternal control."

Chu Yuan let out a high voice and attacked them again. His strength was concentrated, and the road he had walked turned into a world of nothingness, with the power of a palm that locked the four directions of time and space.

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